“That’s not funny.”
“Who’s joking? Not only did I come inside you, I stayed for a while after you fell asleep. Why do you think I brought you a cranberry smoothie?”
At this point, it’s an anatomical feat that my eyeballs are still in my head. “I willkill youif you impregnated me our first time having sex.”
“You can’t kill me. Then who’s going to rub your feet when you’re tired from waddling around all day with my baby in your belly?”
“Stop,” I say, covering my ears.
Clearly, his appetite for tormenting me hasn’t died out because he continues. “Imagine how hot I’d look with a baby carrier strapped to me, a mini-Landon gnawing on his little fist.”
“I am no longer listening to you,” I inform him.
“Hey, look on the bright side. We wouldn’t have to worry about how to break the news to your mom anymore. Surprise! You’re gonna be a grandma.”
“Stop talking. Just… no more words. This is now a silent date.”
Landon smirks, looking pretty damn satisfied with himself.
Since he prefers silence, it’s no trouble for his broody ass to keep quiet the rest of the way to the school. Since I’m annoyed at him, it’s no trouble for me, either.
When we get to the school, Landon pulls his noisy-ass car up next to my quiet one and kills the engine.
I’ve never been dropped off at my car after a date before, so I’m not sure of the proper protocol. I expect Landon to walk me to my car, but when I walk around the front, he walks around the back to get something out of his trunk.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to wait, or the date is over and he’s just grabbing a cold bottle of water or something.
After dawdling uncertainly for a few seconds, I open my driver’s side door and slide in.
Landon comes over right as I’m pulling my foot in the car and grabs the door so I can’t close it. “Not even gonna wait for me, huh?”
I blush at his teasing. “I didn’t know what you were doing. I thought I’d been dismissed.”
He shakes his head. “I had to get something out of my trunk.”
“Was it a body?” I ask solemnly, my gaze drifting to the hand he’s hiding behind his back.
“Sort of. Close your eyes.”
“Because it’s a surprise.”
“I don’t like surprises.”
“I don’t care. Close your damn eyes.”
Sighing, I say, “If this is something gross, I swear to God…”
“It isn’t something gross. I got you a present. Now, hold out your hand, you little ingrate.”
I chuckle despite myself, then I bite back a grin and hold out my palm.
He places something soft and fluffy in the palm of my hand, and my eyes pop open immediately. I gasp at the sight of anadorableoctopus plushie. “What is this?” I say, petting his soft little head.
“It’s reversible. Turn it over.”
The side facing out right now is aqua with an adorable grumpy expression on its cute little face. I turn the little octopus inside out, and the other side is pink with a friendly smile.