Page 47 of Ruthless Villain

“Dad, I don’t need to be set up with anyone.”

“You need a life while you’re here. In L.A. you worked too hard, and I know what losing Cole did to you.”

Damn it, this is his idea of fixing that. “Dad, I’m over Cole. I really am.”

“You say that now, but I know you wouldn’t say otherwise. And you probably wouldn’t tell me. I want you to enjoy the next few months. Having good people around you will make that possible. Evan is one of the best guys I know.”

I want to scream. Dad is not going to take no for an answer, so am I really going to be stuck with this guy for the whole time I’m here?

“Isn't Evan the same guy who got into that fight with Luc Le Blanche? It's a little odd that you tell me to get to know Evan and warn me away from Luc.”

Dad frowns, and I know I shouldn’t have said that.

“Evan is not Luc, sweetheart. For a start, Luc Le Blanche would not be anywhere near my home. Like I said yesterday, he’strouble. Outside of business you need to stay away from him. After all you've been through Luc is the last guy you want to get mixed up with. Evan, on the other hand, is someone I approve of. Not defiant assholes who think they're above the law.”

“Dad that’s a little harsh.”

“It's true. That is what Luc is. Now come on, get to know Evan, and please, never speak to me about Luc Le Blanche again.”

Conversation over.And as for my hopes for Luc? Well… I have none.

Dad puts an arm around me and ushers me to the living room. Each step I take feels like I’m walking into doom.

I don’t want to do this.

I might not have had any hope with Luc anyway because he is who he is, but the added layer of my father’s hatred makes everything more difficult. Even this.

I feel like I can’t say no or stand my ground because he makes everything about my health.

I really wanted to see Luc again. We didn’t even get to talk properly yesterday. I wanted to catch up with him during the fundraiser but Dad kept carting me off to one thing or another.

If I see Luc outside of business Dad will consider that as an act of defiance, then he’d make me suffer.

That means not seeing Luc, but that thought feels so wrong in my head.

How can I lose him again when I just found him?

Chapter 12


Autumn Jakobe, I need to stop thinking about you.

The goddess is still clinging to the fibers of my mind, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be leaving any time soon.

I’m still in the same state of flux where part of me wants to rejoice that I found my Venus, while the other half is reminding me that she’s my enemy’s daughter.

I walk down the corridor of Preston’s home on my way to the study.

Hunter, Asher, and I always come home for family dinner on Sunday so we can see Preston and Aunt Louise. I can’t always make it during the hockey season, but I’m here more often than not.

Tonight Preston has invited some of his friends who are on the board at the company to join us. While they were talking about stocks and shares I thought I’d have a moment to myself.

The impending meeting tomorrow with Jakobe is on my mind. I’m not even thinking about having to sit in a room with Evan and keep my cool.

I just don’t know how I’m supposed to look Jakobe in the eye with a straight face and not think about his daughter.

His beautiful daughter and her perfect naked body that I can’t get out of my head.