Page 15 of The Starry Knight

I relent on the subject because I know Mary means well and I really do need a new assistant. Elijahcan’t cut it working for me. I just hope Stormy can forgive me for the way I treated her. From her earlier actions, it seems I have my work cut out for me.

“I’ll leave you to it then. Apparently you know what you are doing. I’ll be in my office if you need me.” Mary waves me off and heads towards her office. Just before she closes the door, I see a glimpse of sexy as fuck legs crossed at the ankle. This is going to be harder than I thought.Why does she have to be so attractive?I definitely can’t go there now. I scrub my hand down my face and walk to the bank of elevators that’ll take me to my floor.

Once I get to my office, Elijah comes running in with my coffee. “So, Mary hired another assistant for me, you will be able to take a breather.” The look of sheer relief on his face tells me how hard I have been working him. I’d almost feel bad, but itishis job. “She’ll be up here once Mary is finished with her. Will you make sure Tracy’s desk is ready for her? Also, thank you for getting my coffee, Elijah.” I take the cup from his hands and take a sip.

“No problem, sir. I’ll get to it. As far as your schedule today, you only have one meeting at twelve. It’s with the Thompson and Simmons investments since you weren’t able to finish that conversation Saturday. Would you like me to attend to take notes?” Elijah questions.

“No, that won’t be necessary. I’ll get Sto- I mean the new assistant to sit in on the meeting with me. She needs to learn the ropes anyways. Also, help her out if she needs some assistance with the computer programs,” I reply as I take my laptop out of my bag and boot it up.

“Not a problem. I will get started with Tracy’s desk. I believe she left it in a mess.” He turns and walks out of my office, closing the door behind him. I walk to my closet and find a suit to put on. As much as I enjoy wearing my biker attire, I am the boss. I need to look the part. I pull out a navy suit and take it to my adjoining bathroom to change.

When I come back out, I hang up the clothes that I wore here and shut the closet. Sitting down I pull up my emails and groan at how many there are. I need these to be filtered before they get to me. I don’t have time to sit here and read all this shit when I guarantee that most of it can be handled by other staff members. I scroll through them and only open a handful. I’ll have Stormy go through these. Thinking of her gives me a warm feeling in my chest. Absentmindedly, I rub the area. I push her out of my mind and get to work.

A knock at my door brings me out of the trance I was in while I was working. I check my watch and figure it’s probably Elijah reminding me about meeting in ten minutes.

“Come in,” I instruct.

As the door opens, I am momentarily speechless at the sight of Stormy in my doorway. She’s wearing a snug black skirt with a white buttoned up shirt tucked in. I see the ink she has running down one of her arms. I never noticed she had tattoos, of course both times I have seen her she was wearing long sleeves. When I saw her this morning, she had on a long jacket that left her attire out of view. I try to get a good look at the ink, but I’m too far away to see all the details. I look up and get the full view of her, I’m taken aback by her beauty. Her silver locks fall down her back with some parted andfalling just beside her arm.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Mary said lunch started at twelve and I wanted to see if you needed anything before I clock out,” she states in a matter-of-fact way. I can feel her anger radiating off her. She hates me.

“Actually, lunch will be late today. We have a meeting to get to in about five minutes. I need you in there with me to take notes. I’m sure Elijah showed you how I like them done.” I rise from my seat and button my suit.

“Elijah didn’t mention a meeting today and there isn’t one on your calendar.” Stormy pulls out the iPad we give our executive assistants and scrolls through it. I’m sure she is double checking her facts. The thing is though, this meeting was scheduled this morning and I’m sure Elijah just forgot to add it to the calendar.

“It’s a last-minute meeting and I need you there. You will be free to take a lunch after,” I explain.

She stands tall but nibbles on the side of her lip giving her away. I can tell she is uncomfortable even though she is trying hard not to show it.

“I actually have something that needs to be done at twelve,” she says looking at me straight in the eyes.

“It’ll have to wait,” I respond as I grab my computer. I don’t really need her; I could get Elijah to take notes today, but she needs to know that I’m the boss and things like this pop up from time to time. I’m sure she doesn’t have anything too important that needs to be done right now.

“Sir,” she emphasizes, “I have something that has been planned for weeks. I can’t reschedule,” she asserts.

