
“Please?” Handsome Jack asks, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

“You want me to hand it all over to you on a silver platter?” I ask him coolly. “Everything I’ve built up over the years? All to you because you’ve asked nicely?”

“I’ll pay you handsomely, of course.”

“Just like your nickname,” I remark.

“I’ll even throw in a few of the artworks downstairs,” Handsome Jack continues, ignoring my quip. “How about that? Give you some much-needed culture.”


“Would you accept a price way above market offer?” he asks.

I lean back in my seat. “I said no.”

“You’re really not going to budge?” he asks me.


“You’re only going to saynoto me, aren’t you?”


Handsome Jack is silent for a long time until he finally nods at the other men in the room. Without a word from him, they all shuffle out. It’s just him, Ava, and me left now.

I stare at Handsome Jack. He stares back at me.

He waits until everyone is out, and the door is safely shut, before he speaks again.

“I will have to do some horrible things to you if you don’t agree to this, Damon,” he whispers.

“Don’t threaten him.”

That was Ava, her voice loud. Her interruption surprises both Handsome Jack and me.

Us two men are silent for a moment – processing Ava’s interjection - before Handsome Jack turns to me.

“Control your woman, Damon. She may be pretty, but she’s got a nasty mouth.”

“What did you say?” I ask him, anger already boiling up in my throat.

“You heard what I said,” Handsome Jack replies curtly.

I stand up.

That’s it. Meeting over.

“No one disrespects my girl,” I say. “Fuck you, and fuck your offer, Jacques.”

I take Ava’s hand and guide her straight out of the room.

I’m not putting up with that bullshit.

We pass through the men as we march into the elevator. No one dares to stop us.

Handsome Jack doesn’t follow us.