Page 55 of The Starry Knight

“Is there something wrong? Did I do something?” I ask, wringing my hands together. Since my hand is mostly healed, I’m able to get back to my nervous habit. He comes out of the closet dressed in a navy Henly, jeans and boots. He looks absolutely edible. He has his long sleeve pushed up to his elbows, showing off some of his ink. He didn’t tell me what all of his tattoos represent but I hope to one day find out unless he is about to break up with me. “You can tell me if you want me to go back to my apartment if you’re getting tired of me. You started acting weird and I don’t really know how to act now,” I confess.

He comes over to where I’m sitting on the bed and leans down in front of me, taking my hands in his. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I got caught up in my head and I needed to get down to the gym and blow off some steam. I’m sorry you thought you did something wrong. I’m not good with communicating except to my brother, but I will try and be better for you.” He presses his lips to both my hands and looks up from me with a sad look on his face. I don’t ever want to see that look on his again and I’m the one that put it there.

“I did do something wrong if you had to run away from me. Please tell me so I can fix it. I don’t want to lose you, Sebastian,” I rush out.

“Hey, don’t talk like that. I’m not going anywhere. I promise you. I just got stuck in my head and I needed to work some things out. Please don’t think I am going anywhere. I love you, Stormy.” He squeezes my hands and then leans up and kisses me. It’s gentle but possessive at the same time. It’s hard to explain but itfeels like a promise. He’s giving me this opening and I don’t want to waste it. I’m going to tell him I love him. It’s scary but it feels right.Hefeels right.

Just as I open my mouth, the doorbell rings and I curse under my breath. I cannot believe this is happening for a second time. Fucking hell. Sebastian stands from his place on the floor, kissing my head on the way up.

“Have I told you how magnificent you look? I can’t wait to take this dress off of you later.” He says with a wink. He holds his hand out for me to take and lifts me from the bed. We walk together toward the living room, and I begin to get butterflies in my stomach. Sebastian opens the door and a tall hulking man steps through that looks so much like Sebastian it’s scary. This must be Miles obviously. Lizzie comes in next, and I realize how gorgeous she is. She makes me miss having my black hair.

Sebastian clears his throat and introductions are made.

“Stormy, this is my brother Miles and his wife, Lizzie.”

“Miles, Lizzie, this is my Stormy.” We all shake hands with various “it’s nice to meet yous” thrown in along with some “happy birthdays”.

Lizzie comes over and gives me a tight hug and at first I tense but something about her seems familiar and I take in the embrace. Miles comes over and wants a hug as well but his is more of a side hug which is perfectly fine with me.

Sebastian speaks first. “So, what are you ladies doing today?” he asks Lizzie. I guess she is in charge since it is my birthday, which is fine with me because Idon’t feel like making any decisions.

“Well, I thought we could go to SOHO and look around then grab some lunch. Does that sound good to you?” she asks, looking at me.

“Sure, I actually went there with my roommate not too long ago. It was great except for this one shoe store we went into didn’t want to help me because they didn’t think I could afford the shoes. The woman was a real bitch,” I remark, thinking back to that woman who thought she could treat me like trash just because we came in wearing rain-soaked clothing.

“Oh, you will have to show me where that store is, and we will go in there again. Hopefully she will be working,” Lizzie replies.

“I guess we could. I did ruin a pair of Louboutins I got from there in the rain,” I state.

“You didn’t tell me someone was mean to you. Do you remember her name? I’ll get her ass fired,” Sebastian cuts in.

“It’s not a big deal. I handled it. I made her go get another pair for me and then told her to get another person to check us out because I didn’t want her to get the commission. It really wasn’t that big of a deal,” I reply.

“Oh, we are totally going to be the best of friends. We already like the same type of shoes, and you can back talk all the bitchy salespeople,” She squeals, and it makes me smile. These are the types of people I need to surround myself with. I’m sure they already know who I am, and they don’t care. Lizzie links her arm in mine.

“Got everything you need?” she asks. I make sure I have my phone in my purse and jacket.

“Yep, I’ve got everything,” I say.

Sebastian comes over and gives me a kiss. Thankfully I used lip stain, or he would be wearing my lipstick on him. “I’ll see you later. Call if you run into any trouble,” he says with a stern voice. “Nicolas will be driving, so there shouldn’t be a problem,” he states. I just nod my head.

“You all have fun with whatever secrets you’re doing today,” I remark, looking up into his eyes. Lizzie and Miles say their goodbyes and we are heading down the elevator a moment later. I feel a sense of freedom being able to leave the apartment without Sebastian freaking out, but he was the one that made this day possible. I smile at the thought of him going through the trouble of getting his sister-in-law to take me out today.

We get down to the lobby and I see a black Bently waiting for us. When the driver sees us approach, he gets out and opens the door for us.

“Nicolas, this is Stormy Brooks. She is Sebastian’s girlfriend, so you will be seeing a lot of her,” Lizzie remarks.

“How do you do, Miss Brooks. My name is Nicolas Irmani, but you can call me Nicolas,” He says.

“Thank you, Nicolas, you can call me Stormy, as well. Thank you for taking us around today.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I slide into the car behind Lizzie and buckle up. Nicolas shuts the doors and walks around to the driver’s seat. He rolls the middle window down. “Where am I taking you ladies?” he asks.

Lizzie pipes up and answers. “We want to go shopping in SOHO.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answers and rolls the window back up.

“So, tell me everything about you and Sebastian. Miles thought he would be the forever bachelor,” she remarks and my cheeks flame. I’m not sure what all I should tell her, definitely nothing about the scorching hot sex between us.