Jase sat back and rubbed his eyes, sulking. “But I don’t want to jack. I want to fuck.” Luis had never had the same sex drive he had. Though Jase was older than Luis, he could have sex on command at any time of the day. If Luis asked him for sex, he’d drop whatever he was doing and he’d take care of Luis’s needs. But Luis needed to be in the mood; it was always a complicated process. He needed to be emotionally stimulated as well as physically stimulated. “Okay,” Jase said. “But I’m not joking around this time. I’m ready to bust a nut, I’m so fucking horny right now.”

Luis looked in his direction and smiled. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m making you wait on purpose.”

“On purpose?”

“I have something special planned for you tonight,” he said. “I know I haven’t been the most passionate person lately, and I want to make it up to you. And if you’ll just be patient, I promise you’ll like my surprise.”

“Ah well,” Jase said. He felt better already. “I guess I’ll just have to walk around with an erection until then.”

Luis looked sideways and smiled. “I guess you will.”

* * * *

Dinner was worth all the time and effort Luis had put into it. He grilled seven three-inch filet medallions—Jase, Rob, and Rand had two each and Luis had one—and asparagus in olive oil over hot coals. Everyone ate everything except Luis. He left half his steak and four stalks of asparagus. Instead of serving a fattening, unhealthy dessert, Luis finished the dinner off with a classic Caeser salad. Luis had always preferred his salad at the end of a meal. He’d learned this tradition from a good Italian friend and he claimed the salad helped him digest his meal. The one thing Jase could always depend on with Luis was food and nutrition. Though the filet was a little extravagant for Luis’s tastes—normally he would have served grilled fish—he didn’t serve any carbohydrates with the meal and Jase didn’t feel as if he was too stuffed to move.

During dinner, Jase talked about his plans for building his dream house in Alaska, nd because all this was still news to Luis, he went into details about how he wanted the house built on cliff overlooking the water in front and mountains in back, so he’d have the perfect view from every room. Luis listened carefully and expressed his interest. Rob and Rand said they were amazed at how detailed Jase explained the house even though he hadn’t even talked to an architect about it yet. Luis leaned over at one point and kissed Jase on the mouth. He said, “That’s my husband. His mind is like a computer.” Then he kissed Jase again. Only this time it was a long, sensual kiss. He grabbed the back of Jase’s head and stuck his tongue so far into Jase’s mouth Jase’s balls tightened.

Rob and Rand gaped at them and exchanged glances.

When the kiss was finished, Rand tugged on his balls and said, “You guys are a hot couple. I’ll be you have a lot of fun in bed.” Rob just kept staring, with his lips slightly parted.

Luis reached down and wrapped his soft fingers around Jase’s dick. Jase was erect by then; he couldn’t keep it down no matter how hard he tried concentrating. Whenever Luis kissed him it was what happened—he lost his senses and his control. Luis started stroking him very slowly in front of the twin brothers. Luis bent over and kissed the tip. Then Luis stroked him again and said, “We should all go down to the lake for a swim. It’s so unusually warm out for this time of year we should take advantage of it.”

“What about the dishes?” Jase asked. He glanced over to see how the twins were reacting to Luis’s bold moves. His heart was pounding in his ears. The twins were both erect. Jase’s penis pulsed in Luis’s hand and he couldn’t wait to go down to the lake. But he knew how Luis hated leaving dirty dishes on the table for too long, so he figured he’d better ask.

Luis kissed the head again and said, “I’ll get them in the morning before we leave. This is our rare adventure. We should make the most of it.”

Rob punched Rand and said, “I vote for swimming, dude. Let’s go.”

On the way down to the lake, Rob and Rand walked ahead of Jase and Luis, carrying a blanket and fresh towels. Jase had two rolled towels under one arm and the other around Luis’s waist. He was semi-erect now. He leaned over and asked, “What are you up to? This isn’t like you at all. Did you see their faces when you grabbed my dick and kissed it? I thought Rand was going to fall over sideways.”

Luis placed his palm on Jase’s stomach and said, “I told you I have a surprise for you. Like I said, this is our rare adventure. Let’s have fun.”

Luis wasn’t joking, either. When Luis and Jase were in the water chest high, not far from where Rob and Rand were wading at a shallower end, Luis jumped up, wrapped his legs around Jase’s waist, and his arms around Jase’s shoulders. He kissed Jase’s ear lobe and said, “Fuck me.”

“What about Rob and Rand?” His heart started to race, his face grew warm, and he spoke faster.

Luis kissed his ear again. “I don’t think they’ll mind at all. I think they are looking forward to a show and I think we should give them one.”

Jase glanced over Luis’s shoulder and saw both brothers gaping at the way Luis was hanging on to Jase’s shoulders and kissing his ear. They were standing about three feet apart in water up to their thighs, and both were stroking their dicks at the same time.

“But if you’d rather not do this, it’s fine with me,” Luis said. He spoke in a soft, gentle whisper. He rubbed his knees up and down Jase’s sides and licked Jase’s ear.

Jase’s face felt warmer, and his dick was fully erect in the water. “Let’s get out of the water.” If Jase was going to put on a show for the guys, he wanted them to see what he was going to do to Luis out in the open.

“I love you so much I’ll go wherever you want,” Luis said. Then he shoved his tongue into Jase’s mouth and started kissing him.

As they kissed, Jase carried Luis to a large red blanket the twins had spread out on a narrow patch of sand near a group of large rocks. There was a full moon that night and they were in a wide open space without trees, so no one had any difficulty seeing. The twins followed them to the red blanket and kneeled down in the sand. The only sounds around them came from Jase’s heavy breathing and the twins jacking their thick cocks. They jacked with that sexy underhand grip, with their thumbs extended. Jase lowered Luis down on the blanket very slowly and climbed on top of him. When Jase started kissing with more passion, Luis wrapped his arms around Jase’s shoulders and his legs around Jase’s waist. Jase glanced briefly in Rob’s and Rand’s direction. They were only a few feet away. But now they were sitting on the edge of the blanket with their legs spread wide, still jacking.