Page 34 of A Matter of Trust

Twins.Both children were his.

‘Didn’t you know?’ He leaned forward. ‘Mum. Morgan didn’t know we were twins.’

The attention of the whole table was on him as Morgan turned to Becca.

Her pallor had an undertone of green again. ‘How could you not know? Everyone knows.’

‘It was never mentioned. I mean, they don’t look alike. I never guessed.’

Gabby leaned on Ned’s shoulder. ‘So you thought it was only me?’

Catching sight of Edward’s worried frown, Morgan shrugged. ‘I knew you were a package deal. A two for one.’ He put his arm around Edward’s thin shoulders. ‘We’re getting to be good mates, aren’t we? That’s what’s important.’

The boy relaxed into his hold and Morgan let out a breath. A son. And a daughter. He let himself glance over at his mother. She was almost as pale as Becca. He’d let her get away with it when he’d thought Becca had moved on and had another child with someone else. But this was too much.

He shifted in his seat. If he didn’t get away, something was going to break, and there was no way it was going to be him. Not in public like this.

‘I have to go do something at the surgery. Check some test results. Please excuse me.’

Both children murmured their dismay, but he had to move.

He stood, circling to grip the back of the seat. ‘It’s been great. I’ll catch you later, kids.’ He flicked a glance at Becca. ‘If it’s all right with you, I’d like to come over this evening.’

‘Sure.’ She half rose and then plopped down. ‘Any time.’


Becca watched Morgan walk away. He was going in the wrong direction for the surgery, but perhaps he was getting his car from the large public carpark on the other side of the shopping centre. Only Dan seemed unperturbed by the little scene, being given a serviette by Thackery who had offered to come along and help keep Dan occupied. At least Becca could be sure Thackery would keep his mouth shut about the events of the day. He would probably tell Win, but his sister was even more discreet than Thackery.

Morgan hadn’t known. She stared at Grace, who had assured her Morgan knew everything and was quite all right with it. Becca was pretty sure neither of those statements were correct.

He hadn’t realised Edward was his child. It explained a lot. It certainly explained why she’d sensed a reluctance in Morgan to engage with Edward.

He must have thought Dan had fathered him, if his belief she’d married Dan had any truth. He’d known for a week Dan wasn’t involved, so who did he think was Edward’s father?

Shaking her head, she started gathering up the gifts and stacking the empty plates. ‘Time to go.’

At least the twins seemed to have weathered the storm. Edward clung to Morgan’s gift like it was a lifeline. Extravagant, but as Morgan had pointed out, he had a lot of birthdays to catch up on. As they scrambled into Ned’s car, Grace at the wheel, she frowned. He’d given Edward an equally valuable gift, though he claimed not to know the boy was his son at the time. Which had to mean something.

At home, they vanished into their room with the presents and she was able to relax with a cup of tea while she waited for Thackery and Dan to arrive. It wasn’t long, Thackery pulling into the driveway with the funny old truck he used for his deliveries only ten minutes later. She went out to thank him for his help.

Dan scrambled out and wandered inside. To her surprise, Thackery also jumped down from the cab and shut the door. ‘Morgan followed us out of town so he’ll be home any moment. Do you want me to keep an eye on Dan and you can go and see him?’

Even as he spoke, Morgan’s car turned into his driveway across the road. Thackery was probably right. It would be best to go and speak to him alone, without the hindrance of little ears.

‘Thanks. I’ll do that.’

She followed him inside and he settled down with Dan in the lounge room with the television and a stack of action movies. They wouldn’t watch more than one in the time she’d be away, but Dan liked to choose from a selection of his favourites.

Freshening up in the tiny, old-fashioned bathroom, Becca debated putting on make-up. She rarely used it and she put down the lipstick, picking up the clear gloss she used to moisturise her lips.

There was no point trying to impress Morgan. Trying to vamp him. She smoothed her palms down the tan slacks she’d worn for the party and re-tucked the pale lemon blouse, twitching the cardigan sleeves down over her wrists.

Neat and clean. It was the lowest common denominator to dress for, but she was a single mother of twins. She had better things to worry about.

She decided to walk, hoping the fresh evening air and exercise might soothe the achy gallop of her heart.

He wouldn’t stand for half-truths and evasions. It had to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She owed him that, now Grace had withdrawn her ultimatum.