She doesn’t hide her skepticism. “Really?”
“I know.” I nod. “I’m surprised, too. I thought for sure he’d be selfish.Nope. We’ve been sneaking around for like… three days, and he has already given me…” I stop to count on my fingers. “Five orgasms? Six?”
Eyebrows rising, she says, “Seems like a pretty good ratio.”
“And not just quantity, the quality is there, too. We had sex on the beach yesterday after school, and it basically changed my life.”
“Guess all the practicing he did was good for something,” she says lightly.
“It really was. I was never impressed by the rate at which he blew through girls, but heknowswhat he’s doing. Honestly, I can see now how he could convince a girl to load up all her self-respect and throw it straight in the trash. I have a much better understanding of Brittany now. I thought she was kind of an idiot, but now I get it. She couldn’t help herself. No one could. He should come with a warning label.”
“He does,” she says, smiling faintly. “A ton of them.”
“Well, they should be more specific,” I say with a sniff.
Hannah laughs. “That must have been some sex on the beach.”
“It was,” I say, a bit dreamily as I recall it. “It really was.”
Chapter Thirty-Five
“You need to stop fucking texting her.”
I put my phone down on the table, glancing over at Malek. “You need to mind your own fucking business.”
“We’re family. You are my business. I know how bad the Atwater men are at not fucking up their relationships with their bullshit behavior, and I’m telling you now, you’re on the fast track to blowing up this relationship before it even gets off the ground if you don’t knock it off.”
“Malek Atwater, relationship expert,” Arden says dryly.
Malek slides him a look. “Stay out of it, pretty boy. You’re no good at them either.”
“I’ve never tried to be,” Arden states, his tone bored. “He’s been chasing her since middle school and he’s still going to fuck it up.”
“All right, we’re done talking about my relationship with Parker. I shouldn’t have even updated you two fucks about what was going on.”
“You should have broken up your parents first,” Arden advises, despite the fact that I didn’t fucking ask. “Ifyoudon’t screw it up, they surely will the moment they find out about it. You can’t date your stepsister. This isn’t Arkansas.”
A notification pops up on my phone screen. A DM from Parker that reads, “We’re here! About to park.”
I stand abruptly, my legs shoving back my chair. “They’re here.”
I don’t take the time to say anything else since I need to get to the parking portico before she does so I can make sure she doesn’t talk to the fucking valet.
Her Prius is just about to pull up when I get outside. Aladdin is waiting behind the stand until he sees it’s her. Then he grabs a ticket and walks around to open Hannah’s door since she’s in the passenger seat, and she just has the vibe of a girl you’re supposed to open doors for.
“Thank you,” Hannah murmurs, flashing him a polite smile before climbing out of the car.
Parker’s exit is much less graceful, but a smile tugs at my lips as she comes striding around the front of the car with her brisk, no-nonsense pace. The smile dies when her gaze flits to the valet, and I cross my arms when she makes her way to me.
“Hey,” she says, flashing me a quick, empty smile. I know she’s nervous. I keep a close watch as she tries to figure out how to handle both of us being in the same place at the same time.
Since I don’t particularly want her to get a chance to interact with the guy, I call out, “Hey, Javi.”
Frowning, he looks back at me.
“Make any good wishes lately?”