Page 10 of The Starry Knight

“Thank you, sir. And thank you, Mary, for everything. I will see you on Monday.” I use my good hand to pull out my phone from my bag. I order an Uber as I walk toward the front of the venue. The twinge of pain in my hand reminds me again of the man from tonight. I wonder what he was doing here. He must do business with Mary’s company. I pull out the business card again and see it says Knight Publishing Company.

It might be kind of fun to work for a publisher. I wonder if I get to read any of the books, I would love to read romance manuscripts as they come through. What a cool job that would be! Looks like everything isturning out to be okay. the Uber arrives and as I drive away from the Riverfront venue, I’m excited to see what Monday holds. A second brand new start for me.



Well, that was a fucking disaster of a fundraiser. Thankfully, the guests were none the wiser about the incident outside at the catering tent. Elijah came through with another tux for me and about a pound of cologne to get rid of the pasta smell, I still smell like marinara even now as I walk into my penthouse. Instead of heading straight to the shower, I go to my wet bar to pour another whiskey. I think with everything that happened, alcohol first, then shower time. Maybe even at the same time.

Discarding my jacket on the couch, I flop down with my drink and turn on the television. Pulling my laptop from the coffee table, I email Elijah informing him he needs to get me a new iPhone tomorrow, since my anger got the best of me and mine is now at the bottom of the Hudson River. His reply is immediate with a, “Yes, sir.” With that taken care of, at least I don’t have to worry about more calls until tomorrow. I’m sure Miles has tried to call and ask how tonight went. He’s just going to have to wait until tomorrow for an update, or never.

Fuck, I can’t believe I spoke that way to the gorgeous little hellcat. I can’t believe she talked to me like that. Didn’t she know who I was?She was a spirited little thing.

I scrub my hand over my face. I don’t want to think about tonight anymore. I down the rest of mywhiskey as I rise from the couch and make my way toward the en suite to take a shower. I want to wash this figurative and literal mess off me. Tomorrow is a new day, and then Monday morning I will have a new assistant. Things will get back to order in the office and everything will work out. That’s all I think after I shower, then I crash onto my bed and pass right out. The day was too exhausting to stay awake any longer.

Chapter 6


It’s a dreary, autumn day when I wake the next morning. I hear the rain beating on the window in my bedroom before I even open my eyes. I love rainy days. They seem to wash away the pain and anguish from the day before. Except today, I can definitely still feel the pain thumping away in my hand. I shift in bed and see that some blood seeped through the bandages. This acts as a reminder of what a shitty night I had. If it wasn’t for that man I would be lying here enjoying the sound of the rain. Instead, I make my way to the bathroom with the bandages I picked up from the store last night. After changing the bandages, I go back to my room in search of some ibuprofen. I pop open the lid and shake out the amount that the doctor told me to take and wash them down with the water next to my bed. Knowing I won’t be able to finish unpacking in this condition, I go to the kitchen to grab some frozen peas to keep on my palm for the swelling. I make myself some coffee and toast one handed and bring it back to my bedroom. Pulling my Kindle from my bag, I toss it on the bed. There’s nothing better to do on a rainy day than to read smut. Sitting on my bed, I slide my legs back under the covers. I down my coffee and toast while I scroll through my Kindle deciding on what to read. I stop when I rememberpurchasingNeon Godsby Katee Robert. I am a sucker for her books. I snuggle in and put the peas on my palm while I escape to Olympus.


Six hours later, I turn to the last page in the book. I grasp the Kindle to my chest and smile at the happily ever after of Hades and Persephone. I check the time on my watch and can’t believe I spent the entire day reading. I loved every minute of it though, but now I’ve to get ready to start a new job tomorrow. That reminds me, I need to go buy some office attire. Clueless over where I should shop, I walk to Lana’s room because I know she will be able to steer me in the right direction.

I knock on her door. “Lana, are you in there?” I ask.

“Yeah, come on in,” she replies. I open the door and am momentarily speechless at all the beautiful paintings she has adorning her walls. I walk up to the closest one and study it.

“Did you paint all of these?” I inquire as I examine the different techniques she used.

“I did. I started painting and drawing when I was in elementary school, it kind of transformed into an obsession,” Lana responds.

“You definitely need to bring some of these into the rest of the apartment. We need some color on our walls,” I remark. “But that’s not why I came in here. I was just getting sidetracked by your work. I need to go shopping for some clothes to wear to my new job,” I explain as I look over to her.

“Oh fun! It’s in an office, right? I know just theplace to go. Mind if I tag along? I love shopping!” she exclaims.

“Of course, I don’t mind. Besides, I’m going to need some help picking stuff out. I’m more of a jeans and chucks sort of girl,” I express.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I like your emo/skater thing you have going on, but that’s not going to work for this new job,” she states.

“Definitely not. I’ll go get dressed and meet you in the living room. Sound good?” I ask.

“I just need to get some shoes on, so it won’t take me long,” Lana answers.

“Okay. Be right back.” I head back to my room, throw on some holey jeans, a band t-shirt and pull my hair into a long, silver ponytail. I slide my feet into my shoes and grab my bag and jacket since its still raining a bit. Setting my things down on the couch, I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I’m done, Lana is in the living room waiting for me.

“I also want to get some decorations for the apartment. Think we’ll have time?” I ask Lana.

“We should. Let’s do your clothes first since that’s most important and then we’ll see what time it is. We can eat out or pick up something and eat here.” Putting on my jacket, I grab my bag and sling it across my body. We’re out of the apartment and down by the curb hailing a cab just a few minutes later.

Once one comes to a stop in front of us, we jump inside.

“Where are you ladies heading?” the cab driver asks. Lana looks at me and smiles.

“Shabby Chic in SoHo,” she tells the man, then off we go.

“I’ve never heard of that place,” I mention as the driver pulls out into traffic.