Page 13 of The Starry Knight

“You’re right. I’m glad you’re my roommate, Lana,” I lean in to give her a quick hug. “I’ll text you later and let you know how it’s going. Oh, don’t forget today is the day to schedule classes. My time frame is aroundlunch so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m sure I can use a computer at work. Hold this for a minute.” I hand her the mug to put my jacket on.

“My time frame is this morning. I’ll let you know what all I get into so maybe we can have some of the same classes,” she mentions as I button up the peacoat. She hands the mug back to me and smiles.

“I’ll see you later. I have to go, or I’ll be late. I don’t want to lose two jobs in the span of a few days,” I reply.

“Don’t worry about Saturday, it was that asshole’s fault, not yours,” she yells as I step out into the dank hallway. I nod in response. Even though I shouldn’t, I can’t help the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach at the thought of that tall, handsome asshole. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m ready to move on with my life.

I get down to the street and hail a taxi as it passes by. I slide in and give the driver the address. I settle into the seat and take my first sip of coffee, the warmth spreads through my body. The first sip is always the best. It’s almost like a Holy experience. As we weave in and out of the traffic of the crowded streets of New York, a wave of nerves hit me. I can’t believe I moved halfway across the country less than a week ago and now here I am about to start a fancy office job. Well, it might not be fancy. I could be a glorified coffee girl. Mary didn’t really tell me what I would be doing, she almost seemed to leave those details out on purpose. I try and push those negative thoughts away and concentrate on the positives. I got a new job. I am registering for classes today. My roommate is growing on me. I might even go as far as to say I like her. Things are looking up.

The cab driver pulls up to the sidewalk and parks. I look out the window at the huge building before me. I’m used to skyscrapers, somewhat, but driving by them and entering one is a big difference. The butterflies in my stomach had died down and now they are one big swirling dervish. After paying the driver, I open the door, the chill in the air seems to have gotten worse. Maybe it’s just the frigid climate around the ominous building. For a moment, I contemplate turning around and getting back into the cab, but he already took off. I subconsciously grab my necklace and make my way inside the building.

Once I get close enough, a doorman opens the door for me to enter. This place is definitely fancier than I thought. I should’ve done some research before I came. As I look around, people are milling about doing different tasks. I head to the receptionist hoping Mary has let them know I am coming. I’m hoping Mary let them know I was coming.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the smiling brunette behind the counter asks.

“Hi. I’m here to see Mary. She gave me this card. I’m Stormy Brooks.” I slide the card over to her.

“Of course. She’s waiting for you on the eighteenth floor. Just go up the elevator and tell the woman at the front desk there that you have an appointment with Mary. Here’s your card back. It was nice meeting you. I’m Olivia,” she informs me as I pocket the card.

“You as well. Thank you,” I reply, then turn on my heels and walk to the bank of elevators on the far sideof the wall. I’m thankful I am a pro at walking in heels since that’s all I bought to go with my clothes. Being short all my life, I got used to them early on to give myself some height. I’m not terribly short but being 5’4 when everyone around me seemed to get a second growth spurt, I had to do something to improve my self-esteem. So, heels it was.

I press the up button for the elevator and wait. I take this time to really look around. The décor is modern and there are various styles of paintings I want to inspect closer when I get the time. This company seems to buy their artwork from local artists, which is a huge green check for me. I love that they are supporting local instead of buying abroad. I’d love to see my pieces in a building like this, but they aren’t the same esthetic as they have going here. Mine are more on the emotional side.

The elevator dings, and I turn quickly, colliding with a hard, masculine surface. The man grips my elbows, ensuring I stay upright. My hands clasp the leather jacket he’s wearing. His manly cologne floods my senses. Sandalwood, vanilla, and outdoorsy leather were combined to wreak havoc on any female. His cologne and his grip on my arms make me want to melt into him, but then I realize this is a total stranger I’m standing here holding. Embarrassment sneaks up my spine, and I drop my hands from his chest.

“I’m so sorry, I was looking at the art and waiting for the elevator. I didn’t see you there,” I mutter as I clear the hair that’s fallen into my face. I look up at the man, and my heart drops. “You,” is the only thingI utter before I back away from him. It’shim. The man from the fundraiser on Saturday. The man that cussed me out, causing me to get fired. Not that I particularly liked that job, but hell. This asshat is right in front of me. But damn is he fine as hell up close. Saturday he was in a black tux that displayed his toned body perfection. But now he’s wearing jeans with a biker jacket and I’m pretty sure my ovaries just exploded. He’s sex on a stick, and I would eat him all day long.Damn, where are these thoughts coming from?

“What are you doing here?” he questions as he looks me up and down. He has a look in his eyes that I can’t decipher. I don’t know whether to be pleased with him checking me out or pissed that he has the audacity. I’m leaning towards the latter.

“I’m here to see Mary,” I respond as I try to step around him but he puts his body in the way of elevator and me. “Excuse me, I need to get through. If you don’t mind.” I gesture toward the open elevator that’s waiting for me.

A few people move around us and into the elevator the doors closing behind them. The fire in my veins ignites and I’m so close to knocking this man out. I can’t believe he, of all people, is standing in front of me right now. I was okay to never see him again. I was actually hoping for that due to the rage he induces in me. I can see people are staring at us now and this is definitely not how I wanted my first day to go.

I step around him and hit the elevator button again. This time when it comes, I’ll be ready.

“Why do you need to see Mary?” he continues.The courage of this man must be astronomical because he clearly hasn’t seen a woman lose her shit.

“That’s actually none of your business.” The elevator dings and I shove him out of the way enough to enter. He trails right in after me. I press the button for floor eighteen, he leans back in the corner with his arms crossed over each other. As I’m about to say something else to the jackass, I see a beautiful painting in the elevator with us. Without a word, I walk over to it and observe the minute details the artist used. I can feel the uplifting emotions pouring out of it. Already, I feel better than I did five minutes ago. I’m startled out of my perusal of the painting as his confident and sensuous voice rings through the cart.

“So, you were about to tell me why you’re here to see Mary,” he inquires again.

“Actually, I don’t think I was,” I bite out.

“Look, about Saturday—” He looks down at his shoes, and then sets his sights on my bandaged hand. An expression crosses his face and for a moment he looks sorry. “Your hand is injured,” he states more to himself than me. He doesn’t get a chance to finish because the doors to the elevator open and I’m out of them the next second. I walk straight up to the receptionist on this floor.

“Hi. I have an appointment with Mary,” I inform her. “Can you let her know that Stormy Brooks is here?”

“Sure.” She picks up her phone and calls Mary letting her know I’ve arrived. The next second the hairs on the back of my neck start standing on end. I know he’s behind me. Can’t this joker take a hint.

Before I have the chance to turn around and give him another piece of my mind, Mary walks out of her office and beams at me.

“It’s so good to see you again, dear. How is your hand holding up?” she queries.

“It’s alright, I guess. It shouldn’t keep me from working if that’s what you’re worried about,” I respond.

“That’s not what I was thinking at all. I want you to take it easy until those stitches come out. I see you’ve officially met Sebastian.” She gestures toward the man behind me.

“Actually, we haven’t met. I ran into him downstairs, and he insisted on following me up here,” I reply with a little snark in my voice. He comes up beside me as I look up at him, he must be at least 6’4. He looks at me for a moment, then at Mary.