“I’m pretty sure my dad already knows, but yeah, I don’t see your mom taking it well. That’s likely why he’s ignoring it.”
My stomach somersaults. “You think he knows? Did he see you coming out of my bedroom or something?”
“Nah, but he’s employed tactics that make it pretty clear. He’s an observant guy. He doesn’t miss much.”
My brow furrows. “I’m surprised he would keep something like that from her if he really knows.”
“He’s a lawyer. It’s his job to know when to keep pertinent information to himself.” Glancing over and seeing me still frowning, he says, “You don’t have to worry. It doesn’t mean anything bad. He’s crazy about your mom. If he’s keeping his mouth shut, it’s because he thinks he’s protecting her. Same reasonyoukeepyourmouth shut.”
I guess that’s true. I like Hayden a lot so it would be tremendously disappointing if he turned out to be an asshole. Well,moreof an asshole than I already know he is.
Chapter Thirty-Four
We’re on the way back to school so I can pick up my car when I realize we neverreallytalked about the one thing we definitely needed to talk about today.
I told him during sex that if he wanted to fuck me, he needed to use a condom, but it’s probably a good idea to communicate that when we both have all our clothes on.
“So, I’ve never had to talk to a guy about this because… well, you know. You always scare them off.”
I crack a smile. “But, um, the sex thing? We need to talk about it.”
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Obviously, I haven’t been active. But just as obviously, you have. Since you didn’t use a condom last night, I was wondering if I should… get tested,” I say, grimacing. “There’s not a way to ask that doesn’t sound icky. I’m sorry.”
Landon smirks. “You’re fine. You don’t have to get tested, but if you don’t want to take my word for it, knock yourself out. I’ve never… I’ve always used a condom.”
This is a bit awkward, and awkwardness makes me talkative, so I nod. “Okay, good. That’s good. I mean…”
He nods, partially to stop me from launching into a ramble about his sexual responsibility. “Anything else?”
“Um, you never really confirmed you broke up with Brittany.”
“I was neverwithBrittany. We weren’t dating. It was casual.”
“Still. She deserves to know it’s over.”
“Fine. I’ll text her.”
“Thank you,” I say, but then I frown, because that seems an odd thing to thank him for. Shrugging it off, I focus on what else needs to be said. “I mentioned this during sex, but I don’t know… that’s probably not the best time for cogent conversation.”
“Seems to be for you,” he says dryly.
I shoot him a look. “I am not on birth control. I’ll get on some, but I have to make an appointment, and that will take time. If we’re going to keep doing this, I need you to use a condom until I tell you otherwise.”
“Eh, I don’t really like condoms. I liked it better without.”
“Um, yeah, that doesn’t really matter. I am not protected,” I say slowly, so he gets it. “If you fuck me without a condom, you could get me pregnant.”
He shrugs indolently. “Then I get you pregnant.”
My eyes bulge. “Are youinsane? We are inhigh school. Our parents are gettingmarried. You arenotgetting me pregnant.”
He shrugs again, not taking this nearly as seriously as he should be. “Maybe I already did.”