“I won’t go to jail.” He leaped over the railing, falling further than his brother but missing the water by a mile. Instead, hitting the lower decks and bouncing off to hit the water with a thud.
“We’ll get them out of the water,” said the security chief.
“I guess we have that taken care of, don’t we?” said Nine.
“Yeah, but the bastards won’t answer for everything they’ve done. I hardly think that’s fair.”
“I don’t think their death was fair to those that wanted answers and retribution,” said Ghost. “But it’ll save the taxpayers some money.” Ian nodded at his friends.
“Let’s go home. We can give Casey the good news.”
“So, I have nothing to worry about?” she asked the men seated around the dining room.
“No. Nothing, honey. It’s all taken care of. They won’t be bothering anyone again, and, chef, you have nothing to worry about either.”
“I can’t thank you all enough,” he said, shaking his head. “My restaurant is back on track, and we’ve got a full booking of guests.”
“It’s been a long night,” said Casey. “I think I’ll head home.” She turned to see Otto staring at her and smiled.
“I guess it’s your last night. Yours, Gabe’s, and Luc’s. Why don’t you guys walk me home for old times’ sake?” she grinned.
“Sounds good, honey.”
Gaspar grinned at the three men as they walked out with Casey, ensuring that she got home safely. Turning back to Islip, he seemed relieved and exhausted.
“Everything okay, chef?” asked Ghost.
“It’s all good. I think I’m just exhausted,” he said. “In fact, I think I’m going to take a few days off. Talbot and Marks are more than qualified to cover for me for a few days.” The two men looked at him, dumbstruck by the statement. He would have never considered allowing them to run the restaurant before all of this.
“Don’t look so shocked,” he laughed. “You’re good chefs. The best. I should have told you that sooner. We’ll get our Michelin star, maybe not this year, but we’ll get it. It just doesn’t seem as important to me any longer.”
“Thank you, chef,” smiled Talbot. He nodded at his friends. Turning to the other men, he smiled.
“So, which one of you is getting me that coconut cake recipe?”
“I’m so relieved this is all done,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s been a strange few weeks for me. I’m used to chaos in the kitchen, not chaos in my life.”
“Well, it’s done now. Casey, we’d like you to think about coming to work for us,” said Otto. “Matthew Robicheaux has said he would build you your own restaurant. You’d be safe, protected, and surrounded by all of us.”
Casey smiled at the three older men, feeling as though she were blessed with an entire entourage of uncles.
“I like being at La Fromage, but maybe it’s time for a change,” she smiled. “Can I think about it?”
“You can take all the time in the world,” said Gabe. “We’ll be checking on you.”
Casey nodded, smiling at the men, then looked up to see three men sitting on her steps. She stopped, swallowing.
“What’s wrong?” asked Luc.
“That’s my apartment steps, but I don’t know those men.”
“Stay behind us,” said Luc. The three men formed a wall in front of her, walking slowly toward the apartment. As they approached, the men on the steps stood. “Can I help you?”
“You live here?” asked one of the men.
“That’s right. What’s it to you?”