Page 20 of Terror

“Got it. Do you have the blueprints for the house?” Venom asks, keeping his attention on Goose for now.

“Yep. We pulled them when we moved here in case we wanted to build out that way for any reason. Vault also has them from what I understand. This particular house has three entrances. There’s the front and back doors plus a storm cellar at the side of the house. I don’t know if that door will be locked or somethin’ we can break through easily at this point. The house has been sittin’ abandoned for about fifteen years accordin’ to what I’ve pulled up though. it’s a two-story house with four bedrooms upstairs. My guess is she’s gonna be in the basement or one of the bedrooms on the second floor. If we go in with three teams, we can enter the house at the same time, take out anyone there, and get her out before anyone else shows up. Plus, we’ll have night on our side since we’ll be losin’ daylight in about an hour or so,” Goose states, setting out the blueprints in the middle of the table.

We all look over the blueprints as Otter and Hawkeye leave their seats and get together to break us up in teams. Venom calls everyone else in so they can go with us while we’re all figuring the best way to enter the house at the same time. Steel, Brick, and I will be on different teams and I know I’m gonna be the one to find my wife. I have to be the first one she sees. I need to get my eyes on her as soon as I possibly can. She’s my entire world and the thought of her being hurt fills me with despair.

“The guys will be here in less than half an hour. They’re closin’ up shop now and headin’ straight here. Hawkeye and Otter, let everyone know what teams they’re on and where they’re headin’ as soon as you get it figured out. The rest of us will look over the blueprints, make sure we have enough weapons and ammunition for everyone, and let the Prospects know what they’ll be doin’ while we’re gone. I want two full patches to stay back with the ol’ ladies and kids. These fuckers have proven they have no morals for the last time by goin’ after one of our women,” Venom says, his voice hard and deadly as he looks around the table.

I leave the room instead of remaining looking over the blueprints. There will still be time for me to do that shit once I make sure I’ve got the guns and ammunition ready for my personal weapons. I’m also gonna grab my knives that I hide in my boots, cut, and jeans. Along with the hunting knife I keep strapped to my belt when we go out on shit like this. If I’d had it the day we went to meet with Horton, I would’ve put the fucking thing against his neck and slice him from ear to ear. Lopez will be the one who gets that treatment now. He’s gone after my wife twice in a matter of weeks and I’m over his bullshit.

Once I have everything ready to go, I make my way back to church where half the guys are still looking over the blueprints and the rest are getting ready to head out. Sitting down in my chair once again, Otter makes his way over to me.

“We’re gonna be on the same team today. Typically I wouldn’t put us together, but I know I’m one of the few who can pull you back when you need it. So, we’re together with Kevlar, Ricochet, Bull, Ghost, and Brantley. We’ll be goin’ upstairs to check the bedrooms after comin’ in the front door. If you can’t hold your shit, Wicked, you need to tell me now,” my best friend tells me as he sits down in the chair next to me.

“I’ll keep my shit together until we get my wife out of there. Then, I’m not gonna hold shit in. Especially if she’s been hurt or anythin’ happens to our baby because of this shit. She’s been under so much stress and fear over the last few weeks and I know it’s not good for the baby or her. The last appointment she had, her blood pressure was slightly elevated. Not enough to have anythin’ done about it, but enough for the doctor to mention it to us. I’ll fuckin’ gut the pricks if they make somethin’ happen to her or the baby,” I promise Otter as I look in his eyes so he can see the truth of my words.

“Quinn’s comin’ home tonight, Wicked. We won’t let anythin’ happen to her or the baby. Put that shit out of your mind right the fuck now. You got all your shit ready to go?” he questions me, his voice lowered so I’m the only one who hears him.

“It’s all ready. Not changin’ my clothes cause I want those fuckers to see me comin’ for them. I want to be the last fuckin’ person they see alive and know I’m about to fuckin’ end them for thinkin’ they could have a role in takin’ my wife and unborn child from me,” I tell him as Venom comes back in the room with everyone else.

We go over the teams and the plan to get Quinn out quickly before packing everything up and leaving the clubhouse. I don’t look at anyone or say a word as I load up in Otter’s truck. His truck is the only one we’re taking in case we have to get Quinn out of there in a hurry. Everyone else will load up in the vans and head out. Goose is taking his tablet with him so he can let us know if there’s any movement on the tracker. He’ll be the one hangin’ back with his stuff so we know if there’s any change. At this point, we’re hoping the tracker is still in the same location and they didn’t take it off her before moving her again. I wouldn’t put anything past these fuckers at this point.

Chapter Fourteen


THIS LOCKED ROOM has become my sanctuary in the time I’ve been here. I don’t even know how long it’s been since Lopez took me because there’s no light in this room with the exception of a small lamp on the dresser that’s about to fall over. I’m not sure when it was turned on, but that lamp is the only thing giving me any light here. I haven’t been fighting or trying to escape because there is no way for me to get out of here. The cuffs are too tight and I can’t let myself out of a second story window. If I weren’t pregnant, I’d take my chances of trying to escape. Yes, my dad taught me how to get out of a pair of handcuffs in case I were ever taken. However, I don’t have anything with me in order to get them unlocked. So, I’ve just been laying here and focusing on my breathing and making sure the baby is okay. I’ve had a few bits of pain shoot through my stomach and I’m really trying not to get upset by it because it’s too early for our little one to be born.

