Page 63 of Contempt

Landon isn’t here.

He was supposed to be, of course.

His attendance was the single most important part of family movie night.

But we’ve waited twenty minutes past when the movie was supposed to start, and he still isn’t here.

I wish I could say I’m surprised.

Mom isn’t surprised, either, but she isn’t as disappointed as Hayden and I are. Now we can all have a relaxing night and not have to worry about Landon’s antics.

“What are we watching?” I ask, sinking back into the comfy couch cushions with my green bowl of popcorn.

Mom and Hayden are on the middle couch together with their blue bowl. “I’m not sure yet,” Mom says, glancing at Hayden.

Hayden checks his phone one more time, then sighs. “I hadn’t decided yet. I was going to ask Landon what he wanted to watch. Since it’s just us, I suppose you girls will have to weigh in. I’ve narrowed it down toGoodfellasorThe Departed.”

“Oh, good choices,” Mom says, impressed.

I grab a couple of pieces of popcorn. “I don’t think I’ve seen that second one.”

“Really?” Hayden asks, eyebrows rising. “Well, that’s what we’re watching, then. I have to educate you.”

“What’s it about?”

“Illegal things,” Mom answers.

“Don’t get enough of that at work, huh?” I tease.

“I’m a man of many interests. Illicit activities happen to be among them.”

Like father, like son, I guess.

I smile faintly as Hayden fires up the massive television in the living room. “I still think we should do this in the media room. That’s literally what it’s for,” he says.

That was the original plan, but we were waiting for Landon downstairs on the couch. We waited so long, Mom suggested we just stay down here to watch the movie.

“It’s weird that you have a movie theater in your house,” Mom states. “If we can go to the movies here, why do we ever need to actuallygoto the movies again? It’s supposed to be a special outing. Family movie nights should take place in the living room.”

“But the media room has surround sound and a bigger TV.”

“And comfy theater recliners,” I add, on Hayden’s side in this matter.

“And it’s dark,” Hayden says. “Movies are better in the dark.”

“We can turn the lights off in the living room,” Mom says primly, unwilling to budge. “Family movie night is happening here, whether you two gang up on me or not.”

Hayden sighs dramatically. I’m smiling at the fun novelty of family bickering, but my smile drops and my heart falls when I hear the front door open and close.

There’s only one person that can be.

“Nice of you to finally show up,” Hayden remarks dryly.

“Yup,” Landon answers succinctly, glancing at the TV and seeing it turned on. “Being nice. It’s what I’m known for.”

“We were just about to pick a movie.”

“And then watch it with all the lights on, like psychopaths?”