She groans, looking past me at the gaping black window at the end of the hallway. “Seriously, I’m already freaked out enough by this place. I don’t need more things to worry about.”

“Scared of ghosts?” I tease, crinkling my nose playfully.

“I don’t believe in ghosts,” she snaps. “Other things, but let’s not get into it. I’m freezing and I need to find the heater before we both end this night as meat popsicles.”

Fair enough. My nipples are so hard they could cut diamonds, and although I’m used to being uncomfortable, being wet and mostly naked is a particularly unpleasant combination when it’s cold enough to see your breath.

“The furnace is in the basement,” I say, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. “We should go down there and turn it on.”

“Furnace, right. You can probably tell I haven’t owned a house before,” she says with a laugh. “But actually, I think it’s behind the washer.” She looks past me again. “Yeah, I saw it there.”

I cringe. I hope they didn’t move it. God knows what else they’ve done in the basement if that’s the case. My entire future hinges on that money still being down there. I don’t know how I’m going to rebuild my Bratva empire if someone has taken it.

I let out a sigh through my nose, keeping it quiet so that Kimberly can’t hear my disappointment. Gripping my towel, I follow her to the washer and dryer, where the furnace is tucked away deeper in the closet.

Dammit! She was right.

“I don’t see any buttons to turn it on,” she says, leaning forward. Her hips press into the front of the dryer, her ass vibrating as my clothes spin inside.

I could watch her like this all night. Curious, bent over, on full display.

She’d slap me if I grabbed her ass, but it’s so inviting that my palms are practically itching as I watch her.

“Did you hear me?” she asks, looking over her shoulder. “I don’t see any –”

My eyes snap up to hers, but it’s too late.

“Could you try for like one second not to be a pervert and take this seriously? Or would you prefer to freeze to death?”

“Sorry, I was listening,” I say, gritting my teeth. “Let me take a look at it.”

She purses her lips and narrows her eyes as she steps back, allowing me to take over. The funny thing is that the moment I do lean in and examine the furnace, I feel her eyes onmybackside. She’s doing the same thing to me!

I know I have a hand in this game if I play my cards right, and if that means being the handyman and allowing Kimberly to be the one seducing me, I’ll do it.

This really isn’t about her, after all. It’s about the money, and I’d whore myself out to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met for a few million dollars.

Hell, I’d do it for free.

My fingers land on the switch that activates the furnace, and I’m met with a loud hum as it starts up. I turn around, grinning at Kimberly as she claps her hands with excitement.

“You did it,” she cheers, beaming at me in a way that makes my heart melt but saddens my soul at the same time.

I’ve never had anyone be remotely this excited for anything I’ve done. Kimberly’s appreciation reminds me how worthless I felt as a child growing up. I never got that from my parents.

Not a smile. Not a clap. Nothing.

My heart is heavy, but I smile anyway. “If you need anything else done around here, I wouldn’t mind helping,” I offer.

She tilts her head to the side, and I can hear the gears moving in her brain. “I can think of a few things that need fixing.”



I’m just glad to have something to keep Avraam busy. Left to his own devices, he’s dangerous. When I have him checking the locks on the windows and oiling the hinges on the doors, he’s actually quite useful.

“You’re obviously quite capable,” I say as he tests the bedroom door and grunts in approval of his work. “Why are you wandering around town without a car?”