“I live nearby,” he says, looking over the door again like he’s not quite satisfied with it. “This is old. You see the paint here?” He traces his finger down the edge of the wood. “That’s going to flake off all over the carpet.”

“Well, I don’t have any paint.”

“We’ll get some tomorrow,” he offers, winking at me. “You can drive me to town in the morning.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “But you live nearby. Wouldn’t I just need to drive you to your place?”

“Yeah, in town,” he says, avoiding my eyes.

God, he’s a terrible liar, but his good looks and charm more than make up for it. I’m just confused why he feels the need to be so dishonest in the first place. He doesn’t seem like that bad of a guy, despite appearances.

I’m dying to know what he’s hiding.

“So, what do you do, exactly?” I ask, digging for clues.

“What do you mean?”

“For work.”

He glances at me for a split second, then focuses his attention back on the door. “Business, mostly.”

“That’s vague.”

“Well, you haven’t told me what you do,” he replies, his sharp eyes meeting mine. “You’re just as much of a mystery as I am, it seems. All these questions and not a single word about your personal life. Starting to think you’re hiding something.”

I laugh at his attempt to flip the script on me. He can’t think I’m that basic.

“What?” he asks, looking slightly offended. “If you’re not willing to open up, then neither am I.”

“Please. You’re the one who arrived at my house in the middle of the night, completely unannounced.”

“Used to be mine,” he grumbles.

“You’re too much,” I reply, wagging my finger at him. “I think your clothes might be dry, so you can leave, and we can both forget this ever happened. No need to exchange life stories.”

“You aren’t going to thank me?” he asks, cocking his head to the side and frowning.

“For what? Allowing me to dry your clothes?”

He points to the door. “I fixed this, and all your windows. That’s something people pay money for.”

“Okay, thank you,” I say, planting my hands on my hips. “You happy?”

He shakes his head. “Not really.”

“Then how can I make you happy?” I ask, regretting the words the second they leave my mouth.

His mouth turns up in the most devilish grin I’ve seen, but on him it’s shockingly handsome. My entire body breaks out in a cold sweat, and my heartbeat doubles in speed as he lowers his large hand to the tragically small towel I gave him. It hasn’t been doing much to cover his muscular thighs, but I’ve done my best to keep my eyes off the ample skin he’s showing.

Now, my eyes follow his hand down to the skin that could be covered if he tried, but he’s reallynottrying to cover it. Not a damn inch.

“How can you make me happy?” he asks, lowering his gaze to me. His eyes are sharp and electrifying. “I can think of a few ways, but I see you don’t even have a bed.”

I purse my lips, trying to look annoyed, but my blood is on fire and my legs are weak. Avraam is a stranger, and I shouldn’t trust him, but something about the way he looks at me makes my heart surrender to him. My body will surely follow next.

“But you’re right. Maybe I should just leave,” he says, a smile playing on his lips. “Let’s go get my clothes out of the dryer.”

I narrow my eyes, wondering what he’s up to. I know it’s nothing good. Men like him don’t have morals. They’re only interested in one thing, and it’s just the sort of thing that turns women like me into single mothers.