For the first time since Brian Isobel’s men had come for them, they’d slept wrapped in each other’s arms again. Sarah hadn’t been able to get back to sleep after he left, lying alone in the tiny bedroom until the sun edged its way over the window sill and across the floor. The morning light granted her permission to get out of bed. She made coffee and ate some fruit. Even though it was half-past eight, she knew she’d be conspicuous on the street at this early hour and busied herself by tidying the apartment. Cleaning was a task she hadn’t performed in over two months, not since she left her life behind in London. Sarah refused to let her mind go back there.
Instead, she showered and took her time washing and drying her hair. Another luxury she seldom enjoyed anymore. The task was made more onerous by the pull across her wound every time she raised her hands to her head. By ten o’clock, she was dressed and restless. She flipped the television on and tried to focus on the morning movie, a black and white French film that seemed to be a romantic tragedy. Perfect.
Midday crawled around as the movie drew to its dramatic close - he died in her arms. Sarah decided to make herself a sandwich and found she wasn’t spoilt for choice for fillings. Cucumber sandwiches it would have to be.
Her thoughts circled back to yesterday and her unprecedented victory. She had no idea what she would have done if Alex hadn’t agreed to find Jizzy. The knife lingered above the bread, half-buttered. She’d been so focused on her own feelings, she hadn’t really thought about his feelings, not lately.
The butter eased its way across the crustless baguette. So intent on keeping herself busy, Sarah had cut the cucumber pieces to fit the bread perfectly. She sprinkled salt absentmindedly.
What had he said yesterday, when he said he had to go alone to find Jizzy? Her brow creased as she tried to retrieve the conversation from her memory.
I’ll move faster without you.That was it.
It was true, he would. And less chance of being discovered. Brian Isobel was looking for both of them. She didn’t know if Brodie had bothered to try and convince The Devils that she was dead, but there was a pretty good chance he hadn’t. They were looking for two people, not one. He could move more freely without her weighing him down. He had a better chance of surviving on his own.
For the first time since Alex had appeared in London, Sarah was truly alone. And now she felt it. She wrapped the sandwich in a paper towel and put it in the fridge. Her appetite had vanished as her doubts gained momentum.
She headed to the bedroom to retrieve the phone. It was under the pillow where she’d left it that morning. She pressed the home button and the screen sprang to life. No messages. No missed calls. She pressed the six number code in and swiped the contacts open. Her finger hovered over his name. Or rather, his pseudonym, for the purposes of thinly veiled anonymity.Liam.
The screen went black as she clicked the power off. Her crisis of confidence was not an emergency that warranted a phone call. She shook her doubts away, she could do this. This was her chance to prove it to herself. No safety net, no Alex. He’d taught her how to stay alert. How to notice the small details. She had a gun and knew how to use it.
She was going out. She would take herself to the market for supplies. Prove to herself that she could survive on her own for a few days. She already knew all the streets and where they led. This would be an opportunity to test her knowledge. She decided to leave the gun at home, no need for overkill. Besides, Alex wouldn’t have left her here if he thought they’d been found again.
He’d shown her where he stashed several thousand euro under the floorboards, hidden further under the bed. She tucked fifty euro into the front pocket of her jeans. She set off for the main square and the fresh produce market, planning to replenish her fruit basket and treat herself with a fresh baguette.
It wasn’t unusual for Sarah to be walking alone. The market was only five minutes’ walk away and she sometimes used the excuse of needing something for their meal to give herself some space. Alex had reluctantly agreed to let her go, even though she was sure he’d followed her the first time. Maybe every time.
Breathing deeply, she picked up her pace, and then slowed it straight away. She was in no hurry and would only draw more attention to herself if she pushed her way through the streets. She tried to relax and pay attention to her surroundings. She looked for sudden movements and silhouettes lingering too long as she peered into windows. She crossed the square, heading into the vine-covered market place. The stalls were buzzing with locals and tourists alike. She visited her favorite baker and fruit stand, emphasizing the British effects she’d picked up after a year in London, every time she spoke. Hopefully, it would provide another level of disguise. They were looking for an Australian, not a Brit.
Satisfied she’d evaded any potential threat, she decided to make her way back to the apartment via a different route. The streets still thronged with mid-afternoon foot traffic. She paid no attention to the groups of loud holiday-makers. Focusing instead on the shadows and lone strangers trying not to look conspicuous.
She turned down a lane way that led back to the main road, just a block or so from the apartment.
‘Hey there!’
The American voice boomed behind her. She glanced around and saw two men who looked to be in their mid to late twenties bounding after her.
‘Can I help you?’
‘Yeah baby, wanna come get a drink with us?’
Sarah forced herself to be polite. ‘No, thank you.’ She turned to continue on and found her path blocked by three more men.
‘What’s your hurry?’ said the tallest one.
She froze. She’d been so consumed with what wasn’t lurking in dark corners that she missed what was right in front of her. And it appeared she’d lead them straight into a deserted alley.
‘Hey, we’re cool,’ said one with the shaggy blonde hair. ‘Do you live around here?’
‘Um, not far.’ Sarah tried to kick her brain into gear. Other than the five Americans, she couldn't see anyone else.
‘Great. So, you’re local? We’re looking for a really good spot to party.’
‘You should come party with us,’ the voice came from behind her again. She backed up so she could see all of them at once.
Think, Sarah! Flick the switch.
She was unarmed, except for a baguette and a bag of fruit. Her wound was healing well but there was no way she could try and outrun these guys, even if she could somehow get past them in the first place. She wasn’t far from the apartment but she certainly didn’t want them knowing where she was staying. Her fight or flight instincts were getting confused in the cross-fire of her racing mind. She couldn’t fight, she couldn’t flee. And no one was coming to her rescue.