Page 21 of Terror

“Horton’s my dad. No one knows that because he never claimed me. This is my way in his life. I can work with him and see him on a regular basis. Plus, I get paid and that money goes to help my mom out. She’s sick and needs all the help she can get. I’m the only one she has. Her family disowned her when she became pregnant with me and told them the father wasn’t involved. Her family is very traditional and believes a baby should be born in wedlock. When that wasn’t going to happen, they decided she was an embarrassment. It’s been my mom and me for as long as I can remember and no one else in our lives.

“When I was old enough, I started searching for my dad. It didn’t take me long to find Horton and move closer to him. I made sure he knows I’m his son and that my mom is sick. It’s honestly the only reason why he pays me. He can help me out without acting as if he cares or wants to help my mama. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be here. Horton is a fucking dick and I can’t stand him if I’m being honest. I definitely got fucked in the dad department,” the man tells me. “I also get to be around my uncle. Tim is my dad’s little brother and he works for him too. They don’t really get along, but I like Tim. He’s a good guy and isn’t like my father at all.”

“What’s your name?” I ask, needing him to keep talking.

“Nathan. And you’re Quinn. That’s about all I know about you besides being pregnant.”

“Nathan, you deserve so much more than to be around a man who’s never claimed you. That is shitty and I don’t know how you deal with that on a daily basis. Or however often you see Horton. The one and only time I met the man, he slid into my booth at the diner and threatened me. That’s not a good first impression if you ask me. It tells me the man only gives a fuck about himself and will never recognize you as anything because he’s selfish and you don’t fit into his plans as anything other than one of the men he gets to do his dirty work. The same goes for your uncle. Horton doesn’t give a fuck about either one of you and will gladly sit back and watch you go down for what he’s made you do,” I tell Nathan honestly as I look at him.

“I know what you’re saying is right, but I have to make sure my mom is taken care of. The money I get from this shit is the only thing keeping her alive. If I lose her, I have no one else left in the world. No one but a man who wants nothing to do with me. I can’t live with that. So, I do what I have to do in order to make sure my mom is taken care of and has the best medical care she can get. Even with that, she doesn’t have much longer left. I live with that shit every single day and go see her whenever I’m not here. Lately, that hasn’t been as often as I’d like because we’ve had to lay low,” Nathan tells me, his voice sounding far away as he thinks of his mom.

“You know my family is gonna come for me and you’re gonna get caught in the crossfire. Nathan, I don’t want you to get hurt because you do seem like a good guy. However, my family will take everyone here out. This isn’t the first attack on me and I’m pregnant. My husband, brother, and dad aren’t gonna take that shit too lightly. They hate it when anything happens to me. I don’t know about the other two men, but maybe you should get out of here while you still can,” I tell him, my voice letting him know how serious I am.

“I can’t do that. I have to stay here and get the money.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but why isn’t anyone here hurting me? I mean Lopez did when he took me, but none of the rest of you have gotten close to me,” I ask Nathan because that’s something I’ve been curious about since Lopez left me here alone.

“We’re not supposed to hurt you, Quinn. My dad wants you to be in one piece when he gets here. I don’t believe he’s really going to hurt you either. He just wants the club to back off and leave him alone. I don’t know everything he’s got going on in his work, but it’s stuff that I don’t believe I’d be happy with. I’m kept far away from most aspects of what Tim and the others do. And we haven’t seen Claw in a long time. He was the one giving us our orders until he disappeared,” Nathan informs me, looking me in the face so I can see he’s telling me the truth as he knows it.

“I can tell you part of the business you’re not seeing, Nathan. We have several victims of your father staying at the clubhouse with us. He beats, tortures, and rapes them before selling them off to the highest bidder. Or he simply kills them when they’re no longer useful for him. These people are going through hell on a daily basis in the aftermath of what your father does himself or had done to them. And you won’t hear from Claw again. The club, my family, took care of him. I don’t know the details, but Claw has been a thorn in their side for a long time. He took an ol’ lady and daughter of the club years ago. She hasn’t been the same since we got her back both times,” I tell Nathan the truth about his dad and what’s going on that he doesn’t know about.

For several minutes, Nathan doesn’t say anything. He looks around the room as the information I’ve just given him sinks in. This is a guy who doesn’t want anything to do with that side of his father’s business. It’s written all over his face. Hell, I’m sure he wouldn’t have anything to do with Horton if it weren’t for wanting to have as much time with his mom as he can get. I kind of feel bad for him in a way. If I get the chance to save his life, then I’m going to try. I don’t know how Wicked, Brick, or my dad will react, but I’m going to do my best. Everyone else here is on their own because I haven’t seen them and talked to them.

“So, you’re really not gonna eat the food we made?” Nathan finally asks me, confusion filling his voice.

