Page 46 of Ruthless Villain

“Regardless, Dad has a special guest friend here for you. One of his players. Looks like he's trying to set you up.”

The air drains from my lungs. “What?”

“Dad’s trying to set you up.”

“What makes you say that? Did Dad tell you that?”

“He didn’t need to. It’s kind of obvious.”

“Who's here, Charlotte?”

“Evan Kowalski.”

The bottom of my stomach drops. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

She gives me a haughty stare. “I don’t make those sorts of jokes.”

She’s right. She knows I’d hate this, so it’s enjoyable for her.

“This isn’t happening.”

“Oh, but it is. And you should definitely come down before Dadcomes upto get you. At least Evan is hot. See you downstairs.” She gives me a prissy wave and leaves, closing the door behind her.

Shit. What the hell is Dad up to?

Why is he doing this to me?

I don’t need to be set up with anyone. And withAsshole Evan, the guy Luc hates?


I stare at the wall, hoping the sudden throbbing in my head will clear. When it doesn’t I rest my head on the desk, wishing I could sink into the wood and disappear.

Knowing I won't win here, I lift my head and shake it. Charlotte's right. Dadwillcome up and get me if I don’t go down.

With that thought, I get dressed in something more appropriate to see guests instead of my shorts. I pull on jeans and a little top, then make my way downstairs.

The sound of excited chatter and laughter fill my ears the closer I get to the living room.

Before I reach it, I glance in and see them all sitting around the coffee table— Mom, Cole, Charlotte, Dad, and Evan, who I’m not attracted to in the least.

Sure, he’s handsome, has the hockey player build, and reminds me of a young Jason Priestly with his stylish blond hair and California guy attitude, but he’s not my type.

Dad spots me and gets up. He motions for me to go into the kitchen, probably to speak to me first. So I do.

Seconds later he joins me and takes both my hands into his.

“Sweetheart, I thought it would be a great idea to invite Evan over for lunch so you could get to know him more. The two of you seemed to hit it off so well yesterday.”

How in the world could he have arrived at that idea from the few minutes Evan and I spoke?

“Dad, I was being nice.”

He releases my hands and sets his shoulders back, assuming his defensive stance.

“Evan is a great guy. Even if you were just being nice, I think you’d like him if you knew him. I’ve asked him to show you around and liaise with the team to get the interviews going. But outside of that I strongly believe you two would be a great match.”

While I die a little more inside Dad smiles as if this is the greatest idea in the world.