Page 56 of The Starry Knight

“We actually met at a fundraiser. I was there with the catering crew, and I didn’t know who he was. He came back into the catering tent right as I was walking out with a tray of entrees, and we ran into each other. We both started yelling at each other and that was really it. I got fired and he walked off. Then Mary with HR hired me to work for him, which I didn’t know at the time, or I probably wouldn’t have taken the job. I thought he was an asshole.” I take a breath and continue. Lizzie sits enthralled like I’m telling her the most interesting story ever. “We physically ran into each other in the lobby of the company as well and he followed me to Mary’s office and we argued with her that we couldn’t work together but by the end of the day, we were. I remained indifferent towards him until one night he took care of me in the pouring rain, and I guess like they say, the rest is history,” I finish.

Lizzie claps her hands together and smiles. “I love that. So, an enemies to lovers story. That gives me an idea for a new book.” She remarks and that sparks my memory that she is a writer.

“I forgot that you were an author. What’s that like? Do you use your name or a pen name? I want to know if there is something I’ve read by you.” I question.

“I use the pen name E. M. Austen. And have you readThe Write Knight? It’s kind of based off how Miles and I met. Of course, its fiction and names were changed but…” She trails off. “It’s part of a series so Ihave been working on the third one. I love writing. Miles mentioned that you are in school for art. I would have done that if writing fell through.” She rambles on about different art schools and the kinds of things she enjoys. She talks most of the way to SOHO and I’m fine with that. I don’t like being this talkative.

Once we arrive, we thank Nicolas and he says he will be close by in case we need him, Sebastian’s orders. I roll my eyes at his over-protective side but then again I remember last night when he came to my rescue. Lizzie sees me and laughs out.

“Miles is the same way. He doesn’t like me going anywhere alone. And half the time there is security with me. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone is following to make sure no one messes with us.” She says.

“I could see Sebastian doing something like that without telling me for sure. He is definitely the alpha caveman type.” I remark.

“That’s so weird because I’ve never seen that side of him until we came to the apartment. I could see it in his eyes that he didn’t really want you to go even though it was him that put this all together.” She states.

“Do you know what he has planned?” I ask. I can give it a shot and see if she will tell me or not. I’m sure she knows.

“Nope, I’m not telling. You’ll have to wait and see.” She says, as we walk into a clothing store.

“So, what are we looking for today? Anything in particular?” I ask because there isn’t much that I need. Maybe some new lingerie for Sebastian. I know he’d love that.

“I am under strict orders to buy anything youlike, no exceptions.” She must see the shock in my eyes because she adds, “I know, it’s a lot to get used to dating a billionaire but they want to spoil us, and I had to get over it quick because Miles’ love language is gift giving. It was hard in the beginning because I didn’t think I needed the things he was buying me.” She remarks as she goes down an aisle looking at mini dresses.

“I’m not letting him buy me anything, besides I don’t need anything.” I reply.

“You need something to wear to the funeral.” She comes back with a dress and holds it up to me. Lizzie is a little taller than me, but she is absolutely stunning. I can see why Miles married her. She is the whole package, beautiful, smart, and outgoing.

“I don’t think I’m going to the funeral. Sebastian didn’t mention it to me, other than to help plan it.” I confess.

“Of course, you will be going. You are a couple now. He isn’t going to want to let you out of his sight.” I shrug but she just nods her head. A sales woman walks over to us, while I’m browsing the racks.

“Is there anything I can help you ladies with?” She asks, looking at Lizzie, not me. I don’t know what it is about salespeople not giving me the time of day. Maybe it’s my hair color. I have no idea.

“Yes, we need a room started and do you have champagne? We will need two glasses. Also, please start taking these dresses to our room. Thank you. What was your name?” Lizzie asks.

“Vivian and I will be right back with your champagne. Let me take those items for you.” She grabs the dresses from Lizzie’s arms and takes them toward the back of the store.

“Wow, I don’t know why you were impressed with me. You just handled her like a pro.” I state.

“I had to learn quick. It’s either sink or swim in these stores. They turn their noses up at us if we aren’t wearing the perfect outfit or if we aren’t wearing makeup. I hated shopping at the beginning of Miles and my relationship. You will get the hang of it.” She says.

“I’m not so sure about that.” I mutter to myself. I look around and find a few things that I would like to try on but not nearly as many things as Lizzie. I wish we could go somewhere with jeans and t-shirts in stock. This stuff isn’t my usual wardrobe. However, I can wear it to work. I decide to pick up a few more things and then we head back to the back room to try on everything. I take a minute and shoot Sebastian a text.

Stormy:You aren’t paying for my clothes.

It doesn’t take him long to reply, probably because he is wearing his Apple watch.

Daddy:Is that any way to talk to Daddy? Iambuying whatever you decide you want today.

I laugh that I still have him in my phone as Daddy. I probably need to change that in case someone sees it.

Stormy:Then I won’t get anything.

I know I am being a brat, but I don’t want him to spend all this money on me. I don’t want him to think he can buy me.

Daddy:I’m going to text Lizzie. She has my card anyways and has specific orders to buy anything you like. I’ll see you when you get home, Angel.

I know that was the end of the discussion, but I want to keep arguing. Another thing he said stuck out to me. He called his apartment home. I haven’t had a home in so long. I suppose when I was really young Iconsidered my parents’ house a home but as I grew up it was more of a place I lived in, not called home. Sebastian saying home makes my stomach fill with butterflies.