Chapter One


It was a wintry February Friday evening in Paris, France. Princess Nyssa Dubois of Lecroisa, a small European country located on the Mediterranean Sea, was seated in a small restaurant in the eighth arrondissement, awaiting the arrival of her meal. Her companions for dinner were her American bodyguard, John Ashwood; one of her dearest friends, Arabella von Winthrop, the princess of a neighboring country; and Bella’s longtime bodyguard, Dante Rossi.

The two women were next to each other and had talked nonstop from the moment they’d embraced. They didn’t get to see each other nearly as often as they might have liked, given Nyssa had been living in the United States in her official role as Ambassador of Lecroisa for the last three years, but they made time for each other. Daily texts, phone or video calls weekly, if they could swing it, and if they happened to be in the same location, they’d meet, even if it was just for a drink and a hug.

They were both in Paris for the weekend to attend an annual charity ball patronized by members of all the European royalfamilies, along with the rich and famous. All money raised was donated to a charity that worked worldwide to free kidnapped women and children who were sold on the black market, a cause both women supported wholeheartedly. Invitations to the ball were highly coveted for those not born into royalty, and the hotel chosen as this year’s venue would be packed with people worth billions collectively.

While Nyssa was glad to support such a worthwhile cause, she was even more pleased to be able to catch up with her parents and older brother, as well as her dear friend. While the two women conversed, the men charged with protecting them did the same. John and Dante had met on a number of occasions over the years and got along well.

Nyssa glanced over at the attractive, dark-haired man seated on her right. Her parents had only agreed to allow her to take the ambassadorship if she allowed them to hire a trained security expert to be part of her life in the U.S. John was a former Navy SEAL who now worked in private security, and he was so much more than simply her bodyguard.

He took her to meetings after vetting the people she was to spend time with and the location it was being held at thoroughly. He ensured he was aware of security measures for large events, such as the ball, and all public appearances. He drove her to all work engagements and remained in her line of sight at all times. In the beginning, she’d felt stifled by his constant presence and attention, but John had quickly proven he understood she needed space sometimes and was respectful of that, giving her privacy when she craved it.

But over the last year or so, all she’d craved was him. To be around him. To feel him close to her, breathe in the scent of his aftershave.

Her parents had insisted on buying her a home that came with a sizeable guesthouse out the back, so John was always nearher, even when he was off duty. Nyssa had felt it unnecessary he live on her property at first, but six months into her life in the U.S. she’d started receiving letters and packages at her residence. The packages had spooked her; the initial ones had been full of dead flowers. Next, small dead animals, with notes telling her she was next for rebuffing the unknown sender’s advances.

It hadn’t taken long for John to locate the man, and once she’d seen the sender’s photo she’d realized she’d seen him before. Outside her office. In the café near her office she sometimes liked to patronize because their coffee was good and the muffins delicious. He’d fancied himself in love with Nyssa after seeing her on the local news and had been determined to get her alone, but John had ensured that hadn’t happened. The police had been involved, but it had been kept out of the press and the disturbed man had received the medical treatment he quite obviously required.

John had kept her safe.

As time had gone on, Nyssa had realized she enjoyed his company immensely. He was a quietly spoken, intelligent, attractive man who missed nothing. Thoughtful with an excellent sense of humor, he made her laugh like nobody else did.

He made her feel a lot of emotions, some of which she really shouldn’t.

And over the course of the last year, she’d come to accept she was in love with her American bodyguard, which both excited and terrified her. They were two people from very different worlds, and there were certain expectations being born into a royal family demanded.

She hadn’t even kissed the man properly. There’d been a couple of near misses, when his lips had hovered close to hers while they’d been having dinner at her place. On one occasiontheir lips had actually touched, only to be interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He’d cursed and excused himself, unable to ignore the call, but by the time he’d ended it the moment had been over.

She very much longed to kiss him. To touch him all over. Let him see her bare. Feel his lips explore her naked skin.

Watch him slide deep inside her, giving her pleasure so intense she was sure he’d make her scream.

But for now, she concentrated on what her friend was saying. Arabella was catching her up on the latest gossip and scandal amongst the royal families, as listening to such things was one of Arabella’s favorite pastimes.

Their meals arrived, and the four of them continued to talk as they dined. Nyssa ate her fill, then nearly choked when Arabella leaned over to ask something that couldn’t be overheard by either of their dinner companions.

“As-tu déjà couché avec lui?”Have you slept with him yet?

Nyssa abruptly stood. “Please excuse us, gentlemen. We need to use the restroom.” She grabbed Arabella’s hand and dragged her to her feet. The other woman grinned broadly and followed her friend over to the women’s restroom, which was visible from their table—no doubt why John and Dante had chosen that one in particular.

John got up with them and led the way. He knocked on the door, then stepped inside, allowing it to close behind him. He returned moments later and nodded at them, indicating it was empty and safe for them to enter.

After they’d stepped inside and the door was firmly closed behind them, Nyssa turned on her friend. “Why would you ask me that?”

Arabella raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “I just wondered, is all. You’ve been staring at him all night like youwant him to strip you naked and take you right here in the restaurant.”

Nyssa let out a horrified gasp. “You lie.”

“Do I?”

“Bella, stop it. You know I haven’t slept with John.”

“Mais tu veux.”But you want to.

“Vous le savez. Mais je ne peux pas.”You know I do. But I can’t.