Page 14 of The Starry Knight

“Mary, please tell me this isn’t what I think it is,” he murmurs as he nods his head toward me.

“I’m not sure what you’re thinking, Sebastian, but I brought this young lady in for a job since you got her fired from her other one,” she remarks.

“Come with me, darling. We need to get some paperwork filled out.” She points toward her office.

“Mary, can I have a word with you?” Sebastian huffs out.

“You’ll have to wait, my dear. I need to get Stormy settled in as your assistant.” A wave of shock rolls across me, I hope I didn't hear her correctly. There is no way I can work for this bosshole.

“E-excuse me? I don’t think that’s the best idea. We don’t exactly get along, Mary. Didn’t you see us onSaturday?” I question. Grasping at any thread I can. There is no way this will work out but I’ve already spent so much money on new clothes and shoes. My mind starts to spiral, I start thinking of worst-case scenarios. A lovely side effect of all my past trauma.

“Of course it is my dear. Just go on in there and wait. I’ll be along in a moment.” I turn back to look at Sebastian, he looks just as shocked as me. I nod to Mary as I walk into her office. I remove my jacket and take a seat. Looking around her space makes me feel at home. She has children’s drawings hung up and her decorations resemble something my own mother would’ve had. The atmosphere puts me more at ease than I was a few moments ago. I take several deep breaths. I pull my phone out, I need to look up Sebastian, see what he does here and why he’s so important that he needs an assistant. Before I get the chance, Mary walks in and shuts her door. She still has that smile on her face, so I’m guessing Sebastian wasn’t mean to her.

“Now that I got that taken care of, we can get your paperwork done.” Mary sits in her chair and pulls out a manilla envelope placing it in front of me.

“Mary, thank you for helping me out Saturday and bringing me here for a job, but there is no way he and I can work together.” I go to stand but Mary stops me.

“Just listen, honey. I knew there was no way I could get you here if I you told who you’d be working for. That’s why I left that little part out. But what I do know is, you are perfect for this job. You won’t let Sebastian walk all over you. You can stand upfor yourself and with him, that’s going to be needed sometimes. He isn’t the monster you’re imagining. I told him how wrong he was to speak to you like that on Saturday, and believe it or not, I know he felt bad about it later. He has a hot head and sometimes things just fly out of his mouth without a filter. But he is a fair employer, and he’s a good man. He desperately needs an assistant. His is on maternity leave. Not to mention his brother, Miles, is on his honeymoon for the next few weeks, so that leaves Sebastian completely in charge,” she continues. My brain short circuits when she says that Sebastian is in charge. I recall a set of oil paintings in the lobby of Miles and Sebastian Knight. I thought there were some similarities there, but I wasn’t sure where I’d seen them before. Now here I am in the asshole’s own publishing empire, being asked to work for him. “I’m just asking you to give him a chance. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll find someone else,andI’ll write you a letter of recommendation. It’s a win-win situation, Stormy.”

I’ve dealt with men like him before. Even Blaine used to walk all over me from time to time. I hate thinking negative things about Blaine, especially since he died when we were still in an argument over whether I’d get to attend college while touring with the band.

“This is just a lot to take in, Mary. Thank you for putting so much faith in me. I think I can do this. I can deal with him. He’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” I reply with a smile.

“That’s the spirit I saw from you on Saturday. You’ll fit in perfectly here!” She exclaims, clapping herhands together. “Alright, fill out this paperwork and I’ll show you to your desk. It’s on the twentieth floor, but if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call or come pay me a visit.”

I smile up at this motherly woman of whom I’ve already grown fond of. Pulling the stack of papers from the envelope I get to work filling them out. Mary steps out for a moment to make some copies of my license and social security card. While she’s gone, I take a moment to text Lana.

Stormy:You aren’t going to believe who I’m working for.

It only takes her a second to respond.


Stormy:The guy from Saturday night. Apparently, he and his brother own this place. His name is Sebastian Knight.

Picasso:OMG! Shut up! Let me send you this news article about him! Call me whenever you get a break! I need to know everything!

Stormy:I’ll call soon.

Just then, the news article that she was talking about comes up. The article states he is the most eligible playboy bachelor in New York City. Of course he is. I let out a deep sigh and put my phone back in my purse. This may be harder than I already think it's going to be. When Mary returns, I’ve already completed the necessary paperwork.

“All done?” She beams.

“Yes ma’am. Here is everything you need.” I hand her the envelope with all of my information.

“Perfect, let’s go get your ID card to get you to the twentieth floor and I will show you where everything is.”

I stand, grabbing my bag and jacket, and follow Mary out of her office. For better or worse, I just signed my name on the dotted line to work for a maniac that yells at innocent women that spill pasta sauce on themselves and others. I just hope I’m as strong as Mary seems to think I am.

Chapter 9


What the actual fuck did I walk into today. Seeingherin the entranceway to my building had me doing a double take. She’s even more gorgeous and frustrating in the light of day than she was this past weekend. I came into the office with the mind set of talking to Mary to see if she had the woman’s contact information or something, so I could send flowers, never in a million years did I imagine her being hired at my company, and as my executive assistant no less. Once I realized why she was there, I pulled Mary aside.

“Mary, this isn’t going to work. You saw the way we were at the fundraiser.” The words I spewed at her come to mind, but I push them away to continue this conversation.

“What I saw was a strong woman that would stand her ground against you. She’s perfect for this position.” Mary smiles slyly. I try to come up with another reason why this woman shouldn’t be my assistant, but my mind goes blank. I contemplate her name, Stormy. It fits her personality perfectly. Storms can be beautiful disasters and I have a feeling that one’s coming. The perfect storm.