“Made a bet, Cat,” he says.
I’m cold, empty. Things are smashing to pieces inside me. Hendrick doesn’t close the gap. He doesn’t try and touch me, and Jac doesn’t appear behind him either. I half reach for him but stop myself, dropping my hand by my side, and I slowly clench it into a fist.
“You what?”
“We made a bet, Cat, and the thrill of sharing and having you is over.”
“But I love you. I love Jac. And—”
“We don’t want to share. I’ll leave you a choice. Choose one of us, or you need to leave Delacroix City. If you stay, you can’t do one criminal activity or I’ll turn you in. We both know you don’t want to stay, and if you leave, all doors in this city will be shut. You have a world to play in, or you can choose me or Jac. Or go.”
My eyes prickle with pending angry tears, but I’ll be damn if I let him see them. “I don’t want just you. And I don’t want just Jac. I want you both.”
He laughs and shakes his head, before going to a closet and pulling out a beautiful lightweight coat. “Can’t have that, sweet thing. But if you choose one of us, look at how easy your life will be.”
“I don’t want easy. I want you both.”
“As I said,” Hendrick says, not looking at me, “choose your favorite or leave.”
He looks at me, and my heart’s shattered pieces turn to dust.
“I’ll go.”
“You can’t ever step foot in this town again,” he says, his body rigid. His iciness is harsher than his words and they cut deep into me.
I straighten my spine and lift my chin, putting on a strong façade. “I wouldn’t want to anyway. How long do I have?”
“Three days. I’ll send you your ticket.”
I don’t know how long I sit at the kitchen table, but when I finally get up, I pull off the dress and put on one of my plain black outfits.
I’m not one who has things beyond that damned locket and ring of any sentiment. And I don’t want to touch another thing that Hendrick or Jac had bought for me.
With shaking fingers, I pin my hair, pack the things I need, leaving all the fancy shit—the makeup, the shoes, and the dresses—behind.
When I’m done, I slide my bag into a spot near the front door, and I head out.
This time, there is no car waiting. I don’t have cash, and I have no idea where my wallet is, so I walk to Jac’s.
As expected, I’m stopped at the gate by security. Sure, I know I could go over the wall, but something warns me not to. Pride, probably.
“I need to see him.”
The guard runs his eye over me. “No visitors.”
“Tell him it’s MG.”
He sighs and makes a call. I wait impatiently, but when the guard pockets his phone and turns back to me, he doesn’t look happy.
“What?” I ask. “What did he say?”
“He said, and I quote,‘Fucking Agnossio passed my message on.’And then,‘I don’t do fucking goodbyes.’”
I glare at the guy. “Tell him I’m not leaving.”
“It’s not worth my job. The boss gave an order.”