Page 62 of Contempt

He caught me off-guard and I had no reason to suspect him of pulling any of the Machiavellian bulltshit he’s pulled in the past, but now I’m realizing… the suit’s not rumpled. Not a hair out of place. No obvious signs of distress like I would expect if he actually thought for one second his bride-to-be was walking out on him.

“They’re not leaving.”

He doesn’t answer, just continues to watch me.

“You would have come up with something. Your first move isn’t to accept defeat and move on.”

His lips curve up faintly.

I shake my head, realizing I walked right into a fucking trap. “You just wanted to see if I’d care.”

“I won’t lie, I’m relieved to see you do.”

Now I’m pissed. “Yeah, I bet you fucking are.”

“It wasn’t entirely a drill,” he says, dropping his sad sack act and sitting forward, steepling his hands atop his desk. “Gemmadidtell me earlier today she wanted to move out. It took some work, but Parker and I managed to talk her down.This time. But thisishow she feels, Landon. We can’t continue as we have this week. If we do, I promise you, even my best efforts won’t keep them here.”

I glare at him, arms still crossed.

“If we’re going to convince them to stay, I need your help.”

He seems genuine. I can’t remember the last time my dad asked for my help with anything. I guess he doesn’t expect I’d give it to him, but he’s already done his manipulative bullshit to make sure we have a common interest.

“Unless you truly want Parker and her mother to move out in the next week or two, you have to start making more of an effort.”

“What I’m hearing is, burn their old house down so they don’t have a choice and they have to stay.”

He stares at me flatly, but, realizing I may be serious, his tone turns firm. “I am absolutely not telling you to do that.”

“I don’t know, sounds like something a guy would say to keep his hands clean.” I wink at him. “Don’t worry. Iwon’t do it.”


I can’t help laughing a little. “I won’t burn the fucking house down. Yet. But you better keep Gemma happy, because the thought’s crossed my mind now, so…”

He gazes at me, still unimpressed, but he continues on. “Parker suggested we do something as a family.”

“Yeah, that went well last time.”

His gaze narrows on me. “Yes, and whose fault was that?”

I roll my eyes.

“She wants to do a movie night this time. The girls won’t be home tonight, they’re spending the night at the resort so they can recharge and come home fresh, but I need you to make an effort tomorrow, Landon. Please be nice to Gemma. Watch the movie with us, and then you can go to your room and ignore us if you want, but I need for Gemma to have a good experience. Something to renew her hope that this can all work out. I’m not asking you to make her a friendship bracelet and braid her hair, but please, for one night, do not make trouble.”

I smirk as I lean forward and grab my duffel, then I stand. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure I’m on my best behavior.”

My sarcastic tone must not offer him enough reassurance, because as I head for the door, he says, “I hope so. There’s a lot at stake here, Landon, and some damage can’t be undone.”

I can’t help but laugh bitterly athimtellingmethat. “Yeah, Dad. I know.”

Chapter Fifteen


Once the popcorn is salted and evenly distributed between two bowls, the candy open and waiting on the coffee table, and a bevy of beverages lined up and waiting for our greedy consumption, we are finally ready for family movie night to begin.

Well, mostly.