He thinks it’s weird.
Of course he thinks it’s weird. Itisweird.
“I’m 18,” I answer.
“And you’ve never dated?”
I can’t tell if he thinks that’s horrifically weird, or he’s just curious. Stupid toneless text.
Swallowing, I type back, “No, I haven’t.”
“Why? Never liked anyone?”
“I have, but… it’s kind of a long story.”
“I’ve got time.”
I smile faintly, but with very little humor. “I also think it probably isn’t the best idea to start off the first time we’ve ever texted by talking about another guy. Isn’t that a dating etiquette rule or something?”
“Maybe, but I tend to think you should only obey rules as long as they serve you.”
Of course he does.
I guess I have a type.
Another text comes through, one that is decidedly un-Landonlike.
“You can talk to me about anything you want.”
I stare at those words on the screen for longer than I should without responding. It’s hard to say exactly why they feel so reassuring. I guess because I believe them, and it’s nice to have someone I can confide in.
“It’s too messed up,” I finally text back. “I don’t want to bring you into it anymore than you already have been.”
“Is it about that guy you came to dinner with? Your new stepbrother?”
I cringe seeing that word on the screen and knowing it’s a reference to Landon. Licking my lips, I debate how much I want to share.
Then I glance at the time and realize it’s getting late. Mom will be here soon, and I really do have a lot of homework.
“Hey Javi, I’m really not trying to be evasive or anything, but I just realized how late it’s getting, and I still have a lot of homework to do…”
“No problem. We can talk more later.”
“Thanks for understanding.”
“Of course. Now go get that A so you can come back and talk to me.”
I grin at the screen and type back, “Yes, sir.”
He types back an ellipsis, then he says, “You wanna keep that up, or you wanna do your homework?”
I flush, chuckling to myself and trying to ignore the butterflies in my tummy. I guess I walked into that, but I didn’t expect risqué texts so soon.
“Homework!” I text back. “Talk to you later,” I add with a smiley, just so he knows I wasn’t put off by the joke.
“In case I don’t talk to you later, have sweet dreams.”
“You too.”