“Why not? You’re both consenting adults. Neither of you is dating someone else. He wants you just as badly.”

Nyssa’s heart began to thump loudly in her chest. “You don’t know that.”

Arabella let out a laugh. “I have two eyes, darling. He’s been undressing you with his all night.”

The brunette froze in place. “He has?” Her voice was quiet, unsure.

Her redheaded friend reached out to take her hand and squeeze it. “He has. He wants you as much as you want him, Nyssa. What’s really stopping you from taking the next step?”

“We’re too different.”

“You mean because he’s not royalty and not Lecroisan? You’re worried your parents might not accept him as your chosen partner, and if they don’t, then the public may not either.” Arabella’s astute observation made Nyssa deflate. She accepted a hug from her friend, clinging to her as doubt swept through her. “Nyssa, I want you to listen to me as your dearest friend. Are you listening?”

She nodded. “I’m listening.”

“If you truly love him…then fuck what everyone else thinks.”

Of all the pearls of wisdom she thought her friend might come out with, that was not one of them. “Bella!”

“It’s true. Life is too short not to take a chance on love, especially if you think he could be the one.”

Arabella’s words gave her much to think about, and she hugged her friend tightly. “Thank you.”

“I mean it. Ask yourself this: do you love John? Can you imagine making a life with him? Getting married and having his babies? You don’t have to tell me the answer, but don’t lie to yourself, darling. And don’t lie to him.” Arabella gave her hand a squeeze. “I adore John. He’s a lovely man and perfect for you.”

Nyssa blinked rapidly to stem the sudden flow of tears. “You think so?”

“I know so. Now, let’s get back out there to our men before they start to wonder what’s going on in here.”

They headed toward the door, and then Nyssa realized something, making her stop short. “Wait, what do you mean, ‘our men’?”

Arabella turned back around with a broad smile on her face. “Ah, I wondered if you’d heard that.”

She studied her friend’s face and gasped. “You’re sleeping with Dante!”

The redhead looked smug. “Yep. We’ve been banging for months.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

The smile slid off Arabella’s face. “Parce que j’avais peur je te contrariais et je ne voudrais jamais faire cela.”Because I was worried I’d upset you and I’d never want to do that.

“Oh, Bella.” Nyssa’s heart ached that her friend had thought she couldn’t confide in her. “Why would it upset me? You could have told me. You know I’d be happy for you.”

Arabella leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I know, darling, and I adore you for it. But I knew something was brewing between you and John. Besides, I wanted to wait and see if anything serious would come of me and Dante.”

Nyssa searched her friend’s face. “Do you love him?”

“Not yet.” The redhead looked thoughtful. “But I could. Maybe. One day.”

They were interrupted by a firm knock at the door. “Is everything okay in there, ladies?”

Arabella rolled her eyes at the sound of John’s voice. “Told you! Let’s not deprive him of your beautiful face any longer.” She flung the door open and gave the man who made Nyssa’s heart beat faster a warm smile. “Keep your pants on, Loverboy. We’re fine.” She patted his chest and breezed past him.

Nyssa was right behind her and she stopped in the doorway of the bathroom to gaze up at a pair of gorgeous blue eyes.

“You okay, Nyssa?”

Impulsively, she got up on her toes and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, something she would not normally have been bold enough to do, especially in public. “I’m fine. I wanted to have a private chat with Bella, that’s all.”