He’s probably working. Or hanging out with friends. Or… doing literally anything, but there’s no reason to expect he’ll answer right—
He’s typing.
I stare, wide-eyed, at the three gray bubbles dancing on the bottom of my phone screen.
“It’s about time,” he texts back with a winky emoji.
I break into a ridiculous grin. “I know, you gave me your number YESTERDAY. I’m surprised you didn’t die waiting.”
“It’s fortunate for both of us,” he replies. “What are you up to?”
I sigh, giving up on studying for the moment and hopping up on my bed so I can relax on it while I text him. “Not much. I just finished up a sort of club meeting with the best and worst girls at my school. Now I’m about to do some homework while I wait for my mom to bring me dinner.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Oh yeah. Too much fun. Should be illegal. What about you? What are you doing?”
“Thinking about you,” he says, with an added wink.
A stupid grin reclaims my lips. “Well, I certainly hope so. If you’re talking to me and thinking about somebody else, we may be on the wrong track.”
“Oh yeah? What track are you hoping we’re on?”
My eyes widen. That’s… aggressive. Or is it? Maybe not. Maybe I’m just so new to this that it seems that way.
My suspicion is confirmed when I search my brain for a response, and all I can come up with is, “A good one?”
I do not type that.
I do not type anything.
Too much time passes and I start to panic, realizing I’ve let an awkward amount of time pass after a question like that.
Perspiration gathers along my forehead. I drop the phone on the mattress and shake out my hands, trying more desperately to come up with something cogent to say.
The bubbles dance.
I hold my breath.
“You there?”
Smacking my palm against my face, I groan. I grab the phone and try to think, but my brain won’t work. Finally, I type out the only thing I can come up with.
The truth.
“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry, I didn’t mean to… disappear. I should warn you, I’m really new to this.”
“Texting?” he jokes.
“Yes. I’ve only had a phone for three days. Prior to this, I lived in an ocean cave with dolphins and a crab.”
“Makes sense. I thought I smelled the beach on you.”
I crack a smile. “No, but in all seriousness, the whole talking to a guy thing. I know that probably sounds lame, but I’ve literally never texted a guy before, so…”
“How old are you?” he messages back.
Oh boy.