Page 33 of A Matter of Trust

‘I love his music. I wouldn’t want him to kiss me. Blech. Besides, I’ve already met him, last time he was here for a concert. He autographed my cd case from his first album.’

Becca brought the argument to a close by handing around the drinks. Before long they were happily eating and drinking, the contest over their favourite stars forgotten.

Becca still looked rather sick. His mother was carefully avoiding the subject, talking to Thackery about the organic vegetables he supplied. It was an odd group and he leaned back so he could talk past Gabby, who leaned on the table, treating a large pink-iced cake like an ice-cream.

‘Were any of their friends invited?’

Becca straightened, taking a deep breath. ‘We had a few school friends over yesterday for lunch. While Dan was at the farm. Today is strictly family.’

He nodded in understanding. ‘I have presents. Should they open them here or take them home? The protocols of birthday parties are new to me.’

‘Open them here. You’ll like to see their reaction.’

‘I would. At least I think I will. It’s odd buying something for children you don’t know well. I got something useful, I hope.’

The colour was returning to her face. ‘They’ll love anything you get them.’

The wry tone told him she was ambivalent about her children’s acceptance of him in their lives.

He lowered his voice. ‘I’m sorry if you were embarrassed by Tony’s assumption.’

‘Oh no. It was logical I suppose, seeing us together. He couldn’t have known.’

‘Surely he would have heard.’

‘He was another one who left and never came back. Until now.’ She paused, frowning across the store at where the actor had been. He’d gone at some point, without Morgan noticing. With a faint smile she shook her head. ‘We should think about finishing up. Did you want to give them their presents first?’

Gabby shifted back in her seat. ‘We aren’t fussy, Morgan. Presents are always awesome. I got a bike from Mum and clothes from Grace and Grandpa Ned.’

‘I got myEndeavourproject,’ Edward added, wiping icing from his cheek and licking it with relish. ‘And clothes.’

Becca raised her eyebrows ruefully at Morgan. ‘Clothes are always useful.’ Her expression said she appreciated them more than the children.

Edward perked up. ‘Thackery gave us a wind-up torch each. It never runs out of battery. What are you giving us?’

Taking the hint, Morgan handed over the gift bags. He hoped he’d got it right. He’d checked with his mother, who seemed to think the gifts were extravagant but appropriate. Useful.

Gabby was the first to unwrap her parcel, tearing off the store gift wrapping with total disregard for the paper. ‘Wow. This is the awesomest.’

She held up the computer tablet for everyone to see. ‘Thanks, Morgan. It’s perfect.’

He couldn’t see Becca’s reaction with Gabby jumping all over the place. Edward had opened his identical tablet and smoothed his hands over the case with quiet pride. ‘It’s really good. Now we won’t have to share.’

Gabby left her seat to move around the table to show Grace and Ned.

Finally, he could see Becca, unobtrusively dabbing at her face. She caught his gaze on her and smiled. ‘It’s wonderful. I should say it’s too much, but they do need them for school.’

Edward carefully slid his gift back into the bag. ‘Thanks, Morgan.’

‘Couldn’t have you fighting with your big sister when you have assignments.’

‘Nah. We don’t fight much. Anyway, she’s only bigger because she’s tall. I’m still the oldest.’

The room tilted as Morgan tried to focus on Edward. ‘The oldest? But … how?’

‘I was born at seven minutes to midnight and Gabby was born at eighteen minutes past. That’s how come we have different birthdays.’

‘Twins?’ He snapped his mouth shut over a curse, conscious of Edward staring at him. His heart pounded hard in his chest, raising a sweat that trickled down his spine.