“Just do your best to keep the passengers away from them. Once they’re on board, I’m going to guess they head to the bar,” said Ghost.
“We could direct them to the pool bar. It’s out in the open and usually not open before we depart. The rest of the team can keep the other passengers away from them.”
“I like that idea. Ian? You head down and get behind the bar. Once we see them, we’ll join.” Ian nodded as a security guard walked quickly with him toward the pool area. The bartender was only stocking the space when he looked up at the two men.
“Is there a problem, sir?” he asked security.
“No problem. This gentleman will need to take over for you. Just come with me, and everything will be okay.” He nodded, walking away with the other man as Ian busied himself behind the bar.
“Ian, we’ve got ‘em, brother. They’re leading them this way, telling them the drinks are free for them.”
“Roger that.”
“Free drinks,” smirked Martin. “This trip is starting out great if you ask me. Maybe we’ll get some free pussy as well.”
“We’ll have plenty of that,” smiled his brother, walking with swagger and confidence.
“Here you are, gentlemen. Our other elite guests aren’t here yet. Pick a seat, enjoy the sunshine, and our bartender can get you a drink.”
The two men took a seat, kicking their feet up on the chaise lounges. Their hands were clasped behind their heads as Ian walked toward them, a towel draped over his arm.
“Gentlemen, may I get you something?” he asked.
“Oh, let’s see. Maybe something with rum,” smirked Martin. “How about a rum sizzle?”
“I’m afraid I can’t make that,” said Ian.
“Okay, then rum and coke,” said Alex.
“Sorry. Can’t make that either.”
“Then what the fuck are you doing working as a bartender?” sniped Martin. Ian smiled at the two men, pulling back the towel on his arm to reveal a very nasty-looking pistol.
“Oh, I’m not a bartender at all. In fact, even if I were, I wouldn’t serve the two of you drinks.”
“Wh-what is this? Is this how you treat your guests?” cried Martin.
“Guests? Well, I don’t know. Is this how you treated your sisters? Or is this how you treated the young woman from the restaurant? Or all those people on the bus? See, I’m handy with a gun. Very handy. But my friend behind you,” said Ian. Both men turned quickly to see the dark black stare of Trak. He held two very disturbing knives in his hands, twirling them.
“My friend behind you, he’s amazing with knives. I mean, this guy can carve anything, and I do mean anything. Right, Trak?” smirked Ian. He said nothing, continuing to stare at the two men.
“What do you want?”
“Well, it isn’t money. You guys don’t have any money,” said Ian. “You don’t have a company any longer, and you killed your sisters. Nasty bit of stuff there. No, I don’t want anything from you, but these boys are going to get something from you.”
The two men stood quickly, turning to see Gaspar, Nine, Ghost, Miller, and Dex walking toward them.
“Who are you?” yelled Alex.
“We’re friends of the farmers and ranchers. Friend to Chef Islip. Friend to all that you’ve screwed over. Time to go bye-bye, boys.”
Thinking he could outrun or outswim them, Alex took off toward the railing of the ship. Standing on the railing, he jumped.
“No!” yelled Martin, running after him. Obviously not a bright man, he’d jumped right on top of the railing to the decks four floors below, bouncing off and hitting the next one, then into the water. As he fell, you could hear the cracking of bones.
“Gonna join him, Martin?” asked Ghost.
He looked over the edge of the ship, then back at the two men. Behind them were several men in suits with badges hanging from their pockets. Shaking his head, he looked at Ghost and the others.