The last thing I’m letting myself do is to close my eyes. I’m so hungry and exhausted that all I want to do is sleep and have something to eat. However, I wouldn’t trust eating anything that was brought to me here. I’m not going to put my faith in kidnappers that they haven’t drugged anything they bring me. Plus, if I close my eyes, I’ll fall asleep and be disoriented if someone comes in the room. That’s the last thing I want to have happen. So, I lay here and think of my family and the baby I’m carrying. I imagine him or her growing up and becoming the best man or woman they can become. Then my thoughts turn to Wicked in his new role of being a dad. He’s going to make such a good daddy to our little one. I know it’s just a matter of him figuring out how to take care of a baby on a regular basis. We’ve all had a hand in raising the kids currently in the club and helping their parents take care of them on a regular basis.

As I lay here, the door opens and I slowly turn my head in that direction to see who’s coming in. I’m really hoping it’s not Lopez because that man is a fucking scumbag. He will never get his hands on me or do anything like what he was saying in the car on the way here. I hold my breath as I wait for the person to show themselves. Thankfully, it’s not Lopez. Another man who looks to be in his late twenties makes his way in the room with me. He gives me a large smile as if I’m not laying here handcuffed to the bed in the middle of a room.

The man entering the room is over six feet tall. He’s got muscles but his body is built more like a swimmer than one who fights on a regular basis. The dark blond hair on his head is artfully messy as if he’s been running his fingers through it in frustration or something. Instead of having dead eyes, this man has bright blue eyes that shine like the brightest sky on a clear day. He’s wearing a pair of clean jeans and a tee-shirt that’s free of any stains or dirt. There’s no smell of body odor or anything coming from him. He’s honestly one of the cleanest bad guys I’ve ever seen in my life. Even his tanned skin is clear of any blemishes or markings letting me know he doesn’t use drugs on a regular basis. This isn’t someone who should be working with a piece of shit like Horton for any reason.

In one hand is a chair and the other one has a plate of food.

“I’ve got something to eat for you,” he says, setting the chair down close to the side of the bed. “We’re not gonna keep you up here until the boss shows up without eating something.”

“I’m not hungry,” I grit out, knowing I can’t trust anyone here.

“You’re pregnant. You’ve got to eat for the baby,” he returns, concern filling his voice.

I’m not about to believe his act because these men aren’t good. If they can work in any capacity with Lopez, then they’re just as evil and vile as he is. So, no, I won’t be eating anything from this house. I can wait until my family comes for me. They will show up and I’ll be here waiting for them when they do. It’s not like I can really go anywhere else. For now, the only thing I care about is not being hurt more than what Lopez already did. My head is still throbbing from being slammed into the side of the SUV. Though I don’t feel as if I’m gonna be sick so I’m sure I don’t have a concussion.

“I might be pregnant, but I’m not hungry. Morning sickness does that to a person. However, I do have to use the bathroom. Can you help me out with that?” I ask him as he sets the plate down on the dresser and looks at me skeptically.

“I can take you to the bathroom. There’s one across the hall from you. Don’t do anything stupid here,” he tells me, walking over and pulling a key for the cuffs out of his pocket.

With the cuffs undone, I bring my arms down and let the blood flow back into them. They tingle as I shake them out and examine my wrists. There’s a line from the cuffs cutting into my skin because they were so damn tight. Getting out of the bed with the man’s help, he leads me out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. Thankfully he doesn’t try to come in the room with me. Though, the door doesn’t get shut all the way either. Instead, he leaves it slightly ajar while I go to the bathroom and wash my hands. There’s no yelling at me to hurry up or any of that shit. I guess things could be worse and this guy could be a complete asshole like Lopez. Apparently, I got the nice babysitter.

Once I’m done, he takes me back to the bedroom I’ve been in and helps me get settled back on the bed. I’m handcuffed once again but he doesn’t make them as tight as Lopez did. This time they’re not cutting into my skin or anything else. It’s a relief if I’m being honest because I don’t need to add that to the list of shit that hurts me right now. There’s another twinge in my stomach as I try to get comfortable on the bed. I don’t let on that anything is going on though as I keep my eyes locked on the man in the room with me.

He's not the only one here. When I was in the hall on the way back to this room, I heard two more voices coming from downstairs. They weren’t arguing necessarily, but they weren’t happy either. So, there’s at least three men in this house with me and I don’t believe any of them are Lopez at this point. I’m sure he had to get back to work so no one suspects him being involved in my kidnapping. That’s exactly what this is. I was taken from my family and Lopez is the one responsible for it. He’ll pay because my dad knows exactly who is responsible for this mess. Fuck him for thinking he can get away with this.

“So, what’s the grand plan here?” I ask the man as he puts the seat close to my bed.

“The boss will show up and let us know what’s going on from here. For now, we’re just supposed to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing happens. We’re not to touch you or anything else,” he informs me, looking around the drab, dirty room.

“And I’m guessing the boss man is Horton. Cedar Bay’s asshole of a mayor. I’ve met the man and have to say I wasn’t impressed with him. He’s a jackass who gets off on threatening women when they’re all alone at a table in a diner. Or two women with no men at their side. Why work for someone like that?” I ask, trying to keep this man in here with me as long as I possibly can since he does seem to be nice and not going out of his way to hurt me.