Page 5 of A Dangerous Game

“It’s the only way to get to the island.”


I watch as her eyes follow where I’m pointing. Out in the distance, the dark shape of the small island sits like a monolith in the center of the lake. It’s just large enough to hold our three-story lake house.

Thunder booms overhead, and bright lightning splits the dark sky. “Get in the boat, Raine,” I demand, gritting my teeth against the cold.

She shakes her head again, then turns on her heels and runs into the forest.

I guess she doesn’t care if I shoot her.

The burning irritation I was just feeling makes way to unfiltered lust. My cock hardens at the thought of chasing her through these woods.

Closing my eyes, I count to ten before taking off after her.

Chapter 6


I run as fastas I can through the forest, not looking behind me to see how far Micah is. A part of me hopes he’ll be too fed up with my shit to even bother, but when my curiosity gets the better of me and I look over my shoulder, the sight of his hulking body chasing after me makes me want to pass out.

He’s coming up on me fast.

The forest floor is wild and untamed; I trip on broken branches, large rocks, and thick vines, but I catch myself before I fall. Over the noise of the rain, I hear Micah call after me. The sound of his voice sends shivers down my spine, and I swear I can feel myself getting wet. For a split second, I imagine him pinning me to a tree, ripping my clothes off, and fucking me right here in the middle of the storm with the barrel of the gun at my throat or head. But that split second of fantasy quickly wanes when I hear his heavy footsteps right behind me.


I jump over a fallen tree and make a sharp left, running blind through the forest. I tried to keep track of how to get back to the road, but it’s so hard to see anything in the darkness and rain that I’ve quickly forgotten.

Suddenly, I’m shoved to the ground. My cheek grazes the edge of a sharp rock, causing me to hiss from the sting of it. I start kicking and screaming again, but it’s pointless because no one would even be able to hear us over the rain.

Micah flips me over and grabs my throat between his large hands. I immediately start scratching and pulling on his wrists to try to get him off me, but when that doesn’t work, I claw at his skin. At least I’ll have his DNA under my fingernails, so if my body is found, the police will know who’s responsible for my death.

His face turns fuzzy as I gasp for breath, and just before I slip into darkness, I swear I feel something hard against my stomach.

“She’s waking up.”

I don’t know whose voice that is, but it definitely isn’t Micah’s.

When I push myself up, I come face to face with a man who is most definitelynotMicah, but looks almost exactly like him. They both have the same light blue eyes and dark brown hair. Where Micah’s beard and hair are short and neatly trimmed, the other man’s hair is shoulder length, and his beard is thick and full. Micah’s features are softer than this other man, who’s looking at me like a predator that’s just trapped its prey.

I struggle to swallow the lump in my throat.

“Who the hell are you?” I ask, but my tone doesn’t have the bite I want it to because my throat is so damn dry.

“Be careful, Dad,” Micah says, stepping into view. “She bites.”


The older man smirks and runs his fingers through my hair. “So do I.”

My breathing is audible in the quiet room.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?” he asks.


Why would you tell him your name, idiot?