“Do you want a job or not Ms. Brooks? This is part of the job. Leave your badge on the desk if you can’thandle it.” I don’t know why I am being a dick to her again. She just pulls it out of me. I really don’t want her to leave. I have resigned myself to the knowledge of her working here, even though it’s only been one day. I looked into her information that Mary forwarded to me this morning. That’s how I came to know her last name. I wanted to find out more about her, but there is a chunk of time missing in her resumé. I’m not sure what she has been up to in the last two years. It’s puzzling. I round the corner of my desk and ask, “So, what will it be?” She crosses her arms across her chest the best she can while still holding the iPad. I see the fire flicker in her yellow eyes. They are the most extraordinary color eyes I have ever seen. I thought they were beautiful the night of the fundraiser but that was in the darkness with flickers of twinkling lights above us. In the light of day, they illuminate her face.

“I guess I don’t really have a choice, but since I have two minutes I need to make a phone call. I will meet you in the conference room.” She turns on her heels and leaves me staring after her. The back of her skirt has a slit in it, and I can see where she has some type of tattoos on the backs of her thighs, right under her ass. I know I shouldn’t be looking, but I can’t help to check her out as she angrily stomps away from me. My cock appreciates the view. I groan as I adjust myself and head toward the conference room. As I pass by the back of her desk I hear bits and pieces of her phone call.

“He’s being a dick and insists he needs me in a meeting right this minute. I need you to go online and register for my classes. I have them written on my desk in my room. I’ll send you my login information.” “Yes, thank you so much!” “I would have died if I didn’t getinto the classes I wanted. I’ll see you tonight.”

Now I feel like a real prick. I saw on her resumé that she attended college in Florida, but she didn’t complete it. I suppose she is trying to do that here and I wouldn’t let her get on the computer to register for her classes. I remember those days of trying to get the classes that I needed and being furious when they filled up before I got to them. I’m about to tell her she can skip this meeting, but she goes and opens her mouth.

“I’m ready, your Majesty,” she says cheekily. How is it that Elijah acts terrified of me, but this girl sees me as her sparring partner. I guess Mary was right. She probably is a perfect fit for this job. I chuckle at her jab at me and lead her to the conference room. The urge to place my hand on the small of her back as we walk is intense.

Once we make it inside the conference room, I show Stormy to her seat and then take my seat next to her. She puts down the notebook, pen, and iPad she was carrying and places them all perfectly in front of her. The pen is ever so slightly out of alignment with the rest, and she uses her pinky to make it line up correctly. So, she has OCD about some things. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t let people walk all over her. I sit there and study her for a moment until I hear Jared Thompson’s boisterous voice coming down the hallway. I stand and ready myself for this meeting. Jared’s a few years my senior and likes to tell people how he amassed his fortune, when in reality it was his father’s money. An hour with him and I want to blow my brains out. Hopefully, he can stay on topic today and we can get this over with. He enters the room and instead of greeting me, he zeroes in on Stormy and I can see the sleezy wayhe is looking at her. It makes my fists clench at my side.

“Jared, long time no see.” Implying how I just saw him Saturday. I stretch my hand out for him to shake and to bring the attention back to me. He at least returns my gesture and takes my hand for a moment before his attention is back on her.

“Nice to see you again, Knight. And who is this stunning creature?” He says as he holds out his hand for Stormy to take.

“Stormy Brooks, sir. I will be sitting in on this meeting.” Even with a snake like Jared, she keeps herself composed but I can’t help but notice that she has gotten closer to me while she shook his hand.

“This is my new executive assistant, Ms. Brooks. Why don’t we all have a seat and get down to business?” I gesture to the table across from me for Jared to sit, but he chooses the chair right in front of Stormy. What a slimy jackass.

I start the meeting and continue to talk while Jared’s attention is clearly not on me. I catch a glance at Stormy to see if she has sighted Jared’s not so subtle perusal of her. Her body language tells me she indeed has noticed. Her arms are closed in on her and she is hunched over the desk taking notes. There is a slight twinge of pink on her cheeks. Anyone could tell that she is uncomfortable, but Jared can’t take a hint. My fists tighten more at my side until the clicker for the screen projection is at risk of being cracked in two. I have to do something about this.

“Jared, at any time do you plan on listening to what I have to say? You were the one who insisted that we scheduled this meeting. If not, then you are wasting both of our time.” I know I shouldn’t speak to a potentialinvestor like that, but I’m also going to take care of my employees. If he is this sleezy, then I don’t want to work with him anyways. Miles would agree with me.