I might have fucked all that up. I might have turned this into a war.

But no one disrespects my girl.

I’d rather this entire city burn to the ground than let anyone insult my woman in front of me.

Both Ava and I are quiet inside as we ride the elevator down the first floor. As the doors open into the main art gallery space, my girl turns to me.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I did,” I reply.

“You didn’t need to risk everything for my honor,” she whispers.

“I do.”

“You’ve just made a dangerous man angry,” she remarks.

As if I don’t know that.

“I am also a dangerous man,” I reply to her. “And he just mademevery angry.”



That whole nightmarewith Handsome Jack was last night, but today has been like a dream - a total contrast to whatever went down between those two gangsters in that boardroom.

Have they declared war on each other? Is everything going to go to shit over Handsome Jack insulting me?

But instead of having the time to wrap my head around last night, I've been hanging out with Damon all day. He set up a spa morning at the fancy hotel just for me. I got pampered and massaged and everything a girl might want. I feel so fresh. I feel so...sexy.

But I still can’t get over what happened at that art gallery, and what it might mean...

Tonight, Damon’s taking me out for dinner. At a restaurant he, incidentally, owns.

There is no mention of what happened last night: no visible nerves from Damon - no signs of him stressing outthat he might have just launched a turf war in New York City with a very powerful man.

He drives us to Midtown in one of the many sportscars he owns in his fleet. This is a restaurant just like that swanky nightclub the other night, with a long-ass line waiting to get in. But, same as before, we skip the line entirely and get waved in by security as soon as they spot Damon's famous face.

The server gives us the best table in the building, close to the live band playing and the amazing view of the lights of the skyscrapers of New York City.

“This restaurant is usually booked out a year in advance,” Damon tells me as we sit across from each other.

I smile and raise my glass of wine to my lips. “And you own it, so you can get any table you like anytime you want. I bet people would kill to get a reservation here.”

“It’s not about the restaurant that’s so special,” he replies with a smirk. “It is who I am sitting across from.”

That makes me blush.

Just like the rest of today, we don't bring up what went down last night. Handsome Jack's name doesn't come up at all as we sit across from each other in this trendy restaurant. It hits me that we haven't even touched on that topic since we left the art gallery opening.

None of those celebrities and politicians there last night knew what had gone on upstairs above the red carpet.

They didn’t know a secret grudge had been all-but-declared between two of the biggest gangsters in the country just above their pretty, over-styled heads.

And now, even as we sit here at the restaurant exactly 24 hours after that horrible meeting, if Damon has been shaken by what went on in that boardroom, he certainly doesn’t even hint at it.

Sometimes I look at the man and think that he’s a totally different species to the rest of us mere mortals.