Page 3 of Terror

“Quinn’s fine. She’s not injured or anythin’. Though, I’ve fucked up and not made her my ol’ lady yet. That’s somethin’ I plan on rectifyin’ immediately. Had her rag for months and just haven’t given it to her yet. That’s not why I’m callin’ though,” I tell Steel, waiting for the backlash from him about fucking things up with Quinn.

“If that’s not why you’re callin’, then what’s goin’ on? And don’t think I’m gonna fuckin’ forget about you fuckin’ up with her, Maddox. I told you when she left here to be with you that I’d fuckin’ gut you if you hurt my daughter. Quinn is my little princess and doesn’t need your fuckin’ shit. I know she’s already called her mom upset and I have yet to hear what that conversation was about.”

“Steel, I want to marry Quinn. I don’t want her to only be my ol’ lady. She deserves more than that from me. So, I’m callin’ to ask for your blessin’ to marry her,” I tell him, keeping my tone neutral despite the nerves filling me.

“Are you fuckin’ serious, Maddox? You call me and tell me you’ve been fuckin’ up with her and then ask for my blessin’ to marry her? You honestly expect me to say yes to that?” he questions me, a steely determination filling his voice verging on hate.

“Yes, I do. I fucked up by not makin’ sure she knows I love her completely and makin’ her mine in every way possible. That’s what I want to fix. I want the entire world to know Quinn is mine and there’s nothin’ I won’t do for her. Includin’ lettin’ you and Brick beat my ass for everythin’ I’ve done by pushin’ her away,” I respond to him, my voice filled with regret as I think of the last few weeks.

“This is your last chance with my daughter, Maddox. If you fuck this up or try to force her to do shit she doesn’t wanna do, I’m gonna take my fuckin’ time with you and make sure you don’t ever forget to leave my princess alone. Your dad is listenin’ to me fuckin’ tell you this right now too and is laughin’ his ass off. Quinn deserves the fuckin’ world and if you’re not gonna be the man to give it to her, I’ll move her the fuck home and let her heal the damage you’ve fuckin’ done to her before movin’ on with her life. She won’t know another fuckin’ second of pain or feelin’ anythin’ less than a queen because of you,” Steel says, his voice not once losing the hard edge to it. “You have my fuckin’ blessin’. The only thing I’m gonna fuckin’ say is you better make sure I get to walk my girl down the aisle or I’ll take my fuckin’ blessin’ back without thought.”

“I’ll make sure you get to walk her down the aisle, Steel. Thank you,” I tell him before hanging up the phone.

Otter is laughing his ass off at me. “Didn’t go as planned, did it?”

“Nope. Steel spent the conversation threatenin’ me and apparently my dad was right next to him laughin’ his ass off because of it. He knows I fucked up and Steel is gonna make good on his words if I don’t make it right,” I say just as Brick comes in the pool room.

“Where the fuck is my sister? I haven’t seen her in a while and know you’re part of the reason for that shit?” Brick questions me, his voice echoing off the walls of the pool room.

“She’s gettin’ ready for work. You just missed your dad on the phone,” I tell him as Otter starts laughing his ass off again.

“Yeah. What the fuck you talkin’ to my dad about? Maybe the way you’ve been treatin’ Quinn? I still owe you an ass whoopin’ for the last few weeks, Wicked. I haven’t forgotten and I won’t. Just know I’m bidin’ my time and I’ll get my hands on you when you least expect it,” Brick promises me before he turns to leave the room.

“Brick, I need to talk to you,” I say, stopping him from leaving the room completely to go in search of Quinn. “I just asked your dad for his blessin’ to marry Quinn and now I’m askin’ you. Do I have your blessin’ to make Quinn my ol’ lady and marry her?”

Brick doesn’t say anything as he turns to stare me down with the glare only he can manage. It reminds me so much of Steel. We’d get that glare on a regular basis when we were younger and doing stupid shit around the clubhouse. Now, I’m getting it from Brick and I have to say it scares me coming from him as much as it did when Steel looked at me the same way.

“Why should I give you my blessin’, Wicked?” he questions, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Because I love her, Brick. I’ve loved Quinn for as long as I can remember and let the shit here get in the way of that. I’m all in when it comes to her and I want her and the fuckin’ world to know how I feel about her. I should’ve done this shit forever ago, but I let the club and this shit with Claw get in the way. That’s over. I want Quinn as my ol’ lady and wife and won’t let anythin’ else stand in the way. Includin’ you, Brick,” I tell him honestly as I don’t take my eyes from the man who will be my brother-in-law.

“If I give you my blessin’, I want your fuckin’ word that you’ll stop the fuckin’ flirtin’ and push that Marney bitch away from you the next time she shows up. You didn’t see the pain on my sister’s face when she was all over your ass. I get you’re a fuckin’ flirt, but that shit needs to stop. Quinn doesn’t deserve to have to watch you do that shit,” Brick states, his voice going hard and cold as he remembers the night I was remembering not that long ago.

