“He’s a whiner. Let’s take him. This is going to be fucking fun.”
It’s lunchtime when we all meet again, some looking worse for wear. Jac’s wiping off blood, and Maximo is cleaning his gun.
The screams are still echoing like music in my head. I’m a sick bastard sometimes, and I rarely let loose like I did today. I prefer holding back until I can’t.
When we leave, Jac doesn’t say a fucking thing, and I wait until he’s about to get into his car before I bring up the elephant in the room we’ve been ignoring.
He pauses, hand on the car door. “Are you coming?”
“We can’t keep doing this,” I say. “She won’t make a decision on her own.”
“So,” he says, “we make it for her.”
The drive to the apartment isn’t that long, but we just glare at each other, like we want the other to break. I’d share her, even with him. I just don’t think Jac can do it.
“She might choose you,” I say.
“Or you.” He pauses. “But we need to let her go. I trust you, but I don’t want to be second fiddle.”
“You’re fucking child, Jac. She loves us both.”
“Give her a test. She can have one of us or neither.”
The car pulls up, and I stare at him.
“And if she won’t choose?” I ask.
“We send her away, far from here. It’s what she wants, anyway.”
I shake my head and get out of the car. “Aren’t you going upstairs?”
He’s silent a long time. “I was, but no. I don’t do goodbyes. Tell MG I wish her the best.”
It’s eerily quiet when I get up to the apartment.
Quiet but not empty. I put the jewels on the table, and it’s only then that I realize that Jac didn’t even ask for the stupid Heart of Dark Desires.
Magdalena is in a red dress, and I already know she’s not wearing underwear. She thinks Jac’s coming, too, and she’s done it for him, knowing he prefers her without them. She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes and the toll on her’s evident.
We’re fucking assholes. I could never make her choose.
“Where’s Jac?”
“Not coming,” I say. “He told me to tell you goodbye.”
“We were going to have you choose. And whoever lost would give up his seat at the table.”
“Over me?”
“Yes.” Then I stop…and lie to her. My chest clenches, but it has to be done. “Only we realized we want to stay in the Quinate. We’re done with you.”
I’m shaking. “You what?”