Jase sat back and listened. He had to admit he’d wondered about whether or not Luis and Gage had ever had sex with each other. Though he knew Luis well enough to know Luis would never do such a thing with his own brother, Jase had to admit the scenario did conjure more than a few extremely sexual fantasies. But he’d never say this aloud to Luis.

Rand set the wine glasses down on a tray beside the table and punched his twin brother in the arm playfully. “It is creepy. I’d never have sex with him. He’s a big donkey. Look at those hairy legs.”

Rob punched his brother back. “And I’d never have sex with him either.” Then he made a face that looked as if he’d just bitten into a sour pickle.

But later that night Jase noticed both brothers were lurking around out in the dark. Jase and Luis had just climbed into bed. It was dark out, and the bedroom in the motor home was warm. Jase reached across the bed to open a small window and he saw both brothers leaning against their motor home right outside Jase’s and Luis’s bedroom window. They didn’t know Jase was watching. They seemed to be lurking in the dark for no apparent reason.

Jase glanced down at the bed and saw Luis was drifting off to sleep. He’d been hoping they’d have sex that night—at least a conciliatory blow job; he’d let Luis win—but Luis looked so tired Jase didn’t want to wake him. In the beginning of their relationship, they hadn’t been able to take their hands off each other. At the time, Jase had been a gay virgin, and Luis was the only guy he’d ever had sex with. They’d had sex four and five times a day in the beginning. But things had slowed down since then to a normal pace, especially when they’d found out Jase had a secret baby named Hunter. After Hunter took over their lives, they went through a long period where they didn’t have sex for weeks at a time. Thankfully, their lives had balanced out and they now had sex four or five times a week.

Jase leaned to the side so the twins wouldn’t see him and he peered through the Venetian blinds. He was curious and he wanted to know why both brothers were standing there in the dark. Luis turned on his side and faced the opposite wall, unaware anything was going on outside. As Luis started to snore lightly on the other side of the bed, a nice-looking young guy with short dark hair walked up to the naked twins and reached for their dicks at the same time. He didn’t ask for permission to touch them; he didn’t utter a word. All it took was once quick glance and a nod. Jase pressed his palm to his throat and gaped. Evidently, this particular clothing-optional campground was also a place to cruise for casual sex after dark.

Then the nice-looking guy with dark hair went down on his knees and started sucking the twin brothers off at the same time. He had a large gold watch and he was fully clothed. From what Jase could see through the screen and the blinds, the guy knew how to give head, too. He smoked until their toes curled. He moved fast, jerking and sucking at the same time. It was all very fast and neat. He sucked both brothers off to the finish. Rand came first; Rob second. When the guy was finished, he rose from his knees, thanked them both, then continued on his way without expecting any reciprocation at all.

Jase sat there watching. He’d never actually gone out cruising for sex. When the guy with dark hair was gone, Rob and Rand bumped fists and loped back into their motor home.

In the morning, Jase replayed the scene for Luis while they were having coffee. Jase found it fascinating the twins wouldn’t have sex with each other, but they didn’t mind having sex with the same guy, at the same time.

“I’m not surprised,” Luis said. “That was one of the things that caused so much trouble between Gage and me. Guys love twins, gay or straight. That guy named Snake I told you about seemed to take pleasure in fooling around with us because we were twins.” He lifted his coffee and took a sip. “I don’t get it. My brother and I never did anything like that intentionally, and we never will, trust me on this.” He reached across the table and caressed Jase’s hand. “I’d rather be in love with one perfect man than have all the twins in the world.”

Jase smiled. It always surprised him to realize he loved Luis more as each day passed, especially when Luis said unexpected things like this. “I completely agree,” he said.

But later that afternoon they went swimming in the nude in a small lake with Rand and Rob. A lot of the weekenders had left because it was Sunday and they were the only ones in the lake. After the swim, they took turns showering on a wooden deck in an exposed outdoor shower area. Luis took his shower first and went back to the trailer because he wanted to prepare a few things for dinner. Jase and Luis had invited Rob and Rand to be their guests that night, and Luis had to figure out what they were going to have. The motor home company had stocked the refrigerator with all kinds of wonderful food, and Luis was a perfectionist when it came to entertaining.

So Luis left Jase with Rob and Rand at the outdoor shower, and Jase witnessed the show of a lifetime. There were two showers about six feet apart. Rob told Jase to take the one on the left and said he and Rand would share the shower on the right to save time. Jase didn’t think anything unusual at first. But when he saw them soap each other up and rinse each other off, he nearly slipped off the wooden deck. From their point of view, there was clearly nothing sexual about it. As they laughed and joked around with each other under the shower, they poked fun and made sarcastic comments about who was the better swimmer. They even shared a towel and dried each other off when they were finished.

Jase tried hard to act natural. He forced himself to think of horrible things so he wouldn’t get aroused in front of them. But it wasn’t easy. Watching two hot identical guys rinse and rub each other was almost too much for him to take, especially since he’d seen them both getting sucked off outside the motor home the night before.

By the time he returned to Luis, he walked into the motor home and plopped down on the beige leather sofa in the living room area. Luis was in the kitchen thawing out steaks in the microwave so he could marinate them for a few hours. He turned to Jase and asked, “What’s wrong? You look strange. Did something happen?”

Jase was ready to fuck the sofa cushion by then. His dick was erect and it was pointing up. “Come over here and sit on my lap and I’ll tell you all about it,” he said. “I need to fuck something. The twins just took a shower together and left me weak.”

Luis sent him a glance. “Jase, I have to get this dinner ready. I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight. I swear I will. I thought we’d fool around last night, but the wine put me to sleep and there’s no time now. Go into the bedroom and jack off if you want.”