Page 9 of The Starry Knight

“Oh, hi. I’m okay. Just cleaning up this mess. Thank you for coming over to check on me,” I stammer and get back to picking up the pieces of glass. I expect Mary to walk away now but she’s still standing there staring down at me.

“I see you cut yourself. Do you need to have itlooked at? I can get a doctor out here if needed,” she insists.

I glance at my hand, “I haven’t really looked at it. I wrapped it up as soon as it happened, then got back down here to clean this up.” I point to the chaos on the lawn.

“Don’t you worry about that. I’ll get someone to come finish up. Now, let me see your hand, child,” Mary asserts. I get up from the ground to show her my hand.

“Stormy,” I utter. “My name is Stormy.” She unwraps my hand, and I look away from the sight of the blood coating it. It takes me back to that night, and I have to fight hard not to let my mind wander back to that dark place.

“Stormy. That’s a beautiful and very unique name.” she smiles at me, “I believe you need stitches, Stormy. I’ll call a doctor to come out here for you.” Mary puts the rag back into the palm of my hand and closes my fingers over it tightly.

“Oh, thank you, but you don’t have to do that. I can get it checked out when I leave here. It’s not a big deal,” I reply, but Mary isn’t listening to me. She’s already on her phone getting someone out here as soon as possible.

“Since this happened at our party, I need you looked at while you’re still at the venue,” she implores. The look she gives me lets me know there is no arguing about this

“I didn’t realize this was your party, ma’am. I am so sorry for this mess. Please don’t penalize Gina. The fault is all mine,” I beseech.

“I saw everything. I know this wasn’t your fault, but I admire you for saying so. You know, I heard Ginayell that you were fired. You wouldn’t happen to be looking for something in an office setting, would you?” Mary inquires.

“Actually, that sounds far more appealing than being a waitress. Do you have an opening?” I query.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” She pulls out a business card that I suspect she came over here to give me in the first place. I don’t know for sure but the ease that she whipped it out of her gown gives me a sense that there was more than her just wanting to know if I was alright. She hands it over. The beautiful gold lettering reflects off the twinkling lights above our heads. “Come see me Monday morning, and we’ll get you settled in.” Mary smiles.

“You don’t want to interview me first?” I question. “I might not be the right person for the job.”

“Very well. Are you good with working at a computer?” she quizzes. Everyone is good with a computer nowadays. I hardly feel like it’s a reason for hiring. Nevertheless, I respond.

“Yes, ma’am, of course. That won’t be a problem.”

“Then that’s perfect because I know you can handle everything else.” I don’t have time to ask what she means by that because the doctor comes out and begins examining my hand. Lana steps out of the venue and finds her place beside me.

“I heard what happened. Are you okay?” Lana asks.

“I’m fine, but I hope I didn’t get you in trouble for bringing me. Gina is pissed,” I acknowledge.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to her,” Lana advises.

“No, that’s okay. I actually have another job linedup.” I look over to Mary and she winks at me.

“Wow, you move fast. I’ll need those details girl!” Lana exclaims.

“I’ll tell you everything after I can get out of here.” I wince from the pain of the doctor assessing my hand.

“Okay, Miss, you’re definitely going to need stitches. I need you to go wash your arm down to your hand. We need to get this sauce off you before I can do anything. I’ll be over here when you’re finished.” He gestures to a table being set up behind the venue.Man, these people go all out to avoid a lawsuitis all I can think when I see everything they are doing for me.

Mary even got some men that look like security guards, to clean up the rest of the glass pieces from the ground. Its humorous seeing these large men picking up dainty pieces of china.

“I’ll be right back,” I say as I enter the tent, grabbing my bag and walking toward the bathrooms. Before I can even think about washing myself I must get out of these god-awful clothes. I’m thankful that Lana told me to bring a spare set even if this isn’t what she quite what she had in mind. I’m trying to remove this stupid uniform without getting blood everywhere but I’m sure they won’t want this one back. I think it’s stained beyond repair. That thought brings me back to the man that started this whole shit show of a night. I’m sure his thousands of dollar suit is completely ruined. I sit for a moment to wonder if I feel bad for him. The answer is no, I don't. Still, I can’t deny the fire I saw in his eyes was almost a turn on. If it wasn’t for the poison coming out of his mouth, I might have been interested. That would be a feat in itself since I haven't thought about anyone like that in a very long time. I am thankfulI don’t let people walk all over me anymore. I did a lot of growing up in just a year.

A moment later, I’m walking out of the bathroom leaving behind that stupid uniform in the trashcan.

“You good?” Lana questions when she catches up to me.

“Yeah, just have to go get sewn up, then I am getting out of here. Or do you want me to wait for you?” I query. I hope she doesn’t want me to stay. I don’t want to run into that man or Gina again, I’ve had enough of them to last me a good while.

“No, I’ll finish up here and meet you back at home. You need to get there and rest your hand anyway,” she reassures, giving me a hug, then heads back into the venue to clean up the dishes.

I walk over to the doctor and try my best to keep the tears at bay as he stitches up my palm. I grit my teeth and try to think about anything other than what’s going on right now. Once he’s finished, he gives me directions on cleaning the wound and redressing the area.