Page 79 of Ruthless Villain

Like the goddess she is, she’s managed to make her minimal-effort outfit and hairstyle look like she’s ready for the runway.

I was turned on from the moment I spotted her in a baby pink turtleneck.

The thing is tight and the color reminds me of her nipples when they’re equally tight and begging to be sucked.

Yeah,I’m fucked. And once again wondering how to unfuck myself. It’s just that this is not the time or place to be worrying about that.

I’m in the middle of a game for crying out loud, not practice. It’s a serious game, yet with her here all I can think of is her and what her answer will be to my offer on Monday.

It’sonlyThursday night. Monday feels like it’s light years away and I might not make it until then.

I’m like a man starved of food and water, roaming around in a desert with nothing but the thought of survival on his mind. Unlike that man, what I need isn’t food or water. It’s her. Her back in my bed, screaming my name. All mine again.

I know I’m being selfish because I want her to choose me, but she's in a more vulnerable position than I am. If things go wrong she’ll suffer more than I will.

I will still have my legacy and I will still be Luc Le Blanche, but she'd be under her father's thumb for longer than she needs to be.

It made me sick to my stomach to hear what he was doing to her. Again I questioned how they could all think it was okay. I understood Jakobe’s worry about his daughter, but I’ve always believed that if you keep too much control over someone who's trying their best to get their life back on track, you end up losing them again.

I won't profess to understand how a father feels when life-threatening events happen to their child, but I know how I’d feel if I were Autumn.

Perhaps the selfish part of me is trying to be noble in thinking she wants to be saved, and she wantsmeto save her.

Suddenly Heath skates into me, slamming into my arm.

“Hey, Le Blanche, wake up. What are you doing? Playing or waiting for Sunday school to start?”

Peter laughs at the jab. Because my family is Catholic they always make some church-related joke any chance they get.

“You're funny. How about my foot in your mouth?” I throw back.

“Just wake the fuck up and stop daydreaming.” Heath casts a glance at Autumn, and I school my thoughts, embarrassed for being caught and called out.

Heath is fucking right. I need to wake up.

I take one last look at Autumn before I will my mind to focus.

I’m just in time because not even a minute passes before the game changes when Boston scores a goal.

The goal against us seems to wake usallup, and the game becomes a literal blood war for the next goal.

The next section of the game sees us pulling out all the stops, like a real battle. Some of our men even get taken down.

Frank gets into it with the opposing defender and ends up with several cracked ribs. Litchfield gets a puck in his face, and several other guys have all sorts of shit happening to them.

Through all that I fight back, summoning the dragon in me.

Boston is a force to be reckoned with but the Hawks end up winning two to one.

That first goal Boston scored was the only one weallowedthem to get against us.

Unfortunately the winning goal was scored by Evan, so now he thinks he's the king. It's fine. I'm still a god.

After the game Coach chews us out like never before, and I don’t miss the what-the-fuck-were-you-thinking look he casts my way.

I say nothing because he is right. I wasn't on my best game tonight, but next time I'll do better.

Once he's done I head out to sign autographs. I have fifty people waiting in line for me to sign their T-shirts and programs.