“I don’t want to pull out yet,” Jase said. “I want to see how long I can stay inside. They’ll be gone for at least another hour.”

Luis wasn’t going to object to this. When Jase’s cock was up his ass, he was never more calm and serene. So he allowed Jase to walk him to the other side of the pool. When they reached the pool steps, Jase climbed up to the top step and set Luis down on his back so he’d be resting partially in shallow water. Luis closed his eyes and released his legs from Jase’s waist. He lifted his legs high and pressed his soles against Jase’s chest. When Jase started to fuck him again, he opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, gazing at stars and counting all his blessings.

When Jase finally did pull out, he kissed Luis on the forehead and helped him to his feet. Luis had to concentrate for a second to maintain his balance. He’d been on his back with his legs up for so long everything started to spin. But Jase picked up Luis’s clothes and put his arm around Luis’s waist. Then Luis wrapped his arms around Jase’s waist and they walked back to the house this way.

“Darius said something so cute and adorable the other day while you were with Cory and we were waiting in the hospital cafeteria,” Jase said. They were approaching the back door. Jase’s hand went lower and he slid two fingers down Luis’s ass crack.

Luis was so used to Jase playing with his ass by then he didn’t even flinch. “What did he say?” He was curious about anything Darius said to Jase, especially since the night he’d seen Darius walking around in front of Jase with no pants.

Jase squeezed Luis’s ass, lifting him up so he’d have to walk on his tip toes. “He asked if we ever did three-ways with other guys.”

Luis stopped walking. He sent Jase a blank stare.

“What did you say?”

“I told him we weren’t into that sort of thing. Then, get this, he asked me if he could sit in our room and watch us in action. He thinks were both hot and he’d love to watch. He couldn’t even look me in the eye. He was so cute and embarrassed about it. You should have been there.”

Luis noticed Jase’s tone rise with an unplanned lilt.

He almost sounded giddy. “What did you say?” He couldn’t wait to hear this answer, especially knowing how much Jase loved a little harmless exhibitionism once in a while.

“I said I’d have to talk to you first.”

“We’ve never done anything like that with anyone we know,” Luis said. They had, in fact, had sex in front of strangers on occasion, in dark corners and out-of-the-way places. But they’d never done it with an employee or a close friend, and there was a reason. Luis thought it was crossing a line he wasn’t interested in crossing. He had a feeling something like this could lead to a three-way, and Jase was all the man Luis needed.

“That’s why I told him I’d talk to you first,” Jase said.

“I’d never make a decision like that without you.”

Luis reached up and rested his palm on Jase’s shoulder. He rubbed the muscle a few times, then kissed Jase’s bicep. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t mind having sex in front of harmless strangers once in a while. But I don’t feel comfortable about doing it in front of someone I know, especially an employee who lives in the same house.”

Jase kissed his forehead. “I’m fine with that. If the subject ever comes up again, I’ll tell Darius it’s not going to happen.”

Luis smiled and reached for the doorknob. When they entered the house he reached down, grabbed Jase’s dick, and said he wanted to take a shower with Jase before Darius and Hunter came home. As he led Jase upstairs, he didn’t bother to notice Camp didn’t come running to greet them at the door.

He figured he was sleeping in the living room, waiting for Hunter to return.

Chapter Thirteen

They didn’t notice Camp was gone until Darius and Hunter returned from the movies. The first thing Hunter did was call Camp’s name so he could take him outside one last time before they went to bed. When Hunter couldn’t find him anywhere in the house, he grabbed Jase by the arm and begged to look outside.

“Calm down, buddy,” Jase said. “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” He looked at Luis. “When did you last see him?”

Luis thought for a moment and said, “Right after dinner. I fed him and let him outside. I waited for him at the door and he came back in less than five minutes.” It wasn’t unusual for Camp to curl up somewhere in the living room and sleep for hours, and now that he was getting older, it wasn’t unusual for him to ignore them all when he was being summoned.

Jase looked at Darius. “When did you see him last?”

Darius shrugged. “I haven’t seen him since dinner.

Luis fed him and let him out while I was doing the dishes, then I went into my room to get ready to take Hunter to the movies. But I do remember seeing the back door wide open when I came out of my room. I thought it was odd and I closed it. Right after that, Hunter and I went to the movies.”

Hunter’s expression fell. “Dad, did you think Camp ran outside and got lost?”

“Darius, are you sure the door was wide open?” Jase asked, with a bemused expression.

“I’m certain. I’d never be mistaken about something like that,” Darius said. “That’s why I made a point of closing it.”

Jase turned to Luis. “Did you close the door when you let Camp back in the house?”

“Of course I closed the door,” Luis said. “I was on the phone with Roland. He wanted me to come over there about something and I was trying to put it off until tomorrow morning. I didn’t feel like going anywhere. I was tired from being at the hospital all day.” Roland had called him after dinner about something important. He said he didn’t want to discuss it on the phone, but he thought it was important enough to discuss sooner rather than later. Luis had a strong sinking feeling in his stomach about Camp. It had been so hectic earlier. He’d been more worried about getting Hunter ready to go to the movies than he’d been about Camp. Though he was almost certain he’d closed the back door, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure.

“Are you positive you shut the door, Luis?” Jase asked.

He sighed and shrugged. “Almost positive.”

Then Hunter did something that caused a sharp pain in Luis’s stomach. Instead of running to Luis or Jase, he ran to Darius and said, “We have to find him, Darius. We have to go outside and look for him.” His face was red and there were tears running down his cheeks.