Page 80 of Ruthless Villain

I'm in the middle of signing my autograph for a blonde puck bunny dressed in a mini-skirt and a bikini top so tight her breasts are falling out, when I look down the corridor and see Autumn.

The goddess is walking toward me as if she just stepped out of my dreams. A little smile plays on her lips when she notices me looking at her.

Blonde puck bunny is saying something about wanting to have my babies, but my mind is on Autumn moving closer and closer to me.

My mind goes on autopilot and I finish signing the autograph, then I hear myself say to the blonde bunny, “Have a nice night,” as if I'm programmed to do so.

When Autumn reaches me I step out of the line and meet her halfway.

“Please tell me you're here to see me.”

She smiles. “Yes. Coach is asking if you could join the team upstairs for a group picture forSports Magazine.”

I love the sound of her voice. It always does something to me. Something good. Something hopeful. Something I always want.

I place my hand over my heart and smile back at her. “Baby, you know how I feel about that. Pictures, interviews, same difference. I hate them. The good coach knows that, too.”

She grins. “I suppose he thought he would give it a try. They were asking for you.”

“So he thought he'd send the pretty girl downstairs to try and entice me?”

She casts a glance at the line of bunnies who are still waiting for my autograph, then looks back at me. “I'd say you have enough pretty girls here to entice you.”

I lean closer. “But he sent the one I want. Venus, my goddess.”

She blushes and tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. “You are one hell of a charmer, Luc Le Blanche.”

“Maybe so. Are you gonna ask me for my autograph?”

She chuckles. “I don't have any paper.”

“Give me your hand.” I’ll take any excuse to touch her, but a cunning idea forms in my mind from something I did before.

She holds out her hand. It's dainty with long, elegant, manicured fingernails, and when I touch her skin it’s so soft I want to sink into it.

I take my pen, flick her wrist over, and write the wordMineon it.

Her cheeks redden when she reads what I wrote. She tries to downplay her surprise but fails.

I lean in again, this time closer, so close her scent fills me and I know it’s close enough to get people talking but I need this.

I need her.

“Monday, baby,” I whisper in her ear. “I hope to God you say yes to me. The second you do I'll be buried inside you and we'll finish what we started in that bedroom of yours the other night. Do you hear me?”

I inch back to look at her beautiful face and take in the deep flush creeping up her elegant neck.

“I hear you.” She nods slowly, her eyes brightening with want and all the things I feel for her.

I want to tell her we should just get the fuck away from here right the hell now and run away to the ends of the earth where no one can find us, but someone calls her name.

Of course, it's Daddy Dearest. I release her hand. I don't think he saw me holding it because of the angle we’re at, but that was risky, and I’m standing way too close.

Autumn steps back and glances toward him. “Good night, Luc.”

“Good night, Autumn.”

She heads away from me, glancing back before she reaches her father.