“No. I’m sorry, but I don’t trust anyone here. It wouldn’t take much to drug me and I can’t risk my baby for anything. It’s not worth the risk to me,” I tell him, looking at the plate of food.

If I’m being honest, it does smell good. There’s chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas on the plate. I also spot a biscuit sitting at an angle taking up the last small space on the plate facing away from me. My stomach growls in hunger as Nathan simply looks at me.

“What if I take a bite of everything first so you can see that it’s not poisoned? If nothing happens to me, then you’ll know it’s safe for you and the baby,” Nathan asks, trying to talk me into eating the food.

“No thank you. I’m hungry, but I can go a little longer before I have to eat. This is the first day my morning sickness isn’t really bothering me. How’s that for justice?” I ask, filling my voice with laughter because it’s ironic to me.

If I were at the clubhouse, my mom and dad would be giving me everything I want to eat and drink. They’d make sure I have everything in front of me without having to lift a finger. Including the ice cream, chips, and everything else my dad snuck into his cart when he thought I wasn’t looking at him. The man literally bought me everything I could ever think of craving and what I’ve been wanting on a daily basis. Including hamburger patties so Wicked doesn’t have to go out late at night to buy me something to eat. It would take just as long for someone to cook one at the clubhouse for me as it does to go to the next town over to find someplace open late at night to buy something.

Nathan ends up spending the rest of the day, or night, with me. We don’t always talk as he remains in the room. The only time he leaves is when he wants to get a drink and bring me a bottle of water. The bottles of water are sealed shut when he hands them over so I know nothing has been done to them. He tries again to get me to eat, but I still refuse.

The entire time I’m handcuffed to the bed, my stomach twinges and I feel pressure and pain. What started out as random pain and times is now becoming more regular. I’m honestly starting to get worried that something is gonna happen with my son or daughter and I’m going to have this baby right here with no one but Nathan to help me through the delivery. Still, I don’t say anything to him because I don’t see a need to do so just yet. The time will come when I do have to tell him, but it’s not right now. My thoughts drift back to Wicked and I hope like hell he gets here in time to get me to a hospital or something. I’m not gonna have this baby if I can help while being held hostage.

Chapter Fifteen


WE’RE ALL IN position to burst in the house and save my wife. I’m at the front door positioned just behind Bull as he prepares to kick the fucking door in. Brick is with the team going through the storm cellar while Steel will be with the team kicking in the back door of the house. Our job is to get in and upstairs as soon as we possibly can while taking out as many people here as possible. We have no clue how many men are actually in the house and if my wife is still here. We’re not taking any chances and won’t let anything happen to her. So, Bull will kick the door in and duck down while I take out anyone who might be waiting for us on the other side of the door. Then, we’ll rush upstairs and check each room until we find Quinn where she’s being held. If there’s anyone in the room with her, we take them out as soon as we can, and then get my woman out of here.

I’ve been thinking about this shit since learning of Lopez taking her and know I’m going to have her checked out at the hospital no matter what I see. It doesn’t matter if she hasn’t been hurt for some reason by these dead men walking. I’m still not going to be happy until a doctor examines her and we’re able to see our little one in an ultrasound. To hear his or her heartbeat and see them moving around inside my wife’s belly. Then, I might be able to calm down a fraction of what I’m feeling right now.

“Three. Two. One,” Venom counts down as we all take out the doors we’re at.

Bull kicks in the door and immediately drops to the fucking porch in front of me before moving off to the side. Stepping in the house, I take out a man walking into the front room before he can even realize what’s happening. I don’t stop to watch him drop to the floor since others are coming in behind me. Instead, I head for the stairs directly on the right side of my body and take them three at a time until I come to the first door. Turning to my left, I grab the handle and turn it. The door isn’t locked as I throw it open and take in the scene before me.

Quinn is handcuffed to a bed and there’s a man sitting in a chair in front of her. He’s not hurting her or making her uncomfortable. If I had to guess, I’d say it almost appears as if they’re having a conversation or something. Shaking my head, I clear the thoughts and rush inside the room. I point my gun at the man as he stands from his chair and turns to face me. He doesn’t reach for the gun I can see hanging in the holster at his side. Instead the guy steps away from the chair and the bed my wife is handcuffed to with his hands in the air.

“Don’t hurt him, babe,” Quinn says, her voice making me turn to face her. “He didn’t hurt me at all. He’s been really nice. This is Nathan. He’s Horton’s son and only here to earn money to help his sick mom. I’m asking you not to hurt him or take him to the cells, Wicked.”

“Baby, I can’t make that promise. Not right now when I have no clue what’s goin’ on,” I tell her, not sure what we’re gonna do in this situation.

“Where’s my fuckin’ daughter?” Steel roars out, his voice echoing in the empty house as his steps thunder up the stairs toward us.