“Chef Aranda is moving to Paris, and since the whole point of this is to learn from him, if I decide to take his mentorship, I’ll have to go where he is. What do you think I should do?”

Reid stands up. “Wait, are you actually considering this?”

“Of course, I am. This is everything I’ve been working for.”

“Naomi, we haven’t even been seeing each other for six months. Do you really think our relationship could survive an intercontinental gap? Long-distance relationships are hard enough for established couples. What chance do we have?”

“First of all, I do not think that if I go it automatically means we are over. Secondly, I have my whole life ahead of me. The decision I make concerning this will affect everything moving forward. I can’t just decide to throw all that away for a relationship.”

“A relationship? You say that like it’s nothing.”

“You know what I meant.”

“No, I don’t.”

I purse my lips then say, “My point is that although this relationship is important to me, my career is also important. By the way, why are we talking about this as an either or? I can try to do both.”

“That’s what June said, and we both know how that turned out.”

“I am not June, and this is not that. We can try long-distance. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work, but at least we would have tried.”

“Well, I don’t want to try long distance. So I need you to choose right now. What do you want? Do you want this apprenticeship, or do you want me?”

“That you’re asking me to choose right now signals to me what my choice should be.”

He stares at me so intensely. “Is that how you really feel?”

“I guess… If you love me as much as you say you do, you wouldn’t want me to put you before my future.”

“That’s not—” he starts to say, then throws his hands up. “Fine, if that’s what you want then we don’t have to be together anymore. This was going to happen eventually anyway.”

He turns around, storms out of the room, and slams the door behind him.

What the fuck just happened? I haven’t even decided that I’m going to Paris.

How did that escalate so quickly?

I was elated 10 minutes ago, now I feel like my world is upside down.

I hate that he asked me to choose, but if he meant what he said, then I think I made the right choice. If his idea of love is holding me back, then I don’t want it.

Everything I ever wanted is starting to happen I’m not going to put my foot on the break now, not even for Reid.



I’m not a psychiatrist, but I’m pretty sure I have Split Personality Disorder. I really should get myself checked out.

What the hell was that fight with Naomi?

As I was talking I knew everything I was saying was nonsense, but I couldn’t stop myself, and even worse, I kept piling it on.

Of course, I don’t think she should put me ahead of her career. In fact, I would be convinced she had a serious brain injury from her accident if she even considered it. What matters most is her self-development, and I know that.

However, for some reason, I couldn’t stop myself from going on and on like a lunatic. Everything happened so quickly that I had no time to reel things back in.

Then, she dumped me. I can’t say I blame her. I would’ve dumped me too. I mean, that was an amazing moment for her. I can only imagine how she felt. I should’ve been celebrating her. I should’ve encouraged her to take the position. Instead, I was a wet fucking blanket.