John’s voice was raspy. “Good. It’s my job to keep you safe.” But they both knew that wasn’t why he was standing outside the women’s bathroom, and she felt the tug deep in the pit of her stomach. The pull toward him.

He lowered his head until their lips were mere centimeters apart, and then he brushed his against hers. She placed her hands on his hips, waiting for more kisses, but they were suddenly interrupted by a tall blonde woman. “Excusez-moi.”Excuse me.

Nyssa stepped out of the way. “Bien sûr. Je suis désolé.”Of course. I’m sorry.She went back to their table, John’s hand on the small of her back, and sat after he pulled her chair out for her. Arabella declared they must have dessert before going their separate ways, so the two women looked over the menu. All of a sudden, Nyssa felt a hand slide onto her thigh under the table, and a few moments later she placed her own on top of John’s and linked their fingers together.

Dessert was ordered and enjoyed. The four of them chatted about the ball the following evening, and by the time they were done with the meal and the company, the night was black, the wind was freezing, and rain was drizzling from the inky sky.

John paid for the meal with the credit card given to him as part of his employment, leaving a generous tip. He helped Nyssa into her coat before donning his own, as Dante did with Arabella, then the four of them stepped out of the warmth of the restaurant.

Arabella turned to the other woman with a smile. “Do you want a lift back to the hotel, darling?”

Nyssa shook her head at her friend. “Thank you, but it’s only a couple of blocks and you’re heading the other way. The rain’s not too bad. We’ll walk.”

Arabella raised her eyebrows. “Are you sure? It’s no bother. I don’t want you catching a cold.”

They’d made their way to the restaurant on foot several hours previously, given its proximity to the luxury hotel they were staying at, but it hadn’t been raining then.

“I’m sure. We’re literally only three blocks from the hotel and will be there in five minutes.” She kissed Arabella on each cheek and embraced her tightly as John shook Dante’s hand. The American then kissed Arabella, as per European custom, while Dante bid Nyssa goodnight in the same way, and she leaned into John and watched as their companions disappeared into the night.

Once Arabella and Dante were gone, she slipped her hand into her companion’s and looked at him. “Shall we?”

His brows furrowed as he glanced up at the sky. “I should have brought an umbrella.”

“It’s only water, John. We’re close to the hotel. If we hurry and stay under the awnings, maybe we’ll only get a little wet.”

Something in his expression changed, darkened. Nyssa could see it, even in the dim lighting outside the restaurant. Desire and raw hunger swirled in his eyes and her heart skipped a beat as he leaned in so only she could hear him speak. “I think I like the idea of you being very wet.”

Desire thrummed through her veins, heating her blood and making her heart race. “Let’s go.” She took his hand and pulled him out of the doorway. As they stepped into the night from the alcove of the restaurant, they were immediately soaked as the rain got heavier. Nyssa let out a small cry as the fat drops falling from the sky and temperature combined to make her feel as though she was in the Arctic.

John led the way, weaving around Parisians who’d been smart enough to bring umbrellas with them as they ventured out in the dark. They managed to move quickly, despite the rain and people, and were only a block away from the hotel when he suddenly pulled her off the street to stand in the doorway of a boulangerie. The bakery was unsurprisingly closed, given how late it was, but the shop offered cover and a reprieve from the cold spray.

He backed her up against the thick glass of the front display, his body shielding hers. There was no space between them as he took her gloved hands in his and raised them above her head, holding them against the glass. Nyssa felt exposed, despite the fact she was dressed for the cold weather in an ankle-length woolen coat, boots, gloves, and scarf.

“I can’t wait another fucking moment.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but John didn’t give her the chance. Instead, his mouth was on hers and his tongue slid into it, stroking hers in a sensual caress as he kissed the breath from her.

Nyssa heard a loud moan, and it wasn’t until he shifted against her that she realized it had come from her. Dear God.She had never been kissed like this before. It wasn’t so much a kiss as a possession, and all she could do was give as good as she got.

John released her hands and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. He broke the kiss, his lips drifting across her face to her jaw. Every touch of his mouth to her skin made her feel warm, her body coming alive under his touch.

When he pulled her closer and rested his forehead on hers, she smiled up at him. “I don’t want to stop, but it’s really freaking cold out here. Let’s go back to the suite where it’s warmer, and we can continue there.”

He gazed at her intently for a few moments before he spoke. “Nyssa.” He spoke her name softly, his breath coming in short pants. “If you don’t want this, tell me now and I’ll go lock myself in my bedroom.” Her suite came with two bedrooms and the second one had been allocated to him, but somehow, she knew he was never going to sleep in that second bed.

She suddenly wished she wasn’t wearing so much clothing because she wanted to touch his cheek with her fingers, so instead she brushed her lips against his. “I want this, John. I want you.” Another kiss made it very clear she was giving her assent.

He kissed her one last time, a short but fierce kiss, then took her hand in his and pulled her back out into the rainy night. They hurried toward the hotel, and just before they went inside, Nyssa glanced over at the Eiffel Tower, its bright lights visible even through the dark. Paris was one of her favorite places on earth, and now it had become even more special.

Paris would be the place she made love to the man who owned her heart for the first time.

Chapter Two


She blocked out everyone else around her as they walked quickly through the hotel lobby, her only desire to get to their suite and remove her clothing as quickly as possible.

And John’s. Damn, she couldn’t wait to explore his incredible body, all the muscles and ridges.