Page 6 of A Dangerous Game

“Last name?”

“Tell me yours first.”

His jaw works as he grits his teeth. “Judas.”

Judas looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to give him my last name, but I keep my mouth shut.

The man shoots an amused look over his shoulder at Micah. “It’s alright. We’ve got your suitcase, so we’ll find out.”

“Please,” I whisper, feeling all of my resolve disappear. “Please, just let me go. I won’t tell anybody about this—”

“That’s what they all say, sweetheart,” Judas says.

When he steps back, I’m finally able to get a glimpse of where I am. I must be in an attic, because the room is cramped, windowless; the slanted ceiling gives me a feeling of claustrophobia I’ve never felt before. Every inch of the walls and floor are covered in black foam that I assume is to soundproof the room. The mattress I’m sitting on is so thin I can feel the hard floor beneath it. A dark gray fleece throw is all I have to keep me warm, and the single exposed lightbulb right above me is the only source of light. When I push the blanket off me, I realize I’m chained to the wall.

Panicking, I start pulling at the cuff, but it’s solid. I look up with watery eyes at the two men squatting in front of me.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask, because I really want to know. What was it about me that made Micah want to kidnap me?

Micah cocks his head in a predatory manner and says, “Because, little doe, you’re the perfect prey.”

Chapter 7


Raine’sbrown eyes go wide with fear. She starts to tear up but blinks rapidly to keep from crying. An attempt to appear strong, even though I know she’s fucking terrified.

I tug on the chain to make sure it’s secure before crawling out of the room.

“Wait! You can’t leave me here!” she cries, starting to crawl out behind us. Micah and I chuckle when she jerks back onto the mattress; the chain is only about a foot long and barely reaches the door.

Her wild brown curls bounce as she sits back down heavily and glares at us with nothing but pure hatred in her brown eyes. I smirk before closing and locking the door.

“She’s different,” I comment to my son as we walk down the attic stairs to the first attic.

We were intentional with the way we built this house—the attics, more specifically. We needed a place to hold our victims until we were ready to hunt them, but the singular attic we had wouldn’t cut it. In the event police managed to find us out here, we had to ensure they would never be found. Lucky for us, the ceilings were high enough to have a second soundproof level built.

“I want to keep her,” I say with finality.

Micah nods as he pushes the stairs up. They completely disappear into the ceiling, leaving no trace behind. “Me too. I think we can have some fun with her.”

Chapter 8


No matterhow hard I try, this fucking cuff isn’t coming off, and my hand simply won’t fit through the hole, no matter how much I contort it. I throw myself back on the bed and groan in frustration.

How did my life become so fucked up?

It’s because of Dad. If he hadn’t started drinking and beating us, I wouldn’t have felt so inclined to leave. My life was perfect back then, and now it’s fucked. I don’t know what these men plan to do with me, but clearly being meek and pleading isn’t helping my case at all.

So, I’ll start fighting back. Maybe if I put up enough of a fight, they’ll kill me instead of trafficking me, or doing whatever it is they plan to do.

I’m pretty positive that I’m not the first person they’ve done this to, but now I wonder just how many women they’ve trapped up here with no way out.

What if they forget about me? What if they decide that I’m not worth keeping and they just leave me here to waste away until I die?

No. They couldn’t possibly do that…