Page 139 of Contempt

“I figured you can use it like a signal. When you’re mad at me, you can turn it that way. When it’s a Landon-friendly zone, you can turn him pink.”

I grin up at him, delighted, as I hug the plushie. “This is hands down the cutest ‘keep out’ sign in all existence.”

He cracks a smile. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I do, thank you.” Since he’s outside the car and I already got in, I step back out so I can give him a hug.

I forgot I got him all wet until I feel his shirt soak through mine.

“Shit,” I say, pulling back and looking down at my shirt. Since our parents are probably waiting for us at home, it’s probably a bad idea to show up together, both of us wet. “I don’t have a replacement shirt in the back seat of this car yet. I used to keep one in my old car for emergencies, but this one was so nice and clean—”

Landon interrupts. “It’s fine. I figured we probably shouldn’t show up at home together, anyway. I’ll head to Malek’s and toss my shirt in the dryer for a few minutes. If anyone asks, I can just say I went for a swim at his house.”

“Okay.” I nod. “And if Mom asks, I was at school late working on Uplift stuff and I spilled my drink. Not that you would know that, so I don’t know why I’m telling you…”

Landon smirks and leans in, kissing me on the corner of the mouth and making my heart stop. “Anyone ever tell you that you think too much about everything?”

My stomach flutters when he locks a strong arm around my waist and pulls me against him now that we have our alibis sorted. “If they did, I wouldn’t listen.”

He kisses me again, slower this time, a hand sliding up to find my neck. He kisses me until I’m dizzy and drunk on him, then he pulls back and lets me go.

I give him a tiny smile and slide back into my seat, but I’m still a bit high on his kisses when he’s walking back to his car. I sit there for a minute to get my bearings and clear my head. Just when I’m about to leave, my phone in the cupholder buzzes.

My blood freezes for a split second when I see I have a DM—the only person I have sent a DM recently was Dare—but relief hits me when I recognize Landon’s handle.

“You okay to drive?”

“Of course. I had like one sip of the lemonade.”

“That’s not what I meant,” he says with a wink.

“Ugh,” I type back, then I look over at him still parked beside me. I turn my octopus plushie to the grumpy side and hold it up for him to see. Landon laughs, then he finally pulls away.


Since I have a new secret boy situation and I want to talk to Hannah about it without fearing I’ll be overheard, I ask her out to do a little shopping with me on Saturday.

Before I leave, Landon slips into my bedroom for a little “snack,” and as I’m pulling up my panties, he suggests we meet up with him and the guys afterward for lunch.

That’s pretty much the last thing I want to do. Lunch with Landon and Hannah, sure, but he’s hanging out with Malek and Arden, and that doesn’t sound like the best time.

I suppose I’ll have to compromise, though, so I tell him I’ll message him when we’re about done and then we can figure out where to meet up.

“So,” Hannah says, as she grabs a cute blue and white checkered dress off the rack and turns it around to look at the back. “How’s the Landon thing going?”

“It’s going… well? As well as a secret situationship can, I guess? At the moment, it’s a lot of lying and sneaking around, but obviously we have to keep it from our parents.”

Hannah nods thoughtfully. “What do you think would happen if they found out?”

“I don’t know. I’m trying not to think about it. I never expected this to happen, you know?”

She smiles faintly. “Yeah, since just a few days ago I was over at your house playing babysitter because you couldn’t be left alone with him, I do know.”

“I know,” I say on a groan, walking to the next rack. “It’s crazy. I know it is. He spent six years being a shithead to me, and now… I don’t even know. We’re a match made in hell. We have nothing in common. I’m not even sure Ilikehim as a person. But the sex is so good,” I finish miserably.

“Because you have so much to compare it to,” she says lightly.

“Well, no. But instinctively, I’m certain he’s an exceptional lover.”