Page 13 of Lost Sons MC

“Well, that worked.” Midge swiped at her eyes.

“Yeah and he just sat there for a few minutes then crawled over to the fence and almost wrecked it when he climbed back over!” Lola laughed again.

“Well, someone won’t be running the fifty yard dash again,” Midge joked.

“And just who would that someone be?” Creed asked from behind them.

Lola and Midge both swiftly turned around.

Creed, Silas and Creed’s brothers were standing there.

Lola swallowed hard and stared at her husband. She had never lied before in her life and she certainly never believed in keeping secrets. Looking over at Midge, Lola knew they no longer had a choice but to tell them what they feared was going on.

Midge gave her a nod.

Lola looked up at Creed and the men then motioned her head toward the kitchen, making her way over as Midge followed.

The men came after them and when the ladies sat down at the table Midge looked at Silas and said, “Someone has been watching us. We don’t know who or why but Lola found a wanted poster and footprints in the dirt yesterday. My maiden name was written on the back, so we kinda think it was someone looking to cash in on the reward that was offered by the cartel.”

Creed growled and Silas echoed the growl.

“Is there more?” Silas asked as he stared at her.

Midge nodded. “The day before yesterday, someone wrung the necks of all my chickens. I went out to the coop and found them all dead. It was a nasty mess.”

“Holy hell, woman,” Silas growled. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

Midge shrugged and sighed. “We didn’t know for sure so we put both the farm and this place on infrared cameras. They didn’t bother us for two nights but we did find a red bleep on the screens over here. So yesterday, I set up some gopher holes to see if we could trip up this guy who’s been lurking around in Lola’s garden.”

Creed glared at Lola. “We could have had guards in place and ended this already.” He shook his head and glanced at his family. “This isn’t a good thing. If the cartel is back, we need to shut them down right away.” Creed looked at Midge. “Show us where you found that bastard watching our house.”

Midge got up and went to the cameras to show them.

Daniel saw the spot and he left the house to check it out.

Silas slowly shook his head. “Midge, I know you spent years on your own, but we’ve been married for a year now. I just cannot understand why you didn’t tell me...YOUR husband that we had someone at the farm.”

Midge placed her hands onto her hips. “You know I can take care of myself, Silas. I’m not some weak ass female.”

Silas raised his hands up. “I never said that you were. Lord, no, but we are used to dealing with thugs like this.”

“And so am I,” she argued. “What do you think I was doing when we met?”

He kept shaking his head.

Creed looked over at his wife. “I have the same problem. Why didn’t you tell us?”

“We just wanted to...” Lola paused. “Well, we weren’t sure if it was even the cartel or anyone at all. I mean maybe I was overreacting. We also don’t want you men getting killed over this.”

The ‘men’ all stared at her.

“Are you serious?” Creed asked Lola.

“We were gonna make a plan,” Lola said defensively.

“A plan?” he repeated back.

Daniel came back in as he nodded at Creed and his grandpa. “There was someone there alright. I found cigarette butts and footprints in the dirt, a whole mess of grass and...Well, it looked like some kind of a struggle?”