Page 4 of Terror

Should I make him grovel? Yeah, probably. However, I’ve been through so many good and bad times with this man and I don’t want to waste a second being a petty bitch. Wicked will either prove with his actions that he’s taking me seriously, or he’ll watch me walk away from him without a second thought.

Wicked gets up off the floor and slides my rag over my shoulders. He turns me around so he can see his name on his back. Once he’s satisfied, Wicked turns me once again so I’m facing him and then slides the ring on my finger. It’s a perfect fit. Before I can look at the ring anymore, Wicked has my body crushed against his and is kissing me as if his life depends on our mouths being fused together. Everyone else in the store disappears as my world shrinks down the man I love and me. No one else matters in this moment.

The next thing I know, Wicked is taking me from the Pit Stop and putting me in the truck where my brother is already waiting for us. When I try to ask what’s going on, neither man answers me. They talk amongst themselves and ignore any questions I have for them. It doesn’t take me long to realize where we’re heading though. Wicked is taking us to Dander Falls. My confusion level goes through the roof as I try to figure out what’s going on. He already told me he talked to my dad and got his blessing for us to get married. We have months before we have to see anyone from home though. It takes time to plan a wedding. Not that I want a huge, elaborate affair. I want something simple and to the point with just our family surrounding us. I’m not into the huge spectacle and being pampered for a day thing. That’s never been what I wanted.

When we pull into Dander Falls, my parents, Gage, and Riley are all waiting on us. Instead of getting out, everyone piles into Gage’s truck and we all leave the Wild Kings clubhouse again. Still, no one answers me when I question what is going on. It’s annoying as fuck if you ask me. But, I have a feeling I know what’s going on when we pull into the parking lot of the courthouse.

My dad is immediately opening up my door and pulling me out of the truck and hugging me close.

“My baby girl is gettin’ married today. While I don’t want you to grow up and take this step, I know Wicked is the man you’ve given your entire heart and soul to. Just know, if you ever want out, I’m here and I’ll come get you in a second. After I beat his ass, we can come home and you can start over. I love you, little princess,” my dad says, his emotions choking him up as I hold him close for a few seconds longer.

My mom soon pulls me from his arms and holds me close before moving me toward the steps of the court house with Riley at her side. Darcy is waiting for us at the top. They lead me into the courthouse and to the bathroom. There I’m dressed, my hair is done, and Riley applies a light layer of make-up. When I look in the mirror, I’m amazed at the results of a few minutes of work on behalf of our mom’s. I truly look like a princess in the dress that’s simple yet elegant, the small tiara at the top of my head, and the curls falling down my back.

“We’ve got your something old, something new, and something borrowed too,” my mom says, tears slowly rolling down her face.

I’m handed a bracelet by Darcy. It’s the same one she wore on her own wedding day. Riley hands me a blue pin she had made for Gage to represent Ryan. I pin it to my dress where everyone can see it. Last, my mom stands up and hands me a clip for my hair. It’s the Wild Kings colors and slides easily into my hair. She explains she had it made for my wedding day last year when her and my dad took a trip and came across this woman who makes amazing jewelry and other custom things. Ready to go, my mom takes me out to my dad who is waiting for us. The women leave us alone as I take my dad’s arm.

“Today is the day every father dreads, Quinn. I’m givin’ you away to a man who truly doesn’t deserve you. No man on this Earth will ever be good enough for you, though. I love you and hope I did right with your mama while we were raisin’ you. Again, you’ll always be my little princess and don’t ever take Wicked’s shit. He knows what will happen if he treats you less than you deserve for a single second. Are you ready to do this?” he asks me, giving me a kiss on my temple.

“I’m ready, Daddy. I love Wicked with all my heart,” I tell him honestly.

My dad leads me into the room where I find Wicked standing at the front of the room with his dad at his side. Brick is sitting with our mom while Riley and Darcy are sitting on the other side of the aisle. There’s a judge standing at the front waiting for me to make my way to Wicked’s side. Honestly, this is perfect. It’s our family, even if it’s not all of them, and that’s all I want here. I’m ready to become Wicked’s wife and move forward with our life.

The judge goes through the marriage ceremony and I half expect my dad to speak up when he gets to the part about anyone objecting. However, my dad remains in his seat and keeps his mouth silent. I look over Wicked’s shoulder to see Gage smothering his laughter so I know my mom is the one controlling my dad and, most likely, Brick right now. This has nothing to do with either one of them behaving themselves on my behalf.

“You may kiss your bride,” I vaguely hear the judge finally say as Wicked pulls me into his arms and presses his lips against mine. It’s a chaste kiss compared to what he gave me in the middle of the Pit Stop hours earlier. Though I really can’t blame him with my father and brother sitting right here with us.

