Page 50 of The Devil Within

A seed of excitement took hold deep in her belly. Maybe Jizzy was the key. After all, it was Jizzy that gave Alex the idea in the first place. Gave him the contacts. If they could just have a conversation with him, find out how he managed to stay hidden.

‘We should talk to Jizzy.’ Excitement stole her breath. ‘This is the answer, this is our way out.’

‘What are you talking about?’


He shifted back as comprehension dawned. He began to shake his head. ‘Sarah, no. You don’t know what you’re asking.’

She grabbed his hands and pulled him closer. ‘Don’t you see, he did it. He escaped. Don’t you want to know how he did it?’

Alex kept shaking his head.

‘How’ve they stayed in hiding? What’s their life like, especially with a baby?’

Alex pulled his hands free, gently shifting her to the side as he stood and headed for the door.

‘Are they living in some little village in Romania or hiding in plain sight in a big city?’ Undeterred, she followed. ‘Don’t you want to know?’

He turned on his heel, halting her stream of questions.

‘It doesn’t matter what I want, Sarah. We cannot talk to Jizzy. Not now, not ever.’

‘But why? I’m not saying we should become best buddies and hang out on the weekends. I just want to talk to him.’

‘No.’ The conciliatory edge to his tone disappeared. She recognised the biker in his eyes and drew back, her own frustrations rising again.

‘This,’ she whispered. ‘This is the problem.’

His chest rose slightly higher as he inhaled in silence. Finally, he nodded to himself. ‘Think about this logically, Sarah. People are looking for us. They are watching us. We go to Jizzy, and suddenly they know he’s alive and then there are people looking for him too.’

‘No. Everyone thinks he’s dead. No one is looking for him.’

Alex looked at her as if she was missing the point. ‘But they will look, once they know. We need to leave well enough alone.’

The biker was gone and her resentment halted. Sarah moved towards him, determined to win this argument. ‘And we need to survive.’

She took his hand. ‘Look at me, we need to live through this. Jizzy did it. Don’t you want to know how? Don’t you want to find a way where we can just… be.’

She watched her words take hold and hope settle inside his eyes. The grimace in his jaw indicated the battle his conscience was waging against his own yearning for peace. She squeezed his hand tighter.

‘One conversation.’

‘That's all we need,’ she replied, hope igniting inside her.

‘I go alone, Sarah. I’ll move faster without you.’ He looked at her as if this piece of information might change her mind.

‘You know where he is?’

‘No. I reckon I can pick his trail up, if he hasn’t moved around too much. But Sarah, that’s a big if. I can’t promise I’ll find him.’

‘But you’ll try.’

He ran a tentative finger down her cheek, looking deep into her eyes as though he could find his peace there. ‘I’ll try.’


Alex melted into the early morning darkness the next day. He left her with a prepaid mobile phone with the number to his identical prepaid phone and the number for Mick in Rotterdam programmed in. They agreed he would phone her every night at nine o’clock. She would only call him in an emergency. His instructions in his absence were clear - don’t overdo it, rest and recover. When she went out, stay alert. He’d cleaned her gun and reminded her how to shoot it.