Page 74 of Venomous Vows

“Damn, lass,” I hear one of them say behind me as I pass. “Come over here.”

Fuck no.

I keep walking, noticing the ratio of men to women. There are so many more cocks in this place than there are females, and I’m not entirely sure what Zane is doing here, but I’ll ask questions later.

Right now, I just want to find him and get the hell out.

“Hold on.” A large body steps out in front of me, causing my head to lift as I locate red hair, a thick layer of stubble, and piercing hazel eyes. “What’s yer name, lass?”


He lifts a questioning brow, as if not taking the hint. “Move? Now, that’s interesting.”


He frowns at me. “Aw, c’mon, lass. ’Tis is a party. We’re supposed to have a little fun.”

“I’m here for someone.”

His whole face lights up. “Aye? Well, I’ll tell ye right now that whatever he has planned for ya…I can do it twenty times better.”

I fight back a scoff that wants to take over my lips but refrain. I’m not about to get into a verbal altercation with a dude I don’t know and in a place I’ve never been to. “Hard pass.”

“What’s thee lad’s name then? I might be able to save ye the trouble.”

“Zane Bernardi.”

Some of the color leaves his face, and I guess being involved with Zane and Adrian has its perks. “Zane, eh?”

I nod. “And you are?”

He steps away then and allows me back to the path I was just on to continue on my way. “Have a nice night, lass. I won’t be causin’ trouble tonight.”

I don’t know what that means, but I stride forward and squeeze through more men. I can feel the heavy stares and their drunk slurs. It’s nothing too rude or inappropriate. Just comments about coming over to talk to them, which I easily ignore.

I’m about to pull my phone out to call Zane and ask him where the hell he is when another male voice cuts through my headspace like a blade to the chest.

“What the hell are you doing here,piccola diavola?”

My body freezes at the sound of Adrian’s voice and I slowly turn around to face it. I can’t believe I didn’t sense his presence. Maybe it’s all the testosterone in the place, but he’s here. Of course he is.

If I thought hearing his words was bad enough, the sexy blonde in his lap is the next smack to the face. She has a tight hot pink dress on that rides up her toned thighs that are crossed and tangled with Adrian’s. He’s lounged on a wide La-Z-Boy contraption and jealously involuntarily fills my veins.


I won’t feel this. I’m never going to get along with this man.

He glowers at me in dismay as I gape at the scene in front of me like a complete moron. The blonde raises a haughty brow, unimpressed that I haven’t spoken or too upset at whatever it is Adrian is to her, but I immediately want to leave.

I can’t be here.

“Where’s Zane?” I ask, proud of myself for getting the question out before I made a bigger idiot of myself.

Adrian locks his jaw and the blonde in his lap presses a manicured hand to his hard chest. “One more time,” he hedges. “What are you doing here?”

“What areyoudoing here?” I sharply retort. “Couldn’t get any pussy elsewhere?”

“It’s my bachelor party, so no.”