“I’m sure,” the doctor said. “If there were anything to worry about, I’d let you know.”

Luis glanced down at the bed and reached for Cory’s hand. “You’re going to be okay, Cory.” The sedative must have been kicking in because his eyelids started to droop.

“I’m coming tomorrow with Jasper and your parents. We’re all going to be here when they start weaning you off the ventilator.”

Cory blinked and nodded his head up and down. Then he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

* * * *

Later that night, Darius took Hunter to the movies so Luis and Jase could have an evening alone. Jase had insisted, giving Darius permission to stop for ice cream after the movie.

Luis and Jase had been so busy with Cory for the past few weeks they hadn’t had five minutes to spare for anything more intimate than a quick hug and a peck on the lips. So when they were finally alone in the house, Jase surprised Luis by walking into the kitchen naked and asking him if he wanted to go for a late-night swim. Luis had been working on a new blog post all evening. He looked up and smiled. Then he closed the laptop, stood from the kitchen table, and reached between Jase’s legs.

Luis pushed the door open with one hand and guided Jase to the pool with the hand wrapped around his dick. He held the shaft with a tight but gentle grip, stroking and milking until he reached the edge of the pool. By then Jase was fully erect and there was pre-come showing. Before Luis removed his clothes, he bent down, stuck out his tongue, and licked the wet tip. Then he ran his tongue across his upper lip and smiled.

Jase’s face turned red and he grabbed Luis by the waist. He pulled Luis up against his body and shoved his tongue into Luis’s mouth. A moment after that, Jase released Luis and said, “You taste good tonight, like dick.”

It was a warm night, with all the noisy creaks and chirps and cracks of summertime in the country sounding in the background. Luis pulled off his shirt and removed his shoes and socks. Being naked outside made his scrotum tighten. “I taste like your dick, is what you mean.” He opened his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. He hadn’t been wearing underwear and his own erection stood out in the darkness.

Jase smiled, gazing down at Luis’s naked legs. “This is the first time we’re going to fuck in the new swimming pool.”

Luis stepped out of his shorts and kicked them aside.

He rested his palm on Jase’s chest and pushed him back. “If you want to fuck me, you have to catch me first.” Then he jumped into the pool and swam to the other side, making sure he kept his ass high so Jase could see it slick and wet.

Jase jumped in after him. He was bigger than Luis and he swam faster. Before Luis had a chance to reach for the Pennsylvania Blue Stone coping on the other side of the pool, Jase dove into the water, grabbed Luis’s legs, and buried his face in Luis’s ass. How Jase managed to hold his breath that long Luis couldn’t begin to imagine. He spread Luis’s ass apart, licking and chewing and munching without coming up for air for a long time. When he finally did come up for air, he only took a few deep breaths and went under again. The second time Jase went down he shoved his tongue so far into Luis’s body Luis clenched the coping and threw his head back.

Jase didn’t rim him often, but when he did, it brought Luis to a point of such complete submission the only thing he could concentrate on was spreading his legs wider.

When Jase came up for air a fifth time, Luis grabbed his dick and went underwater. He sucked Jase off for as long as he could and came up for air at brief intervals. He did this so long he lost track; becoming slightly lightheaded. He would have continued if Jase hadn’t grabbed him by the top of the head and dragged him to the surface with more force than Luis had expected.

Jase kissed him hard and said, “Put your arms around my shoulders and hold on to my neck, then jump up and wrap your legs around my waist.”

Luis closed his eyes and obeyed Jase’s orders. When his legs were around Jase’s waist and his own erection was pressed against Jase’s abdomen, Jase reached down and rubbed the head of his dick against the lips of Luis’s anus.

Jase had rimmed him for so long and opened him up so well, lube would have been a waste of time. With one quick push, Jase entered his body and slipped all the way to the bottom. It stung for a moment, then Luis’s body relaxed and his eyelids began to flutter. Jase stepped forward, bracing Luis’s back against the cold pool tiles, slowly moving his hips up and down. Jase’s large hands clutched both sides of Luis’s ass, guiding Luis up and down. Luis held Jase’s shoulders and crossed his ankles behind Jase’s back, slowly moving his body up and down as Jase fucked.

Between the way Jase guided Luis’s hips, and the way Luis was grinding his hips, they found the perfect rhythm, which set them on course for what Luis knew would be an outrageous climax. He continued to bounce up and down on Jase’s shaft, splashing in the water, feeling as if his body were suspended and lighter than it had ever been before. Jase continued to plunge into his ass, going deep each time Luis’s body splashed into the water. The speed increased and they gained momentum, and it wasn’t long before Luis started to dig his fingertips in the back of Jase’s neck.

When Luis realized he’d lost all track of time, Jase squeezed both sides of his ass and said, “I’m gonna come.”

Luis released his right hand from Jase’s neck and lowered his hand into the water. He grabbed his own dick and said, “Me, too. I’m on the edge.”

This time they came while they kissed. When their tongues met, their bodies exploded simultaneously. They continued to kiss until Jase filled Luis with every last drop he had left. When Luis finally brought his head back, he looked into Jase’s eyes and smiled. “I love you,” He said. “And I honestly can’t imagine anything better than what just happened.”

“I love you, too,” Jase said. “I like fucking in the water, too. It keeps you suspended higher and longer. As a matter of fact, I think I’m going to tap your ass in the pool all the time from now on.”

“That sounds vulgar,” Luis said, caressing Jase’s face in his hands. But he didn’t mean it. One of the things that turned him on most about Jase was the natural, vulgar way he spoke during sex. Oh, there was nothing prissy about Jase.

Jase started moving forward in the water. Luis’s arms were still around his shoulders and Luis’s legs were still wrapped around his waist. “What are you doing now?” Luis asked. “You should pull out and let me get dressed. Suppose Darius and Hunter pull up.”