Wicked leads me from the room we got married in and we spent the next few hours having dinner and celebrating with our parents and my brother. Darcy left us to go home to her men while making sure we knew she was so happy for us. It was the best day of my life. At least up to this point. Only time will tell what the future holds as we move forward and head back to Cedar Bay.

Pushing my thoughts of the day I married Wicked out of my head, I get in my car so I can get to work. We still have to talk about the baby and what the plan is for when he or she is born, but there’s still time to do that. For now, Wicked and I have been focusing on the two of us.

He moved me into his room at the clubhouse the second we got back from Dander Falls. Brick let everyone know we got married and Wicked claimed me as his ol’ lady. Though, I’m surprised Goose didn’t already let everyone know since he was there and the man can’t usually keep a secret from anyone to save his life. Unless it’s club business of course. Today is actually the first day I’m leaving the clubhouse to go to work. Wicked has kept me in bed for the last week and I must admit that I’m ready for a break. My body is sore and I’m exhausted from being woken up so many times as he worshipped my body and showed me how much he loves me for a week straight. I wanted his actions to prove how he felt and he made sure I know.

Getting in my car, I make sure my bag is secure in the passenger seat before starting the engine and pulling away from the clubhouse. My radio is blaring with It’s Always Been You by Caleb Hearn. I’m singing along to the music as I drive through town to get to the gas station for my shift. Just as I get to the edge of town where I’m able to see the Pit Stop but not close to any other business or houses, my car stalls out. The speed picks up here and this is when my car decides to die on me. I’m able to get it pulled to the side of the road before shutting the engine that’s no longer running off. Pulling out my keys, I grab my bag and make sure there’s nothing else I need inside. I dig through my bag until I find my phone so I can call Ghost. He works for the garage and can come get my car for me to find out what’s going on with it.

Ghost and I are close because he’s my brother’s best friend. They literally share everything but don’t have sex with one another. Yes, I asked them one night when I was drunk and couldn’t hold back from asking them.

“I see Wicked finally let you out of the room,” Ghost answers his phone, laughter filling his voice. “We were takin’ bets on how long he’d keep you locked up to himself.”

“Very funny, Ghost. Are you busy right now?” I ask him, not hiding the smile at the thought of the guys betting on Wicked and me. They bet on everything they can on a daily basis.

“No, I’m not. The garage is full, but I’m on tows today. What’s goin’ on?”

“My car just died. I’m literally right at the edge of town and can see the Pit Stop from here. I don’t want to leave it alone because nothing power is working and the locks are power. Can you come get my car and take it to the shop?” I ask him, looking at my car with disgust.

Wicked bought me this car when we moved here. My old car died on the way here because it went through Brick and then me. While we were both taught how to do basic routine maintenance on it, some things can’t be fixed with even the largest amount of money. It would have cost more to fix the car then what it was worth at that point. So, we decided to let it go to the junkyard and rest in peace. Wicked immediately bought my new car and made sure it not only has power everything, but every available safety feature is in the car as well. I think he went a little overboard, but you can’t tell that man nothing when it comes to things like that.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Let Goose know you’ll be late and I’ll get you there as soon as I can,” Ghost says before hanging up the phone.

I quickly call Goose to let him know what’s going on and he assures me he’s good with me waiting until Ghost gets here with the tow truck. Once I’m done talking to him, I shove my phone back in my bag and begin walking around the area. There’s a small, wooded section to my left that I’ve never thought to explore. I’m not really an outdoors kind of girl. While I enjoy being outside and hanging out around a pool or something, that’s about the extent of what I enjoy doing outside. Well, other than the cookouts and things like that. We were raised on that shit and always have a good time.

Continuing to walk around the small area while waiting for Ghost, I suddenly hear the faintest ticking sound. It sounds as if it’s coming from my car. The only thing keeping me away from the car and not inspecting it further is a feeling deep down in my gut. I know this isn’t going to lead to anything good. As I go to pull my phone back from my bag, my car explodes. Heat from the flames engulfs me as the force of the explosion knocks me back. I’m thrown to my back on the edge of the road with my bag going in a completely different direction. I’m disoriented and trying to avoid the debris of the explosion as it rains down around me.

“Quinn!” I hear yelled as though it’s coming from a distance.

Through the heat of the flames, the debris, and my car while it’s on fire, I can barely make out multiple people running in my direction. Before I can figure out who it is or what they’re yelling at me, my vision starts to go black and I slump back to the ground. I don’t see, or hear, anything else.

Chapter Four