"I am not," she whispered furiously, leaning closer and fisting her hands at her sides.

He leaned forward too. "You certainly are. You've been kidnapped, shot, and now robbed since we've gotten here."

She waved her hand and scoffed. "Tis merely a flesh wound."

He grinned and arched a brow. "Monty Python? Nice. We'll have to watch it sometime. Wait, don't distract me. If you think I'm going to let you run all over Honolulu on your own, you've got another thing coming."

She flipped her long ponytail over her shoulder and stared straight ahead in the line. "You don't have to worry about me. I was alone in college for five years. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, the ones I'd worry about are all locked up."

He snorted and crossed his arms, staring straight ahead and standing shoulder to shoulder with her. "And I know how to take care of you too. So let me do my job and keep you safe. We'll have a nice, relaxing rest of our vacation with no more danger. Got it?"

Her voice was sarcastic and her nose wrinkled as she crossed her own arms and said, "Yes, master. Whatever you say, master."

Mason grinned despite himself. "That's more like it. Now how about a smoothie for my little bird?"

Somehow he knew she was rolling her eyes behind those sunglasses, and it just made him grin wider. She opened her mouth to reply, but the person in front of them finished and the vendor interrupted.

"Yes, miss. What can I get for you today?"

Lucy stepped away from him and perused the sign before placing her order. He added his order as she dug out her wallet. He put his hand over hers and pushed it down softly, sliding his card into the machine.

She frowned up at him, then grabbed her smoothie and stomped away.

The vendor nodded as he took his card back. "Feisty one, isn't she?"

Mason smirked and grabbed his own smoothie. "You have no idea. Have a nice day."

"You too. Thank you, sir."

Mason caught her in a few strides, and they strode down to the water. The beach was already getting crowded, and he knew this wasn't part of her plan for the day.

LUCY STOMPED TO THE water and sank criss cross on the sand, watching the waves and letting them wash over her. She'd called Taylor and Nana Helen this morning to reassure them she was alright. She'd been on the phone with Taylor when the FBI lady had called her.

Mason had slept like a log, not even rolling over as she'd gotten ready. A stab of trepidation had shot through her at the thought of going out into Wakiki. But she refused to live in fear. The past few days had been chaotic and once-in-a-lifetime things.

Admittedly though, the robbery had her a little shaken up too. She drank her smoothie and breathed deeply to calm her nerves.

Mason sank to the sand beside her, not saying a word. They sat there until the sun became too hot.

"We need sunscreen," she murmured as she drank the last dregs of her smoothie.

He nodded. "Yep, it's almost time for the Hilo excursion that we won. Do you want to reschedule? It's been a traumatic few days."

She frowned and shook her head. "No, I don't want to give them that power over me. I want to keep adventuring and experiencing everything life has to give. If I don't, they win."

He nodded and sighed. "I was afraid you'd say that. Did you get my email with the itinerary?"

She bit her lip and nodded. He wasn't going to be happy about her changes to it, but he'd picked boring things to do. But she didn't want to fight with him anymore. Not right now.

Her phone vibrated, and she saw a text from Taylor.

Girl, did you survive the morning?

Are you dead???

She texted back.

I just talked to you a few hours ago.