“I don’t want Marney or anyone else. Quinn is my fuckin’ end game and I won’t ever be with anyone else. I’ve never cheated on her, thought about cheatin’ on her, or gone too far when I flirt. I will stop doin’ it though. I don’t want to hurt her in any way. If that means sticking to her side like fuckin’ glue then that’s what I’ll do. Quinn is my entire world and the reason I can breathe easy and free. She gives me the light I need to crawl out of the darkness and is my safe space. It doesn’t matter where the fuck I am because my home will always be wherever Quinn is. She’s my home, not some physical place,” I promise Brick, not letting my eyes fall from his as I let the words sink in.

“That’s the shit you need to tell her, Wicked. Quinn is fuckin’ heartbroken over the shit you’ve pulled and continue to pull. Make this shit right before anythin’ else happens. This is your only fuckin’ warnin’,” Brick promises me, his voice full of hate right now.

Knowing what I have to do, I get up from next to the pool and head to my room. I don’t know if Quinn’s left for work yet or not, but it doesn’t matter. Putting a plan in place in my mind, I grab the engagement ring, her rag, and set them both on my bed. Making sure the door of my room’s locked, I take a quick shower to change and get ready to go see my woman. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life and I’m going to make sure she knows exactly how I feel and what I want from her. I’m just hoping I haven’t fucked up so bad with her that she turns me down flat and walks away for good. I deserve nothing less from her if I’m being honest with myself. Hopefully she can forgive me though.

Chapter Three


WICKED CHANGED MY life completely almost a week ago. I remember the day, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

I was working on stocking the shelves of the Pit Stop while Goose was ringing out customers and checking in the inventory that was just delivered. After my little rant at Wicked, I really wasn’t feeling the best and didn’t even want to be here, but I can’t let my personal life get in the way of work and making sure the club’s business I’m working at doesn’t get let down because I needed time for myself. There will be plenty of time for me to wallow in pity when my shift is over and I’m back at the clubhouse hiding out once again.

“Quinn, I’ve been such a fuckin’ douche bag. I don’t have any excuses or valid reasons for why I’ve been pushin’ you away. I’ve been in my head about everythin’ goin’ on here lately and let that dictate everythin’ about me. I’ve made you feel as if you’re less than the most important part of my world and treated you like shit instead of the fuckin’ queen you are,” Wicked says, startling me as I turn to face him. “I’ve had your rag for almost two months. It’s literally been sittin’ in my closet waitin’ for me to pull my head out of my ass and claim your ass. Hell, I even brought it up at church and still did nothin’ about it. That’s on me bein’ a fuckin’ idiot and nothin’ you’ve done.

“Baby girl, you’re the most precious part of me. You give me soft when I need it, tell me to fuck off when I’m bein’ a dumbass, and are the strength I need when things are goin’ horribly wrong. Instead of makin’ you see that I love you more every fuckin’ day of my life, I’ve made you question my love and loyalty to you. I don’t want any other fuckin’ woman and no one will ever replace you. You’re the light to my dark, the air I breathe, and my fuckin’ rock. You have given me every damn piece of yourself and it’s time for the world to know how crazy in love with you I am. Quinn, will you not only do me the honor of becomin’ my ol’ lady, but will also do me the honor of becomin’ my wife?” Wicked asks me, dropping down to one knee in front of everyone in the Pit Stop.

He holds out my rag and then opens the ring box holding the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen in my life. The ring is platinum with several small diamonds lining the band. In the direct center surrounded by even more diamonds is a ruby. I always told Wicked I didn’t want a plain diamond ring and he made sure I didn’t get one. Holding up the ruby on each side is a small skull. It’s perfect and I love it so much.

“Wicked, I’m not gonna be your ol’ lady and marry you because of what I told you earlier. There has to be more to our relationship than that,” I answer him, feeling my eyes fill with tears as I try to turn away from him.

“This isn’t about that, Quinn. I’ve already called your dad and talked to Brick. I’ve been threatened by both of them and found out my dad was laughin’ at my expense for fuckin’ everythin’ up with you. I just told you I’ve had your rag for months and just didn’t claim you at the clubhouse. I told myself we had time and then it seems as if one thing happened after another and it just kept gettin’ pushed back by me. Not seein’ you for the last few weeks has shown me what a world without you in would be like. It’s not anywhere I want to be Quinn. With you, I’m home and it doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doin’. So, will you be my ol’ lady and become my wife?” he asks me again, as I turn to give him my full attention once more.

“Yes, Wicked. I will be your ol’ lady and wife. This is your one and only chance. I don’t want to see any other female hangin’ on you or you flirtin’ with anyone else. It doesn’t matter who it is. From now on, you’re all in or I walk away and don’t ever look back,” I tell him honestly.