Page 12 of Lost Sons MC

Hearing a car engine, she looked into her rearview mirror to see a small car coming up behind her in the lane. Politely, she scooted her scooter over. Checking the mirror again, she noted that the car had moved over too. “Hmm, some people are just plain rude.” Slowing down, she pulled off. She cared nothing for races and this guy could just fly by and race someone else.

Instead though, the car came right up close to her and skidded to a halt.

Her eyes narrowed as she reached into her big pocket to get her hand around Lil’ Lucy.

A large man got out. He looked oafish, in fact she had to admit, he was downright ugly. But she refused to judge a man by his looks. It was his actions that made a man what he could be. But she could tell by his mean expression that this guy wasn’t pretty on the inside either.

She did wonder why he drove such a tiny car. Like wouldn’t he bump his head getting in and out? But who cared, he was gonna be a foot shorter when she blew his kneecaps out.

“Hey, little lady,” he called to her. “You shouldn’t be out here all by your lonesome.”

“Oh, yeah?” she retorted. “Who says I’m alone?”

He looked around then back at her. “You are alone.”

“Nah, see. Come any closer and you are gonna find out that I got friends.”

He stared at her and then laughed. “I just want to ask you some questions, is all.”

“Well, I ain’t in the mood for conversation, sonny boy. So move along.”

He now looked angry and he came barreling over.

Raising Lil’ Lucy, she blew his knee cap out.

The man screamed and grabbed his knee then he growled at her.

“If you wanna keep your other knee,” she called to him. “You’d better get back in that clown car and go back to the circus, buddy boy.”

He glared at her and winced as his hands were all bloody.

“And don't be going for a gun, cause I’m now...” She raised her Colt. “Aiming for your skull.”

He looked enraged as he backed away, got into the car, turned around and took off while scattering gravel from beneath his tires.

She kept the gun trained on him the whole time. Finally, she dropped it back into her pocket. “Side road to the farm it is,” she said to herself. Taking off in her Daisy scooter, she sang out as she laughed, “Yep... It's all wrong but it's all right!”

Chapter Four

The next morning, Midge checked her camera feed and saw no sign of any boogeyman. She kissed Silas on the cheek and then he left. She cleaned the dishes from breakfast up. Did all her morning chores and paused at the chicken coop. “I hope Circus Guy was the one to wring your necks, ladies, cause I got him good.”

After making her rounds to feed the livestock, she saddled her scooter up with her rifle box. A contraption Silas had made for her and gifted to her on her birthday. He’d called it Cloe’s Clutch. Sorta catchy. She smiled. “I sure love that man, alright.”

She’d decided it was high time to test it. Getting up on the scooter, she reached back, tapped the button and the rifle fell right into her grip. “Yeah, buddy. I got friends aplenty.”

After her little run in with Circus Guy, she decided she would bring Cloe with her too. Let him come at her again and this time he would have a big ole hole where his belly used to be. She would ride the backroads, but she would have to get out onto the county road for about a half a mile, before she could get to the street where Lola lived.

Arriving, she had already phoned ahead, so Lola should be waiting for her by now.

She made her way up the steps and the door opened.

Lola beamed at her. “I can’t wait for you to see this!” She waited for Midge to come through then she shut the door. Taking her over to the little desk, she showed her the camera feed.

The video looked dark, but Midge could see the man with a lit cigarette as he stepped over the small fence and headed to his spot, then suddenly, his arms were flailing in the air as he went down. The girls could both see he was grabbing his ankle while trying not to scream. It took him a few minutes, but he finally got up and turned to head back when he stepped into another ‘gopher’ hole. And down he went again. He was pounding his fists into the dirt.

Midge tilted her head back and howled with laughter.

Lola joined her.