“Are you being serious?”

He laughs. “Yes, I am. Turns out I’m easily persuaded by a rousing speech.”

I shriek has my hands flail about me. It’s finally happening. All the work I put in is finally starting to pay off.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this.”

“Wow, you don’t have to blow out my eardrums to express your gratitude,” Chef Aranda says, his voice only mildly irritated.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so excited.”

“Yes, well, welcome to the team. I rarely give people opportunities like the one I’m giving you right now. You have so much raw untapped talent and I want to help you refine it. Take your time. Start when you’re fully healed, because I will cut you no slack once you step foot in my kitchen.”

“Yes, Chef. Of course.”

“There’s one other thing…”

“Okay… What is it?”

“I am moving to Paris in a month. If you want this position, you too will have to move to Paris for the next year and a half or so. Will you be able to do that?”

“Paris? As in Paris, France?”

“If I meant Paris, Arkansas, I would’ve said that.”

“Well, this is an amazing opportunity, but Paris is a huge decision. Can I think about it?”

“Very well. You have 24 hours to let me know.”

I’m about to respond, but he hangs up.

I don’t even have a second to process everything that’s just happened, because my room door opens and in walks Reid.

He immediately clocks that something is up.

“What’s wrong?” He rushes over.

He sits next to me and puts the back of his hand to my forehead.

I swat his hand away playfully with a giggle. “I’m fine. The most amazing thing just happened.”

“What is it?” A huge smile overtakes his face.

“I just got off the phone with Chef Aranda. He is giving me the mentorship.”

He gasps and claps his hands together. “Congratulations! Although, I can’t say I’m surprised. Like I said on the day he was here, the food you made was perfect.”

I nod. “Thank you. Also, I don’t have to start immediately. He’s allowing me the time I need to get back on my feet.”

Reid rolls his eyes. “Well, that’s generous of him.”

“There’s something else.” I look down at my hands as I start to pick away at my cuticles. I don’t know how Reid is going to react to this, but I have to tell him.

“Yeah? What?”

“I’m going to have to move to France for a year and a half for this mentorship.”

The smile drops from his face. “What?”